Bedroom Eyes 36: The End

We sat in the kitchen around the table, Maires and I in dressing gowns., Stephanie/Scallop in my biggest shirt and her knickers. I’d made a Thai-ish meal with red curry mix plus extra chilli, pork, beans and pineapple, rice and a side-dish of muchrooms and capsicum.

The three of us had eaten with my three housemates. They’d eaten, drunk wine and conversed during the meal but they’d left soon after. From their perspective, the three of us were new lovers and we should be given space and time. They were good people.

Stephanie was facing Maires and me across the table while we’d eaten, but now she came over, and lay facedown over Maires’s lap and mine. I pulled her knickers down and smacked her bottom, but not too loudly. Maires joined in, helpfully since it had to be done. Still, we kept it quiet: my housemates were also likely to produce under0-dressed lovers from their bedroom from time to time, but it was still common space.

Eventually, I told Stephanie to pull her shirt down and turn over onto her back. Maires and I sipped Shiraz and stroked Stephanie’s tummy and breasts, with no need to talk. We were a happy family.

But Stephanie said, “I should be naked rnow, shouldn’t I?”

“Well, yes.” I leaned down and kissed her. “But this isn’t a party. Party rules don’t apply. There are other people. I’ll buy you a dressing gown.”

“No! I mean: please no, Master. If I needed a dressing gown I’d buy it. But I’m saying something else. Your bed is too small for the three of us, isn’t it? I mean for everyday. It’s fine when we’re having sexy good times but if we just want to sleep together we need a king-sized bed. Don’t we?”

Maires said, “Yes, my little love, that’d be great. But I’ve measured. We can’t really fit a king-sized bed in our room. Not without it being awkward to walk round.”

Stephanie touched my face, then Maires’s.

“Darlings. My loves. I want to be naked when I leave our bedroom and go to the loo. Or the kitchen. I want to be naked around the house when I’ve got cane marks across my bum. For that matter, Mistress, I want you to be naked after Master’s caned you. You’ve got a hot ass, my mistress-love. And I want to be able to turn over in bed or go to the loo without being worried about disturbing you.”

“You don’t disturb us,” I said. “We’re just a pile of sleeping mammals. We fart, we move, we snore, we mutter, we turn over. We don’t really wake up.”

“But if I’m in the middle, I’ve got to climb over one of you to get to the loo. That wakes you. I always feel bad.”

Maires and I looked at each other. Maires was frowning, worried. Stephanie was a new wonder in our life, and she didn’t want her unhappy.

I said, “Scallop? What are you saying?”

“I’d like to live with you two. They say menages never last, but I don’t care. I’ll love it as long as it lasts, and maybe, anyway, we’ll all stay loving each other and stay together.”

Maires leant down and sucked then bit Stephanie’s nipple. “I hope so, little love.” Stephanie sighed and her tummy rippled.

I put my hand on Stephanie’s pussy and stroked her gently while Maires nuzzled and bit her breasts lovingly. “I love you, Scallop. Not sure if I’ve mentioned it.”

She snorted derisively. I’d said so many times. “I love you too. I love you two. But we can’t live here. Not live the way we should be living. We need to get a new place, just the three of us.”

“OK.” I frowned. “We’ll try to get a bigger bed. And I’ll explain to the housemates, they’ll be cool.”

Maires put her hand over my mouth, something she sometimes did when I’d said something stupid. She kissed Stephanie’s mouth, then lifted her head to look down at her.

“You’re right, little love. We look at the accommodation ads in the papers from now to Saturday. On Saturday we go to some inspections. And we’ll talk to some real estate agents.”

Stephanie said, “Kinky threesome seeks one-bedroom house?”

Maires smacked Stephanie’s thigh. “They don’t need to know how weird we are. It should be a three-bedroom house anyway. Guest room. And we need a sex room.”

I looked at her, surprised. “A sex room?”

“Yes, Master.”

“Oh. All right. Actually that sounds good . All right, Scallop, we go looking for a place you can live in and love, and have both your master and your mistress on … on tap, I suppose. You can get sex, love, direction and discipline, twenty-four seven, no waiting.”

Stephanie’s face lit up. “Oh yes, there’s waiting. I can’t wait. I’d move there tomorrow.”

Maires started to talk about rental prices. Stephanie took her hand and pressed it next to mine, which still explored and stroked her cunt. Maires looked at me. Her look meant, “This stuff Stephanie’s saying: what have we here and what do you think about it?”

I said, “I think it’s time for us to go back to bed now. Or we will give the housemates something, ah, active and depraved in the kitchen, that they’d have to walk around when they make cups of tea.”

Stephanie rolled off me and knelt between my legs, to kiss my cock under my dressing gown. I stroked her head but stood while I could, or could discreetly. It seemed we’d all just agreed to change, and join, our lives. I was surprised by how little doubt I felt. And no fear. We joined hands and walked, three abreast, back to Maires and my now inadequate room.

