Wicked Wednesday: Juniper’s Adventures 44

This is episode 5 of Jennifer’s Pleats and Pleas 4: Holding Hands Across the Desk.

In this episode, Maddie partially undresses and holds out her hands for six of the best with the strap. She’d hoped to be spanked, bare-bottomed, over his knee, but the strapping moves her too. She kisses the headmaster, and they recognise that they are kindred souls. He tells her to come back at exactly 12.05, for a spanking. 


“This is a-grade erotica in a traditional style and setting, but told by an author with an eye for the telling erotic detail. And character details. These are three-dimensional people. I loved it!” – V Sevigne, reviewer.


But I’ve had to cut the text, though. This is to be published and my publishers don’t want free competition from my site. I’ll shortly insert a link to where you can buy this fine and erotic book at your favourite e-book seller. 

Sinful Sunday: The comforts of being good

Sometimes a good girl needs a spanking. She just does. Her skin and her soul crave it. Not too hard, not too light. Just sensual. With lots of appreciation of her beauty. 

And sometimes a good girl gets what she needs.



The castle again. A couple of weeks ago I published an “aftermath” picture, showing my girl sleeping afterwards. But this was taken during the enwarmening process itself.  

Wicked Wednesday: Juniper’s Adventures 17

This is episode 9 of the series that became the ebook Jennifer’s Pleats and Pleas 2: The Chime of the Bellbird.

In this episode, Jennifer learns that she is the sort of person who gets spanked regularly and often, and that this is not such a bad sort of person to be. So long as she’s loved and cared for, that’s exactly who she wants to be.

I’ve had to remove the actual text, because this excellent and very sexy book has this has been published and is on sale at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Apple Books, 24symbols, Angus and Robinson, tolino, Rakuten Kobo and Vivlio. A link that allows you to choose your favoured book supplier is here.

Sinful Sunday: Don’t move till I’ve finished with you

No, girl, don’t you even think about getting up. 

There’s more? We’re not finished? 

Girl, I’ve hardly started.  


I want that ass nice and hot before I fuck you. 

Red hot?

Exactly. Blazing red, little girl. Like a firetruck, only fuckable. Now: get up on tiptoes. Good girl. And keep still. 

Even if it hurts? 

Of course it’ll hurt. And you’ll stay in place until I put the paddle down. Just do as you’re told, and you’ll be fine. 

Ummm, well..? Yes, sir.

Touch these lips for more Sinful Sunday submissions.


Wicked Wednesday: Juniper’s Adventures 8

This is episode 8 of the series that evolved and expanded into the engrossing, erotic ebook, Jennifer’s Pleats and Pleas 1: Jennifer’s first Spanking, which manages to be sexy, severe and sweet, all in one sitting. 

In this episode Jennifer and Will are both aware, though they don’t quite bring themselves to say so, that they want each other very much. Jennifer kisses Will as she is leaving, and it’s plain that she doesn’t want to leave at all. But will sends her, beaming like a happy searchlight, back to class. 

But I’ve had to cut the text because this has been published and is on sale at Amazon, Apple Books, Barnes and Noble, Rakuten Kobo, Angus and Robinson, 24symbols, and Vivlio. You can access it from your favoured supplier here


Wicked Wednesday: Juniper’s Adventures 7

This is episode 7 of the series that evolved and expanded into the engrossing, erotic ebook, Jennifer’s Pleats and Pleas 1: Jennifer’s first Spanking, which manages to be sexy, severe and sweet, all in one sitting. 

In this episode, Jennifer has just had a lot of new experiences in Will’s office. She’d expected that she would get her first spanking. But she’d never thought that she’d thank him afterwards. Still less, that – she had to admit to herself – she would mean it. 

But I’ve had to cu the text because this has been published and is on sale at Amazon, Apple Books, Barnes and Noble, Rakuten Kobo, Angus and Robinson, 24symbols, and Vivlio. You can access it from your favoured supplier here



Wicked Wednesday: Juniper’s Adventures 6

This is episode 6 of the series that evolved and expanded into the engrossing, erotic ebook, Jennifer’s Pleats and Pleas 1: Jennifer’s first Spanking, which manages to be sexy, severe and sweet, all in one sitting. 

In this episode, Jennifer is allowed to put her skirt and panties back on, after her spanking. She is dazed. She came very close to orgasm. So did Will, who had to stop that spanking rather abruptly. 

But I’ve had to cu the text because this has been published and is on sale at Amazon, Apple Books, Barnes and Noble, Rakuten Kobo, Angus and Robinson, 24symbols, and Vivlio. You can access it from your favoured supplier here


Wicked Wednesday: Juniper’s Adventures 5

This is episode 5 of the series that evolved and expanded into the engrossing, erotic ebook, Jennifer’s Pleats and Pleas 1: Jennifer’s first Spanking, which manages to be sexy, severe and sweet, all in one sitting. 

In this episode, Will is aware that Jennifer has loved being over his knee, and nearly came. He is tempted to take her, as she would want, but he holds back. It’s too soon.

But I’ve had to cu tthe text because this has been published and is on sale at Amazon, Apple Books, Barnes and Noble, Rakuten Kobo, Angus and Robinson, 24symbols, and Vivlio. You can access it from your favoured supplier here


Wicked Wednesday: Juniper’s Adventures 4

This is episode 4 of the series that evolved and expanded into the engrossing, erotic ebook, Jennifer’s Pleats and Pleas 1: Jennifer’s first Spanking, which manages to be sexy, severe and sweet, all in one sitting. 

In this episode, Will admires Jennifer, bent over his lap and very turned on to find herself there. But he makes her lift for him, so he can take her panties down, and off. Jennifer comes very close to orgasm when her spanking resumes.

But I’ve had to cut the text because this been published and is on sale at Amazon, Apple Books, Barnes and Noble, Rakuten Kobo, Angus and Robinson, 24symbols, and Vivlio. You can access it from your favoured supplier here



Wicked Wednesday: Juniper’s Adventures 2

This is episode 2 of the series that evolved and expanded into the engrossing, erotic ebook, Jennifer’s Pleats and Pleas 1: Jennifer’s first Spanking, which manages to be sexy, severe and sweet, all in one sitting. 

In this episode, Jennifer has been called to the Headmaster’s office. She knows she’s in trouble, but she hopes she won’t be spanked. She’s sure it hurts, and then there’s the shame of it. But her pleas seem to land on deaf ears.

But I’ve had to cu the text because this is now on sale at Amazon, Apple Books, Barnes and Noble, Rakuten Kobo, Angus and Robinson, 24symbols, and Vivlio. You can access it from your favoured supplier here
