Wicked Wednesday: In the Realm of the Sensei 33

Note: Sorry, I skipped a couple of weeks, with this serial. The previous episode is here.

But where we’re at now is that Seamus and Asuka’s friend Yua has just licked Asuka to orgasm while Seamus fucked her from behind. The three of them are now lying on the floor, in a pleasant post-sex haze.


In the Realm of the Sensei

Seamus found himself softening at last, and he had to withdraw from Yua’s cunt, with one finger pressed on the rim of the condom so it came with him. He saw Asuka watching him, amused. He knew she thought the faces he pulled, when he had to withdraw from her, were hilarious: she thought he looked like he was being tortured. Cast out of heaven, certainly. 

He rolled onto his side and looked at the two young womens. Asuka lay on her back, thighs parted and her hand on Yua’s hair. Yua lay on her tummy, now Seamus was no longer inside her, licking and kissing Asuka’s lightly trembling belly.

Seamus knew that immediately after she’d come Asuka felt her cunt was too sensitive to touch, and she generally directed his attention to her belly, or if he was still insistently horny she’d take his cock in her mouth, or turn and offer her asshole. That was always an invitation he found hard to resist.

But he was surprised that Yua knew not to touch Asuka’s cunt immediately after she’d come. Then he thought about that and stopped being surprised. Yua had had his girl before. Without his knowledge. Or consent, of course. He reached over and smacked Yua’s bottom, lightly and prettily cane-striped, and when Yua purred at that, he smacked her again. The stripes, he noted, were already starting to fade. He’d applied the cane lightly, to both girls.

He said, “All right, you two. Bed.” He helped Asuka to her feet. Yua stood without his help, and got another hard spank as reward. He wanted to make them walk in front of him, but both Yua and Asuka came to his side and put an arm round his waist, so he put an arm over each girl’s shoulder and they walked together.

When they landed on his bed Asuka tried to put her mouth on his cock, but he took a handful of her hair and pulled her back up. Asuka knelt facing him. “Sensei, we have something to talk about.”


“Yua. Yua wants to live with us.” Seamus glanced at Yua. She kept her face blank and said nothing. Then she got off the bed, and knelt on the floor, looking up at him. Obviously Asuka was to be her mouthpiece.

Seamus smiled. “Well, she can visit.”

“Please, Sensei. She knows that her and me, we can make yours the happiest cock in the world. We’d both like that. You can keep us happy.”

“I said, she can visit.” 

“But she trusts you. Same as I do. You will look after her, and she knows you’d make her work hard at school. Not just in your classes, but you could make sure she worked in all her classes. She should be a top student, shouldn’t she?”

Seamus glanced at Yua, who stayed kneeling and impassive. He said, “Well, Yua likes discipline too much. Even if I caned her every time she didn’t do her work – which would be every day – she’d still enjoy herself.”

Yua reached under the bed. She held a flat cardboard box, in gold paper, and handed it to Asuka. Then she returned to her kneeling position, looking up at Seamus.

Asuka held the box out to him. “She got you this. It’s to show you that she’s serious. And this … this is something she is afraid of.”

Seamus frowned, but took the box. He tore the paper off, screwed it into a ball, and, after a second’s thought, held it to Yua’s mouth. Yua opened obediently, and took the paper between her teeth. It was, perhaps, the first time he’d seen her do something submissive that wasn’t fun. He opened the box.

There lay, coiled, a little whip with a wooden handle and a tail of hard, woven leather, a little longer than his arm. He took it, wonderingly, and looked down at Yua. She was nervous, he saw. She bit on the ball of paper in her mouth, trying to swallow. Asuka said, “Yua says she can’t imagine enjoying this. She says you may use it on her whenever you wish. As hard as you wish. But she will do whatever she can not to deserve it.”

Asuka looked down. His cock, he knew, was hardening, lengthening. She knew that she, and therefore Yua, had already won.

She said, “Of course you will use it on me, too. But I already know that’s not my choice to make.”

Seamus took the whip in his hand and put the box on his bed. He turned to Yua, and took the paper from her mouth and dropped it on the floor. She closed her mouth but did not otherwise move. Seamus couldn’t hold back a smile, though he tried. “Yua, I suppose Asuka can find you space in her drawers and the wardrobe for your stuff.”

“I already have, Sensei!” Seamus ignored her.

“Yua, we have a lot of rules to talk about. And you know you’ve already deserved your first touch of this -” He shook the whip.

“Hoippu,” said Yua. It was the Japanese word for “whip”. 


“I mean, I’d like to think of you as Hoippu. The man with the whip, who whips me. Hoippu Sensei. May I address you as that?” 

Seamus didn’t answer. He knew that she already knew the answer to that. He would be Hoippu Sensei. He said, “Yua, this bed appears to be yours, now. A third of it, anyway. So, welcome to the household.” 