[The end, for now]

Bedroom Eyes 35

I rolled over and kissed Scallop’s pussy. Then I put my tongue against her lips, warm and wet and woman-pungent, and she gasped. I smacked her bottom for that, but fondly. I raised my head to look at her. She looked back, surprised: had I stopped being cruel?

I said, “Scallop, you still can’t speak, but you can make noises now.”

She lowered her head and made an assenting grunt. I kissed her pussy again, then spread her thighs and began licking, with two fingers inserted inside her.She undulated against me, sighing.

Maires had got to her knees, and was kissing and biting Scallop’s nipples, occasionally moving up to kiss her mouth. I sped up, mouth and nose pressed into Scallop’s wet and moving mango, and she moaned as if she was in great and wonderful pain. She reached down and stroked my hair, then pressed her hand down on my head. I could have punished her for assuming she could use force on me, but just then it didn’t matter. Her thighs clamped tight on my face while I tongued her hard and fast, and her body tensed. Her orgasm was a soft, bird sound, a dove’s coo.

She lay back, gasping, but Maires was determined she’d get no rest. She straddled Scallop, her thighs on Scallop’s shouders, with her pussy just above Scallop’s mouth. It was clear what Maires wanted. Scallop complied, lifting her face and giving her Mistress service.

I said, “Good girl. Good girls.”

I watched for a moment, looking up at Scallop’s breasts in motion while Scallop started her new task, and at Maires’s arse, also in motion, fucking Scallop’s face. Then I buried my face back in Scallop’s cunt, making her gasp. Somehow, that gasp made Maires tense and grunt at the same moment.

I thrust three fingers inside Scallop, still tonguing her, and she closed her thighs on my face again. Maires sobbed suddenly. Scallop’s response to my hand and mouth had made her service more intense.

Maires’s arse was in dramatic motion, firmly pressed against Scallop’s face, riding her ruthlessly for her own pleasure. I stayed with my task, but watched Maires suddenly lift her head, staring up at the ceiling, ululating painedly and triumphantly, then fall forward, her belly on Scallop’s face. Scallop writhed, pressing herself against my mouth, until she came too, her orgasmic moan gentler, softer than Maires.

I edged my way up the bed and Scallop’s body, pressing my cock against her and then into her. She was a wet girl, tight and warm. She raised her thighs to hold me, as if she’d folded her body in two. Maires rolled off Scallop’s face, and knelt beside her, watching her being fucked, sometimes leaning down to kiss her. Scallop sighed. Then she sped up, taking me deep, and we moved together, my hands now holding her breasts hard.

We stared intently at each other, Scallop and I, then her eyes rolled back, the pupils almost disappearing. I squeezed her nipples between my thumbs and forefingers, then twisted. She screamed at last, loud as Maires, and came for the third time. She lay back panting, being kissed by Maires but making little response. For now she was done.

I was still hard in her, as I hadn’t come myself, but I withdrew and climbed further up so I could put an arm round Maires and drag her down to lie with Scallop and me. We lay together, my loves at my sides, and lay still, calm and loving. Scallop kissed my armpit and put a hand on my cock.

But when she started to stroke me I shook my head and she stopped. “Scallop.”


“You’ve got back the right to speak. How do you feel?”

She looked at me. “I feel wonderful. I loved being your table. And whatever I was just then. You can do that again whenever you like.” Her voice was high, breathy.

“I don’t need your permission, love.”

“S-sorry, Master.”

I smiled, I hope reassuringly. “But I’m glad you enjoyed yourself. We will do it again, little puss.”

I smacked her belly, since her bottom was out of reach. She smiled at me. I kissed her nose, then her mouth. My cock was very aware of her. At my other side Maires shifted, her face under my arm, body curled. I looked down at her, keeping still. A tendrill of hair on her mouth moved as she breathed. She gave a sort of gentle proto-snore. She was asleep.

Bedroom Eyes 34

Scallop waited silently, in position on her hands and knees. Maires had bent herself over her back, her thighs wide apart. She reached back for my cock as I put my knees between hers, and placed the head of my cock against her asshole. I pressed forward, and entered with only an instant of muscled resistance. She was tight but also slippery; she’d lubed herself very thoroughly. 

She sighed as I pushed deeper into her. Scallop, kneeling beneath her, acting as table for this fuck, held her body tense. She stared into the carpet below her nose, knowing she’d be punished hard and long if she collapsed under our combined weights.

Maires reached back to hold my arse as I pushed into her. She expelled all her breath when I was fully inside her, my groin hard against the blazing heat of her bottom.

We held still for a long, long moment until I felt her breathe again. I withdrew a little then, and pressed forward again. Maires grunted when I was again held deep inside her and pushed back, trying to take me deeper still. Scallop, supporting both our weights, grunted at almost the same moment as Maires. She moved her left knee a little to the left to give herself a more secure base. Maires looked back at me then. She wanted something to happen to Scallop.

