Bedroom Eyes 35

I rolled over and kissed Scallop’s pussy. Then I put my tongue against her lips, warm and wet and woman-pungent, and she gasped. I smacked her bottom for that, but fondly. I raised my head to look at her. She looked back, surprised: had I stopped being cruel?

I said, “Scallop, you still can’t speak, but you can make noises now.”

She lowered her head and made an assenting grunt. I kissed her pussy again, then spread her thighs and began licking, with two fingers inserted inside her.She undulated against me, sighing.

Maires had got to her knees, and was kissing and biting Scallop’s nipples, occasionally moving up to kiss her mouth. I sped up, mouth and nose pressed into Scallop’s wet and moving mango, and she moaned as if she was in great and wonderful pain. She reached down and stroked my hair, then pressed her hand down on my head. I could have punished her for assuming she could use force on me, but just then it didn’t matter. Her thighs clamped tight on my face while I tongued her hard and fast, and her body tensed. Her orgasm was a soft, bird sound, a dove’s coo.

She lay back, gasping, but Maires was determined she’d get no rest. She straddled Scallop, her thighs on Scallop’s shouders, with her pussy just above Scallop’s mouth. It was clear what Maires wanted. Scallop complied, lifting her face and giving her Mistress service.

I said, “Good girl. Good girls.”

I watched for a moment, looking up at Scallop’s breasts in motion while Scallop started her new task, and at Maires’s arse, also in motion, fucking Scallop’s face. Then I buried my face back in Scallop’s cunt, making her gasp. Somehow, that gasp made Maires tense and grunt at the same moment.

I thrust three fingers inside Scallop, still tonguing her, and she closed her thighs on my face again. Maires sobbed suddenly. Scallop’s response to my hand and mouth had made her service more intense.

Maires’s arse was in dramatic motion, firmly pressed against Scallop’s face, riding her ruthlessly for her own pleasure. I stayed with my task, but watched Maires suddenly lift her head, staring up at the ceiling, ululating painedly and triumphantly, then fall forward, her belly on Scallop’s face. Scallop writhed, pressing herself against my mouth, until she came too, her orgasmic moan gentler, softer than Maires.

I edged my way up the bed and Scallop’s body, pressing my cock against her and then into her. She was a wet girl, tight and warm. She raised her thighs to hold me, as if she’d folded her body in two. Maires rolled off Scallop’s face, and knelt beside her, watching her being fucked, sometimes leaning down to kiss her. Scallop sighed. Then she sped up, taking me deep, and we moved together, my hands now holding her breasts hard.

We stared intently at each other, Scallop and I, then her eyes rolled back, the pupils almost disappearing. I squeezed her nipples between my thumbs and forefingers, then twisted. She screamed at last, loud as Maires, and came for the third time. She lay back panting, being kissed by Maires but making little response. For now she was done.

I was still hard in her, as I hadn’t come myself, but I withdrew and climbed further up so I could put an arm round Maires and drag her down to lie with Scallop and me. We lay together, my loves at my sides, and lay still, calm and loving. Scallop kissed my armpit and put a hand on my cock.

But when she started to stroke me I shook my head and she stopped. “Scallop.”


“You’ve got back the right to speak. How do you feel?”

She looked at me. “I feel wonderful. I loved being your table. And whatever I was just then. You can do that again whenever you like.” Her voice was high, breathy.

“I don’t need your permission, love.”

“S-sorry, Master.”

I smiled, I hope reassuringly. “But I’m glad you enjoyed yourself. We will do it again, little puss.”

I smacked her belly, since her bottom was out of reach. She smiled at me. I kissed her nose, then her mouth. My cock was very aware of her. At my other side Maires shifted, her face under my arm, body curled. I looked down at her, keeping still. A tendrill of hair on her mouth moved as she breathed. She gave a sort of gentle proto-snore. She was asleep.

Bedroom Eyes 34

Scallop waited silently, in position on her hands and knees. Maires had bent herself over her back, her thighs wide apart. She reached back for my cock as I put my knees between hers, and placed the head of my cock against her asshole. I pressed forward, and entered with only an instant of muscled resistance. She was tight but also slippery; she’d lubed herself very thoroughly. 

She sighed as I pushed deeper into her. Scallop, kneeling beneath her, acting as table for this fuck, held her body tense. She stared into the carpet below her nose, knowing she’d be punished hard and long if she collapsed under our combined weights.

Maires reached back to hold my arse as I pushed into her. She expelled all her breath when I was fully inside her, my groin hard against the blazing heat of her bottom.

We held still for a long, long moment until I felt her breathe again. I withdrew a little then, and pressed forward again. Maires grunted when I was again held deep inside her and pushed back, trying to take me deeper still. Scallop, supporting both our weights, grunted at almost the same moment as Maires. She moved her left knee a little to the left to give herself a more secure base. Maires looked back at me then. She wanted something to happen to Scallop.

I decided she was right and reached for the belt and doubled it, still moving in Maires’s ass. I smacked it hard down Mairse’s right thigh, then the left, so that she sped up under me, and then swung it across Scallop’s bottom.

Scallop barely reacted to the first stroke, though it landed loud and left a bright red stripe, so I gave her five more, making her move under us wth each impact. “Scallop, you will keep yourself still.”

Scallop didn’t look back at me. She suspected that wasn’t allowed just then. She nodded emphatically, knowing she didn’t have permission to speak. I swung the belt again, this time making her gasp, then returned my attention to Maires. I reached under her’s belly and stroked her pussy, more or less in time with my cock in her ass.

Maires’s head lifted and she wailed into the air, a happy sexual squall. We sped up, pushing each other hard, with no thought for poor Scallop below us as she struggled to keep herself upright and still while our fuck became more vigorous and abandoned.

I put my hands back on Maires’s shoulders, still holding the belt, and drove faster and harder. Maires tried to look back at me again, desperation on her face. “Master, may I, may I?”

She broke off, too intensely busy with sensation to manage things like words. I didn’t have much time to decide, I knew. I’d heard that voice before from Maires, and if I didn’t give her permission she wouldn’t be able to hold off for long. I didn’t want to have to punish Maires just then, because all of this was mostly for Scallop’s benefit. So I said, “Yes, girl. For your Master. Now.”

I took up the belt again, laying six more strokes across Scallop’s bottom while Maires screamed and plunged against her back and side. I wanted Scallop to notice and appreciate the unfairness of her being whipped while Maires was getting pleasured.

I plunged three fingers into Scallop’s pussy then and stroked that spongy, engorged upper wall. She cried out then shut her mouth quickly: she was supposed to be silent but that sensation was almost too much to bear.

I knew she’d be happy but I didn’t expect that in just a few seconds she’d open her eyes and mouth wide and come too, trying to be silent like a good girl and wonderfully, musically failing. 

Being dropped very deep into submission had left her reach a state of sexual trance, and it wouldn’t have taken much to trigger that orgasm. But with her concentration scattered her left arm buckled and she fell onto her side under Maires’s and my bodies. We lay together in a pile, stroking and kissing whatever human flesh we encountered. We were loving, exhausted, happy and satisfied with each other.

Scallop knew she was in trouble for failing to be a good table for Maires and me, but for the time being that didn’t matter. Maires kissed her. I kissed her. I spanked her pussy lightly, for comfort.