Wicked Wednesday: Juniper’s Adventures 8

This is episode 8 of the series that evolved and expanded into the engrossing, erotic ebook, Jennifer’s Pleats and Pleas 1: Jennifer’s first Spanking, which manages to be sexy, severe and sweet, all in one sitting. 

In this episode Jennifer and Will are both aware, though they don’t quite bring themselves to say so, that they want each other very much. Jennifer kisses Will as she is leaving, and it’s plain that she doesn’t want to leave at all. But will sends her, beaming like a happy searchlight, back to class. 

But I’ve had to cut the text because this has been published and is on sale at Amazon, Apple Books, Barnes and Noble, Rakuten Kobo, Angus and Robinson, 24symbols, and Vivlio. You can access it from your favoured supplier here


6 thoughts on “Wicked Wednesday: Juniper’s Adventures 8

    • Where she saves, and the headmaster is thinking of making a deposit.
      In character, the idea is that because Jennifer has high standards for herself, she expects and wants extra discipline. As well as inchoately enjoying its infliction, for different and less high-minded reasons that she herself is not entirely aware of.

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