I decided she was right and reached for the belt and doubled it, still moving in Maires’s ass. I smacked it hard down Mairse’s right thigh, then the left, so that she sped up under me, and then swung it across Scallop’s bottom.

Scallop barely reacted to the first stroke, though it landed loud and left a bright red stripe, so I gave her five more, making her move under us wth each impact. “Scallop, you will keep yourself still.”

Scallop didn’t look back at me. She suspected that wasn’t allowed just then. She nodded emphatically, knowing she didn’t have permission to speak. I swung the belt again, this time making her gasp, then returned my attention to Maires. I reached under her’s belly and stroked her pussy, more or less in time with my cock in her ass.

Maires’s head lifted and she wailed into the air, a happy sexual squall. We sped up, pushing each other hard, with no thought for poor Scallop below us as she struggled to keep herself upright and still while our fuck became more vigorous and abandoned.

I put my hands back on Maires’s shoulders, still holding the belt, and drove faster and harder. Maires tried to look back at me again, desperation on her face. “Master, may I, may I?”

She broke off, too intensely busy with sensation to manage things like words. I didn’t have much time to decide, I knew. I’d heard that voice before from Maires, and if I didn’t give her permission she wouldn’t be able to hold off for long. I didn’t want to have to punish Maires just then, because all of this was mostly for Scallop’s benefit. So I said, “Yes, girl. For your Master. Now.”

I took up the belt again, laying six more strokes across Scallop’s bottom while Maires screamed and plunged against her back and side. I wanted Scallop to notice and appreciate the unfairness of her being whipped while Maires was getting pleasured.

I plunged three fingers into Scallop’s pussy then and stroked that spongy, engorged upper wall. She cried out then shut her mouth quickly: she was supposed to be silent but that sensation was almost too much to bear.

I knew she’d be happy but I didn’t expect that in just a few seconds she’d open her eyes and mouth wide and come too, trying to be silent like a good girl and wonderfully, musically failing. 

Being dropped very deep into submission had left her reach a state of sexual trance, and it wouldn’t have taken much to trigger that orgasm. But with her concentration scattered her left arm buckled and she fell onto her side under Maires’s and my bodies. We lay together in a pile, stroking and kissing whatever human flesh we encountered. We were loving, exhausted, happy and satisfied with each other.

Scallop knew she was in trouble for failing to be a good table for Maires and me, but for the time being that didn’t matter. Maires kissed her. I kissed her. I spanked her pussy lightly, for comfort.

Bedroom eyes 33

Stephanie/scallop stayed on her hands and knees, a muscle in her thigh trembling a little as she held herself still for Maires and I, who were eating our breakfast omelettes from the table formed by her back. Scallop was silent, since she didn’t have permission to speak. Maires and I talked about concerts. There were two coming up, one with Taylor Swift, the other with The Chemical Brothers.We could afford just one.

I wanted to see Swift, because I can see that her songs are well-written even if they’re not really aimed at me, but mainly because it was the closest I’d ever come to seeing a crowd reaction as happy and also weird as the girls in old footage who’d screamed at the Beatles. Maires wanted the Chemical Brothers, because of edge and noise and excitement. I suspected that Stephanie would probably pick Swift too, making it two to one, but just then she wasn’t allowed an opinion, let alone a vote.

Eventually we’d finished and I leaned back against the bed. “Maires, clear the plates and glasses on the floor for scallop.”

“Yes, Master.” Practical orders like that always disappointed her a little. if I’m giving her orders surely I could come up with something a bit more sexy?

I looked, significantly, at my belt on the floor, and she obeyed my boring order.

“Scallop, get up, take the dishes to the kitchen and clean them. Then come back here and resume your place. Don’t speak.”

Scallop stood, stretching lithely, then bent to pick up the plates, cutlery and glasses, and left us, closing the door behind her. Maires had been watching scallop’s body, as I had, but now we were alone she looked at me. “So what now?”

“She’s a table. Have I ever fucked you over a table?”

“Oh. Oh, I see. I love being fucked over a table. But, um, has a table ever liked being fucked on?”

“I think this table will envy us.” Maires nodded. “Lubricate yourself for me, girl.”

“Yes, Master!” That was more like a proper order. Maires crawled to the bedside table and took the lube. She squatted and inserted lube into her asshole, using two fingers to enter herself. She was always very focused on herself and her sensations when she did that. I watched her silently.

When she felt she was slippery enough she put the tube back and shut the drawer. I held out my arms. “Come here, love.”

She crawled to me then, and looked at my eyes. I kissed her. We didn’t have to speak. She dropped to take my cock, still soft, in her mouth, and sucked gently, lovingly, until I was hard. She was still serving me, her feet and back to the door, when scallop re-entered the room.

Scallop smiled at me, to tell me she was happy I was being pleasured, then dropped to her hands and knees again, just beyond Maires’s feet.

It was hard resisting the urge to tell scallop she was a good girl. Instead I said, “Maires, I’m going to fuck your ass.” Maires knew that; that announcement was for scallop’s benefit. “Bend over the table and present yourself.”