He wasn’t sure who moved first. But within a second he was on his back, completely covered in squealing girls. 

Sinful Sunday: Ever so sorry


“You’re just paddling me because you like my arse!” 

She made that sound very, very wrong. I said, “Have you been an absolute little brat, all day today?” 


“I’m going to keep paddling you until you say you’re sorry and you’re going to behave yourself.”

“Sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry!”

“Oh, yeah. Also, I have to believe you. Shall we continue?”

She had no answer for that. A little later she squealed.



“Jennifer’s Pleats and Pleas 1: Jennifer’s First Spanking” is steamy hot and now on sale!

Jennifer’s Pleats and Please 1: Jennifer’s First Spanking is available through a range of suppliers, including Amazon, here.

What’s it about?

Beautiful young Jennifer Perch has been acting out, and when her Headmaster, Will Beecham, offers her a course of loving discipline, she accepts his offer with caution that soon becomes enthusiasm.

In this volume of Jennifer’s adventures she receives her first spanking, and discovers the sweeter sensations and emotions that discipline can lead to.

We also meet Maddie, Beecham’s secretary, a woman with her own erotic agenda.  

An exciting adventure begins…



Note: I’ve had many enthusiastic reader comments on this story. I’ve selected this one, but there are many more:

“This is a-grade erotica in a traditional style and setting, but told by an author with an eye for the telling erotic detail. And character details. These are three-dimensional people. I loved it!” – V Sevigne, reviewer.


From: Jennifer’s Pleats and Pleas 1: Jennifer’s First Spanking

“Skipping classes is foolish and childish, so you’ll be punished like a little child. Like a fool of a girl. I’m going to give you a spanking.”

Jennifer stared at me, her mouth dropped open, her eyes wide. 

“I mean now, Jennifer. Stand up.”

I stood and brought forward the companion chair to the one Jennifer was sitting on. It too was wooden, with a high straight back. Jennifer hadn’t moved yet. I gave her another order, so she had a sense of orders backing up, of things slipping out of her control. “Take off your blazer, Jennifer.”

Still nothing, except furious blushing, her hands clasped between her knees. I spoke sharply. “Or would you rather have the paddle? Naked over my desk like your two friends on Friday?”

It seemed she didn’t want that. She stood up suddenly and took off the blazer. She folded it and draped it over the back of her chair.

I sat in the chair I’d brought out from the wall and placed in the center of the room. “Wise choice. Come here now, girl.”

She did. She stood in front of me. Her knees were shaking. “Please don’t spank me, sir. I’ll do extra work. I’ll … write an essay. Or clean all the blackboards. Anything. I’ll be good, I promise! I – I’ve never been spanked. Never! Please, sir.”

I smiled at her and shook my head. I patted my right thigh. “Bend over my knee, Jennifer.”


Will that girl do as she’s told? And if she does, will she find she’s enjoying herself? To find out the answers to these and many other questions, get your copy of Jennifer’s Pleats and Pleas 1: Jennifer’s First Spanking 


Jennifer’s Pleats and Please 1: Jennifer’s First Spanking is available through a range of suppliers, including Amazon, here.

Special price! US$3.50.



Sinful Sunday: Throwing in the Towel

The main reason I like this image so much is, of course, the lovely Zoë leaning over the bed, with her bottom beautifully decorated by my very best efforts.

As is fitting, since this was taken in my native New Zealand, I used the flat of a Maori weapon, the patu (pictured), to do the warming and decoration. 

But there’s something else: I just love that elegant towel pulled aside to allow that spanking to be delivered. Its lines, especially the flare where it’s pulled away from her bottom, just perfect this picture for me. 

Note: I chose a favourite pic because this is the 500th Sinful Sunday! My congratulations and thanks to Molly for managing this meme so well and for so long!


Wicked Wednesday: A bad President! (Trigger warning: Turn-offs!)

“Stormy! Stormy! I’ve got the hots for you, honey! The best hots! I know all the hots!” 

“Oh?” Miss Daniels looked up from her MAGAzine. “Sorry, I didn’t notice. Your tummy kind of hides that cute Mr Tadpole the way your jowls hide your neck. But…” She sighed, and held out her reader for Donald to press his firm proud, square-jawed credit card against it, with casual familiarity.

There was a pause. Stormy had learned not to move a muscle, Trump-ward, until the cash showed up in her account. At last, after a little electronic chirp, she put down her copy of Hustler and turned off Fucks News.   

(Not actually the real DT. More an artist’s impression.)

She put on a white latex glove and lifted the reality TV belly’s dewlap. “I see,” she said, with professional detachment, “these would be the flibbiity floppity hots, Donald?”

“Well, you know I’ve been a very bad property developer. I get harder when I’m punished, Mistress. I love it when you call me names.” 