Scallop’s hands and toes clenched as she felt her mistress’s belly and breasts on her back.

I said, “Table will come under a certain amount of pounding. Table will not move, or there will be consequences.”

Scallop nodded, wisely without speaking, hearing the threat of punishment and feeling it was only right. Maires’s ass was before me, with my cock pointing at it. I got up onto my knees and waddled forward. I smacked Maires’s bottom, hard enough to echo off the walls and make her jolt.

I lined up my cock so I pressed between her buttocks. Maires reached back and spread herself for me. But there was something I couldn’t stop myself doing. I smacked Stephanie/scallop’s bottom too, then stroked between her cheeks. She was a very wet girl. She gasped at the touch, but remembered not to speak or move.

I reached for my belt and put in within reach so I could use it while I buttfucked Maires. I expected I’d want to. I smacked Stephanie/scallop’s arse again, and she looked at me. She wanted me to smile at her. I felt I shouldn’t lessen her humiliation, but I couldn’t help smiling back. She nodded, satisfied, and lowered her head to look at the carpet.

I put my hands on Maires’s shoulders, and she reached back to hold my cock and guide it into place.

Bedroom Eyes 31

I entered Maires’s ass, easily. Maires was turned on and relaxed, and Stephanie was trying to show she was a good girl: told to lubricate Maires’s ass, she’d been diligent. I pressed forward, less abrupt than I sometimes am. I was in a gentle, loving mood.

Maires usually prefers me to be a Dom who makes things happen, and if some of them hurt, that’s more than OK. Steph also seemed to prefer me to be a hard man, not just in terms of my cock, but in my conduct towards her.

Being loving was self-indulgence, and too much would make them both unhappy.

So gentleness is not an unmixed blessing, but I felt loving towards them both. Slowly and reprehensibly gently I fucked Maires’s ass, my hands on hers as she grabbed a handful of the bottom sheet and some mattress protector, my cock hard but moving comfortably, I hoped comfortingly, in her rectum. 

Maires put her calves and ankles on mine as I buggered her, so I knew she was starting to feel the emotion behind this. I kissed her shoulderblade, and reached back and smacked the side of her ass, so that she could know all was well in the world. We moved together after that, Maires tightening her rectal muscles as I withdrew and relaxing as I pushed forward. I’d trained her to do that, long ago, with a lot of use of the riding crop and cane, but she knew what was right, now. We made love.

Stephanie watched us fucking. I’m sure she desired us both, and we made a stirring, hot, sight: a gentle, sensual buttfuck. But she was left out.

This was an odd thing. I wanted her to feel excluded and only a spectator to pleasure, because I believed she would discover that that sensation confirmed her deeply enslaved status, and therefore it’d be sexual for her.

That was my goal, but doing that sort of thing is always a risk. I desperately didn’t want to make her genuinely unhappy. I just wanted her to find an even deeper level of submission to fall into and occupy.

Ignoring Stephanie’s sexual wants was my way of giving her love. I don’t say that to make excuses: it was what I hoped I was doing, and that she’d take pleasure in. She’d showed herself to be more deeply submissive than Maires was, and I was trying to make her happy by putting her in a position that objectively seemed miserable. BDSM is about emotion, and it’s rarely simple.

Maires said, “Fuck, fuck me, fuck,” low and gutteral in her throat. In answer I smacked her again, harder, and sped up. Now we were fucking like a Master and slave, faster, and she began to squeal, while I made deeper, bear-growl noises.

Maires gasped, “Can I come, Master?”, and I shook my head, then remembered to say no.

Eventually, when I was ready to come in her, I said, “Yes, girl: now!” and she was wailing, beautiful and distraught, before I’d come.

Afterwards we were both out of breath, and Maires rolled onto her side, dislodging me. She was still puffing when she said, “I really want your cock, Master. Can I have your cock in my mouth?”

I said, “Jesus, Maires. I mean, yes, but I doubt if I’ll be up again for …”

Then I remembered Stephanie. I was being cruel to Stephanie, and I hoped she was enjoying that, even though I wasn’t touching her. I said, “Scallop.” That was her new slavename, given her no more than half an hour ago.

“Yes, Master?”

“Your Mistress wants to suck my cock. So clean my cock first, Scallop. Warm wet cloth. Fast!”

“Of course, Master!” She meant, I can do so much more than that: why don’t you tell me to? But she hurried to the bathroom, Maires and I both watching her cane-striped bottom as she moved.

Maires put her hand on Stephanie’s face when she returned, rubbing my cock with the toweling cloth in a way she hoped I might find worth my attention. When she’d finished the cleaning part of her task, though she showed no desire to stop, I knocked Maires’s hand away and said, “Back to your place, Scallop.”

She was disappointed, I knew, but she obeyed. “Yes, Master.” She stood alone, naked, legs parted, hands on head. Of course she was beautiful, and Maires and I were both in love with her. But Maires had begun to understand what I was doing. She ignored Stephanie, and lowered her head to take me in her mouth.

Two lovers made love. Stephanie, the third, stood apart, alone. Neglected, though she was the centre of my attention and perhaps Maires’s. I had to take it on faith that this was hot for her.

But her ordeal would have to last a while yet.

Bedroom Eyes 29

There was fingernail skittering at the bedroom door, quite low, like a cat scratching to be let in. I said, “Come in!”

A second passed, then the handle turned. Another second passed and the pair of them emerged into the room, Stephanie on her hands and knees, and Maires on her back riding her. Both were naked, their clothes presumably shed in the kitchen. Maires had one hand on Stephanie’s right ear, while her left hand was behind her, holding the riding crop against Stephanie’s left thigh.

Stephanie’s face was a bright red, with darker patches at her cheekbones. Her eyes and nose still ran.

She had, after all, just taken a more severe whipping than I’d ever given Maires, or any submissive. She looked at at the carpet, uncertain if she had permission to look at me or speak. A glistening drop ran down her nose and onto the carpet. I realised that the darker red around her cheekbones wasn’t due to embarrassment but abrasion. When Stephanie had been serving Maires, Maires had clamped her face hard between her thighs, and Stephanie had had to push hard to work her mouth and tongue while tightly held.

Maires said, “Thank you, Master.” She might have been thanking me for permission to enter or her use of Stephanie.

“You’ve obviously had a good time, Maires. But has my new girl had a good time as well?”

Maires said, “I don’t think my ride has ever been so certain, before, that she’s in the place she belongs. And she’s happy to be in her place. Would you mind if I show you, Master?”

“Of course.”

Maires took Stephanie’s right ear in a firmer grip and pulled. Stephanie began to turn, Maires still riding her, until she presented her – and Maires’s for that matter – buttocks and thighs. But while Maires was only lightly marked from discipline I’d given her earlier, Stephanie’s bottom and legs were one large and painful-looking red blotch: a vista of red with occasional darker stripes where the crop had taken her particularly hard.

Maires stood then, her thighs straddling Stephanie, and dismounted. She crossed to the bed and passed me the riding crop. She said, “She took her floggings, and her service well, for a new slave. If I’ve done wrong, Master, please punish me.” She turned away from me and bent herself like a jackknife, her fingertips touching her toes. That was a position she always found slightly uncomfortable, and by choosing it she was making assurances to me about our relationship.

Both women were beautiful, desirable, and presented. I was tempted to take Maires’s offer, and whip her while she was presented, for my own pleasure. Perhaps also because I was slightly ashamed of myself for not having understood the depth of submission that Stephanie wanted, and I was slightly cross with Maires for having been more astute than I’d been.

But while those might be reasons for wanting to flog Maires, they were not good reasons for actually doing it.

I said to Maires, “I’ll deal with you later. For now, get up, love, and stand with your nose to the wall.”

“Yes, Master.” Maires put her hands on her head and walked to press herself against the wall, feet a little apart. She walked to the wall and put her hands on her head, a lithe woman, a clever woman, a woman who knew the relatively pale state of her own skin would not last.

I looked at Stephanie, on her knees with her back to me, her bottom and thighs thoroughly and remorselessly whipped. “You on your hands and knees! Come here!”

Stephanie made to turn and I said, “No! Backwards! Come here, girl.”

She made a sound of understanding, then said, “Yes, Master.” I watched her approach, her cunt and smaller hole seeming to watch me as she crawled. She stopped when I laid the shaft of the crop on her lower back.

I said, “Spread,” and she acknowledged the order then moved her knees about half a metre apart, her back arched like a cat. I clasped her cunt, hard, between two fingers, not seeking to give her pleasure or reward. She was wonderfully wet,  slippery, engorged: I released my grip on her labia and spanked her, starting at medium hard and quickly building up to full punishment spanking.

But I’d have to stop soon, I realised. It was hard not giving Stephanie loving words, to let her know that though we hurt her physically we loved her. As well, she was enjoying the feel of my bare hand against her cunt too much. I shouldn’t be giving Stephanie pleasure. Her world had to be harsh, for now. So I stopped the spanking and said, “Maires taught you a lot about your place, didn’t she?”

“Oh, yes, Master. Thank you, Mistress!” Maires, her body pressed against the wall, said nothing. She knew she didn’t have permission to speak.

[To be continued]

Bedroom Eyes 27

Maires had asked me if I were jealous of the bond that seemed to be developing between her and Stephanie. It was a question that needs thought, but it also needs an instant answer.

“No, of course not,” I said. “You’re both doing new things – you’re being dominant, and Stephanie’s getting turned on by another woman. I really don’t want to lose you, and I’d be devastated if I did, but I think you should both explore. That,” I grimaced, because I suspected I was lying, “Is the truth.”

Maires came closer, and looked into my eyes. She brushed the hair off my forehead, so we could each see ourselves reflected in the other’s eyes. “Master, I love you. And I’m in lust with you.” She put her hand on my cock, which was still wet with her, or with Stephanie. She smiled at me till I smiled back at her. “I know for a fact that Stephanie is too. In love with you and in lust. But we both want to explore. I feel that from her, and I know I feel the same.”