“Racist. Incompetent. Narcissist. Lazy idiot. Creep. Rapist. Psychopath,” sighed Stormy. “Ok, I think what you want is a good spanking, isn’t it?” 

The future President brightened.

“I banned black tenants from all my apartments today! Was that bad, Mistress?”

Stormy waved her forefinger in circles, the get-on-with-it gesture. “Then I guess you’d best assume the position.” She moved an elegant thigh forward, and reached for her Hustler. 

Donald leaned forward, slowly, and bent, puffing audibly, so that one half of his belly hung over the right-hand side of Miss Daniel’s presented thigh, and the other half bulged over the left. “I’ve been the baddest. Like you would never believe. People come up and tell me, they say they’d never seen badness like mine. Some of them are even crying.” 

Stormy sighed again. She rolled the Hustler into a tight cylinder and secured it with a rubber band. “I bet,” she said. 

She began to spank her client vigorously.

Though she was trying to hit hard, the sound that filled the room was not the usual crisp spanking sound. It was more like a live gerbil striking a pillow full of custard. 

Stormy closed her eyes and thought about money. And long, hot showers.

Note: Marie at Wicked Wednesday invited us to write turn-offs, this week. I believe I’ve lived up to the assignment. 

Sinful Sunday: Implausibly tawsible girl

I’ve only known one girl who genuinely, without mixed feelings, loved the tawse. That is, applied hard. 

The deterrent effect was somewhere below zero. When it came to cheek, mischief and disrespect, it somehow seems to have been some sort of incentive. 

So the wise Master wouldn’t use it, would he? Except that the tawse makes a wonderful sound on impact, and leaves a warm, increasingly lusty girl with a fresh, beautiful stripe.   

Also, he’s quite fond of her mischief, and he’d never want to turn that off. So the tawse doesn’t keep this household in order, but it does a pretty good job of keeping it happy.



Wicked Wednesday: In the Realm of the Sensei 32

Yua and Asuka turned to face each other. It was Asuka who put her arms round Yua, surprising Seamus, who’d expected Yua to be first to take advantage of their intimate position. 

He said, “Yua, put your thigh between Asuka’s; Asuka, let her. Good girls.” After a little graceful shuffling, the girls were pressed close, pussy to pussy, breasts pressing, holding each other tight.

Yua kissed her friend.  

Seamus waited for the first press of pussy against pussy, the first swing of hips. Asuka’s bottom arched back, in response to Yua’s slow thrust. Seamus swung the cane and stung his girl, just a little. When Asuka moved back at her friend, impelled a little by the new sting in her rear, and Yua retreated, he caned Yua, again lightly.

The girls fucked, standing, eyes wide, mouths open and exploring, with Seamus’s cane helping to choreograph and set the timing for them. They were beautiful together, and Seamus kept the pressure on till their bottoms were well, though lightly and pinkly, striped. 

Eventually, as he knew had to happen, Asuka lost concentration, at least concentration on matters like standing up, and she sank to her knees. Yua followed her down, pushing Asuka onto her back on the atami living room floor.

Yua knelt between Asuka’s thighs, her hands under Asuka’s buttocks, licking her intently while Asuka shook her head desperately, and muttered soft, high-pitched nonsense syllables.

Seamus gave Yua two harder strokes across her bottom, for reasons he could not have explained, but it helped increase Yua’s dedication to her task. Until Seamus knelt behind her, and entered her sweetly wet pussy. Yua raised her head for a second to squeal happily, and then returned to her task.

His hands gripping Yua’s hips with all his force, so he controlled her movements, he fucked the girl, slowly, savouring each movement. Seamus watched Asuka’s face as Yua industriously pleasured her.

He’d hoped to have eye contact with his love while he fucked her friend, but Asuka’s eyes were shut tight and she was lost, breathing in hard through her nose and mumbling sweetly with her out-breaths. Eventually Asuka reached up and put her hands on Yua’s shoulders, then reached under to hold her breasts. Yua yelped, happy, and Asuka squeezed, trying – not very successfully – to be cruel.  

But even the effort hit Yua, and in response she she thrust back at Seamus, needing all of his cock in her. Suddenly their fuck became hard and intense, and he had to hold Yua tight to keep her from bucking him out of her.

He smacked her with his hand and she growled, nose still deep pressed in Asuka’s cunt. Seamus wanted to slow down, prolong this, but Asuka suddenly opened her eyes and cried out. He hadn’t expected her to be the first to come, or to come so fast. She looked up and saw Seamus then, his face over Yua’s back, and smiled at him, still coming. 