I said, “I know. And I’m not exactly jealous. Part of me fears that you’ll go off together and leave me behind. I hope that’s stupid: no, I’m sure it is. But I think that fear’s a very slightly different thing from jealousy. Or maybe it isn’t. Anyway, I love you, and I love Stephanie. I hate having to be brave, but I can do it. Explore, my love.”

Maires kissed me. “Master, Jaime, that’s not good enough. Please trust that I love you. I know that Stephanie does. I just want to do something naughty with her. I think it’ll make her closer to you, and I think you’ll like the result. But please, my love, do trust me. I’m not going to hurt you.”

I smacked her bottom, as a reminder and for the sensual pleasure of it.”This is wise. If I owned you but didn’t trust you, what would be the point? Anyway, Stephanie’s in the kitchen and I’m sure she won’t mind being interrupted. Maybe you could inspect the plates she’s washed. I bet they’re not perfect. Anyway, you can grab Stephanie in the kitchen, and I’m putting no restrictions on you.”

Maires kissed me again, then scrambled up. Standing, she said, “I know you’re being brave, but I promise you you don’t need to be. You don’t get to be my master, or Stephanie’s, unless we love you.”

I leaned back in the bed and smiled up at her. “Enjoy yourself, and make sure Stephanie does too.”

“Oh Master, I can promise you that too.” She turned, ready to go out the door. She wiggled, knowing that always cheered me up.

I threw a pillow at her. “You make a good hussy.”

“Thank you Jaime.” As she put her hand on the door handle she turned. “Master, would it be all right if I took the riding crop?”

Bedroom Eyes 24

Stephanie had announced, after we’d had at each other, that she was hungry. Maires had immediately called for Neapolitan and Carbonara pizzas. She wouldn’t have done that if I’d said I was hungry. Stephanie was obviously going to be spoiled, by both of us.

The pizza boy had copped no more than a glimpse of Maires’s knees and cleavage as she opened the door in my dressing gown, paid him, grabbed the boxes and come back to bed. It wasn’t a lucky day for pizza boys, but into every life some rain will fall.

I lay on my bed naked with two beautiful women, also naked, and from time to time licked their fingers, as they did mine.

Mozarella cheese may not be sexy (though some have argued that it is), but it’s certainly one of the good things in life.

Stephanie was still wolfing her pizza, while Maires had set her piece aside. Stephanie looked at her, puzzled. “I’m going a-fucking, once my poor Master has recovered,” Maires said. “And I fuck better when I’m not full.”

“I’ve never noticed.” I was still in the wolfing stage, like Stephanie.

“I didn’t mean better for you, darling bozo. I mean it’s better for me.”

I shrugged, and looked at Stephanie, who also thought that was weird. So we shared a greasy seafood, cheese and doughy kiss.

But Maires wasn’t encumbered by pizza any more. “Master, seriously Jaime. You really want to move out on [she named our housemates], and get a place for the three of us?”

“If Stephanie wants to join us, and I want you with us, Stephanie, then we’re a new household of three. One bedroom, three offices, rooms of our own.”

“Strike out on our own?”

“I think [housemates] think just Maires and I kind of have too much power, because we’re two votes combined, in all the decision-making.”

Maires nodded. “We two are a united front, Stephanie. Three of us, and they’d hate it.”

I smacked Stephanie’s bottom, not hard, just to establish ownership. “Anyway, I want to live with you two. Stephanie, if I want to cane you naked in the kitchen, it shouldn’t be anyone else’s problem. Also, I love you Maires, and Stephanie, I love you.”

“I love you, Jaime – Master. I have for years. Though I only just learned what I’d be taking on, with you two.”

Maires smacked Stephanie’s bottom too. She didn’t exactly have permission, since they weren’t alone, and she should probably have asked me first. But I knew that if I tried to set rules on that sort of thing I’d only be making myself a frustrating and losing time.

Maires said, “Love, we’re taking you on too. All we’ve seen so far is lovely Stephanie. But when we see the rest, we’ll love that too. I know that about Master: he’s a softy. And I know it about me too. I bet not all of you is wonderful. But we’ll love all of you, no matter what.”

Stephanie said, “I’m much like what you’ve seen, Maires. Jaime – I mean Master –he knows me outside and now, um, inside. Well, it’s true I like to do Hitler salutes when I microwave kittens, but apart from that I’ve got no awful secrets. Oh! I like Karen Carpenter.”

Maires mimed putting her fingers down her throat at the mention of the late Carpenter. But she said, “Three is powerful. You and me and him against the world: if that’s what it came to, I’d bet on us. Seriously, Stephanie, we will both love you and look after you. You’re in a family now: you’re the little, new, special one. You know that, don’t you?”

Maires’s bossy streak, when she let it out, was less subtle than mine. But Stephanie looked at me then, not Maires. “Master, we’ll look for a place. I want a king-sized waterbed. Apart from that, I don’t mind where we live.”

Maires said, “Waterbed? Seriously?”

I smacked Maires’s bottom, broader than Stephanie’s and perfect in a different way, and just then too long neglected. “We go looking for our new home on Saturday. Maires, we have business. I understand you need fucking.”

Maires pretended to look agrieved. “If Master can even remember how.”

I grabbed her arm and pulled her close, and looked into her eyes. She weasn’t frightened: she wanted me to start the new game. The game for her. “Master remembers he’s got a cane hanging in the wardrobe. So do you. Suck my cock, Maires. Now.”

Bedroom Eyes 23

I had to think about the logistics of fucking Stephanie and Maires before lunch, since they didn’t seem to be interested in food. I was. Still, Stephanie and I were the last to have straight-ish sex, some time in the early hours of this morning. So it was Maires’s turn. On the other hand, Stephanie was still a guest, though she was losing that status and becoming part of the family. I decided her guest status still applied. So I’d fuck her first.

Anyway, I knew that’d make Maires complain, and I felt she deserved to have to wait her turn. I’d granted her authority over Stephanie, at least when I wasn’t present, so she needed to be set down a step or two. She’d still know she was doing all right. If she complained too much I’d make her join Stephanie getting the cane after dinner, and she knew that. 

That left positions. I thought about having the both of them bend over the bed side by side, and taking them, one by one, from behind. That didn’t seem to offer Maires much sensory input or participation while I fucked Stephanie, even if I stroked her.

So I rolled onto my back, nose and cock pointed at the ceiling. “Maires, you need your cunt on my mouth. And Stephanie, I think you know what to know.” 

Maires kissed me. “In a moment, Master. I think you want to watch first, while Stephanie sits herself down on your cock.”

I looked at her, surprised. “You’re right, I do. Stephanie!”

Stephanie straddled me, cunt not quite toucing the tip of my cock. “This will be the first time I have your cock in me, as my Master.”


“I just like to mark these steps.” Maires smacked her bottom, and Stephanie lowered herself onto me. I watched my cock disappear, gasping at the sheer enveloping pleasure of it, of her. She lowered herself very slowly, millimetre by millimetre, wet soft skin taking in my harder skin, staring into my eyes.

At last she settled herself, my cock entirely inside her, her thighs holding me. “Uh,” she said happily. She stayed still for a long moment, then lifted herself and settled again. “Master?”


 “Maires smacked me. She’s not allowed to do that when we’re all three together, is she?” 

I laughed and she rode, cowgirl-like, to stay in place. Every movement of her cunt was excruciatingly pleasurable, almost too much to bear. “No, you’re right. That’s two girls for the cane after dinner. Maires, stop beating your sister. Unless I’m not here.”

“Sister?” Maires smacked Stephanie’s bottom harder, so the room rang with it. “I suppose we’re sisters.” She smacked Stephanie’s arse again, then got up onto her knees and kissed her. “But you’re going to be one sorry sister, once I get you to myself.”

“You want the crop, Maires?” She’d long ago lost all fear of the cane, but the riding crop still gave her pause. 

“No, Master. Please not. I’m sorry.”

“Then get up here, and get your cunt licked. Stephanie needs something to hang on to, anyway.”

“Master is kind.” I can pack a lot of disdain into four syllables, but Maires is better.

I had things to say, but Maires lowered herself on all fours, thighs straddling my neck and shoulders, cunt pushed wetly against my mouth. She put her hands on the sheet, over my head. I’d been about to tell her she was a tissue’s width away from getting the crop instead of the cane after dinner. But I knew she knew that.

I pushed my tongue and nose against her, and devoted myself to making her stomach muscles tighten and her breath harsh, while Stephanie rode me. 

Time passed,while Stephanie fucked me, making full, wiggling use of her fulcrum, and I pleasured Maires. I could feel my own orgasm slowly gathering itself, not yet urgent. I wondered how Stephanie was.

More time passed, and at last I smacked Maires twice, as hard as I could, which made her close her eyes and lift her face to the ceiling, exposing her throat. I smacked her again, then pushed her back so she sat on my chest. She made a querulous sound.

“Sorry, love. I want to watch Stephanie come.”

Maires paused for a second, her expression changing from mock-aggrieved to conspiratorial. She slid off me, then leaned down and kissed Stephanie’s thigh. She lay down, arms holding my face and chest, her body pressed against both of us.

Stephanie’s eyes were still closed. What was important was moving inside her, in at least two senses, and I wasn’t sure she’d even noticed Maires’s departure. She made a little vocal sound as she rode me, like a gargle, then suppressed it.

She worked harder on me, sometimes swinging her hips sideways while working back and forth. Her breathing was louder and rhythmical, like a very small steamtrain. 

I reached up and held her breasts, then clamped her nipples between my thumbs and forefingers. That had worked well before, but this time the effect was extraordinary. She opened her eyes wide and screamed, “Yab! Arb! Oaawwb!”