Seamus didn’t smile. He was too focussed. Yua said, “Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Sensei!” He felt the flutter of her cunt contracting and releasing on his cock, and he pumped her in earnest, without holding back. They came more or less together, or at least in overlapping waves. “Oh, fuck me. Fuck me,” Yua said, though it seemed to him that it was a little late to suggest that. She slowly fell forward till she lay on her stomach, face on Asuka’s midriff, Seamus still hard in her.

Asuka smiled up at both of them, obviously still a little dazed. She put one hand on Yua’s mouth, and the other on Seamus’s. He saw Yua bite his girl. He kissed the hand at his mouth.

Sinful Sunday: Stand and deliver

So I said, “I want to you stand there and think about what you’ve done. I’ll be back to deal with you.”

What she’d done, as far as I was concerned, was be too ridiculously cute not to spank firmly before boarding. But from her point of view, well, she had been late to work, for the third day in a row, and that was bad.

Though it was largely my fault. I found it possible to order her to get up and shower and get dressed, but actually kicking her out of bed was more than her Master had had the will-power to do.

So she was standing obediently and waiting, but I expect she knew that this wasn’t going to be one of the world’s most successful disciplinary interventions. Instead it was going to get us both back in bed in no time flat, once I’d re-entered the room. 

Ah, the Master/slave dynamic. It can be a terribly, terribly, tough life.

Sinful Sunday: Bound to be Good

Arethusa tied to the table, her bottom stripy and very warm to my touch. It feels hot to her too, in both obvious senses of the word.

Usually we’d fuck very soon – seconds – after I’d put the cane down, but this time I left time for her to savour the afterglow while still tied down. And the expectation of sex, also still bound over that table.

 It took Arethusa far too long to get her Master to fully understand just how much she liked being bound. By which I mean I was shamefully slow to realise it.




In the Realm of the Sensei 31

Yua, despatched to fetch the cane, got out of bed with every appearance of sulkiness. Seamus doubted it was real; Yua was a play-acting girl. So was Asuka, he reflected, when she was under Yua’s influence. Asuka was by nature a good girl, who liked to please her master. Yua was a girl who liked to be tamed, over and over, into pleasing her master. Thenˆshe liked pleasing her master. 

Yua wiggled her ass rebelliously and enticingly as her feet hit the floor and she crossed to the wardrobe. She said, “I let you lick my pussy, sensei. Isn’t that worth something?”

It crossed Seamus’s mind to point out that she was in no position to grant, or withhold, her pussy, at least in relation to him. But he knew that she knew that. When she thought a caning was coming, she tended to misbehave in ways calculated to make it longer and harder. She’d only start to show remorse when she suspected that it was coming to a point where it wouldn’t be fun. 

Not so long ago he’d given her two dozen hard strokes, and she’d taken them mostly dry of eye and wet of pussy. He knew he didn’t really have the heart to prolong or intensify a punishment enough to cause her genuine anguish. Well, he probably didn’t. He’d have to wait and see, and so would she. 

Yua turned from the wardrobe, holding that crook-handled length of flexible rattan. She said, “Cruel sensei. How do you want me?”

Seamus said, “Just stand, feet wide apart, facing away from me, beside the bed.” 

Yua frowned. That was curious, but not scary. She obeyed. “Do I put my hands on my hand, sensei?” 

“Of course.” Seamus reached over now, to give the fascinated Asuka a ringing smack on her ass. He said, “Asuka, get out of bed now, and join your naughty friend. Same pose, except that you’re facing me.”

Asuka scrambled up and stood in front of Yua. “Hai, sensei!” She backed closer. “Bottoms touching, sensei?”

“Yes, little one. Like sexy bookends.” 

“Hai, sensei.” Asuka made a pelvic thrust, to bounce Yua’s bottom with her own. Then they stood together, back to back, their asses and shoulders pressing against the other.

Seamus decided this was the prettiest and sexiest sight he had ever seen, and he took several pictures with his camera. Then he put the camera down, kissed each girl in turn, and then slipped the cane between their thighs. He lifted the ends of the cane, turning it, and it pressed against and slid between Yua’s pussylips, and then Asuka’s. 

He lifted the ends of the cane higher, drawing it tight, so each girl was touched and stimulated from perineum to clitoris. Asuka said, “Oh! Oh, sensei!” Yua said nothing, but she started to move her hips, sometimes pressed against the cane, sometimes against Asuka’s bottom. After a moment, Asuka did the same.

There was no sound, except for two beautiful girls breathing hard. Asuka made a little high-pitched noise after a time, and Yua followed suit. It was hard work, Seamus found, holding the cane so tightly bent, pleasuring his two girls. But rewarding. He thought the two of them, sexually entranced, were now even sexier and more beautiful. But he couldn’t pleasure them with the cane and take a photo. He’d just have to remember.  

It was Asuka who first made the sound that told him that she was getting ready to come. Then Yua moaned in answer. Seamus whipped the cane away, and said, “Right, both of you. Turn around and face each other.”