She fell forward onto me. I held her ass tight and hard. We pumped together, Stephanie still making strange noises that always ended in “b”, and at last I added my own bear noises. She bit me when she came. I hadn’t expected that. Then I came in her, while the world seemed to swirl in red and black for those orgasmic moments, before I couldf again see Stephanie’s golden hair, dishevelled and mine. 

We lay still, Stephanie’s weight on me. Maires raised herself and kissed Stephanie’s face, then mine. “You two. You two. You’re rather lovely, together.”


Bedroom Eyes 22

We woke about lunchtime. Stephanie was stirring, between Maires and me. She felt me looking at her, and turned to me. Then she looked at Maires, who was still sleeping. She smiled, then widened that to a grin, then chuckled. She was happy to be here.

“Good morning.” She hesitated. “Sir.”

I reached to touch her mouth. “Morning, little love. Welcome.”

“That was an amazing night. I’ve never – I’ve never done any of that. It ever occurred to me that I would. Will you have me? I mean, often? No, I mean permanently?”

“I was hoping you’d want to stay with us. Live with us. We might have to find a new place.”

“I can go house-hunting with my Master, and, well, Maires is my mistress sometimes. That could be fun.”

“All right. We’ll do the steps, give notice here, and we can start our hunt this weekend.”

“Shit. I thought you’d want to think about it.”

“Stephanie-love, having you in my life with Maires. That took about a nano-second to decide. I expect Maires will do it quicker. The only thing that could be better than last night is lots of nights like last night. Beautiful girl.”

She nodded at the compliment, then kissed her fingers and put them to my mouth.

“Maires calls you Master. Should I?”

“Do you want to?”

“I was shocked the first time I heard Maires say it. But yes, it makes sense. I like you telling me what to do. I like you beating me, whether I do as I’m told or not.”

“I’m always fair!”

“You cheat a bit. You like my ass. Anyway, now I think I’d be happy. You’d be an accessory, beating, commanding, and fucking me. And kind of sweet. So, yes, I think a Master could be kind of useful. And you seem to be good enough at it. And you enjoy it. So if I must have a Master, it might as well be you.” She smiled, crookedly. 

I’d thought I was too fucked out to be turned on. But she was offering me something too wonderful and too hot not to react. My cock, under the sheets, not touching her, was getting hard. I moved closer, so my cock touched her thigh.

She nodded, reached down and stroked me. “I like that you enjoy it.”

“‘It might as well be me,'” I half-quoted. “You’re going to get the cane today. Have you ever had a cock up your ass?”

“No. Tried once. Hurt too much.” 

“I am going to cane you. I’m serious about that. For being a bit cheeky just then, and because you should know what it’s like. And yeah, I’ll also enoy it, and love the marks afterwards, and I’m sure that’s part of the decision.”

“Does it hurt? No, that’s silly. Of course it will. I suppose it’s not up to me anyway, is it?”

“Nope. Not your decision. Be ready after dinner tonight. Then I’m going to fuck your stripey ass.”

Maires opened her eyes. I knew she’d been awake for some of that conversation, quietly listening. I said, “Good morning, Maires. We seem to be a threesome.”

“No,” Stephanie said. “We were a threesome last night. The fuck was a threesome. But when we live together, we’re a menage.”

Maires said, “I like a pedantic girl. But I’m still glad Master’s going to cane and buttfuck you. You need to be kept in your place, you do.” Stephanie snorted, and Maires kissed her. “Master, if you’re not around and she gets up herself, do I have spanking rights?”

Stephanie said, “No! Just Master.” 

So I said, “Yes, of course, Maires. She needs constant watching, I think. Just your hand, though. If you want to use an implement, you’ll have to ask my permission.”

Maires climbed over Stephanie to kiss me. “Morning, Master. You’ll always give me permission when I ask, though, won’t you?”

Stephanie said “Hey!”

“Hey, ‘Mistress’, to you, Stephanie. Is that right, Master?”

I thought about that. I wasn’t sure I wanted a rigid hierarchy. “No. When you’re both with me, you just use your names. When I’m not there, then Maires, you’re in charge. Stephanie, when it’s just the two of you, you obey Maires, you accept discipline from her, and you address her as Mistress. Is that clear?”

Stephanie and Maires said, “Yes Master,” more or less in unison. It’s easy to be a popular Master when you’re doing what the submissives want. Power, in bdsm, is never quite where it seems to be. I’ve never minded that. Maires reached down, and her hand joined Stephanie’s, stroking my cock. 

“Master, you’ve got duties. Two girls. We need fucking. Old-fashioned. P in V. I do and I’m pretty sure Stephanie does.”

Stephanie held my cock tight, then relaxed her grip. “This is true.”

I’d hoped I’d get lunch first. I thought I’d probably have to do something gymnastic, so that wherever my cock happened to be I was with both of them. I had no ideas yet. But I said, “OK.”