Sinful Sunday: Time out

Arethusa, well spanked. Waiting for Part 2 of her punishment. Holding the implement that’s going to deliver that second, more painful, part. Wearing socks anda  top because we were in the mountains, in autumn. But I love those pink socks. In fact I love all the pink in this pic. 

One of my rules was that misbehaviour that harmed herself or her interests automatically meant the cane. So when she failed to attend a doctor’s appointment because she was nervous about what she might learn, she knew she’d also sorted out how she was going to be spending her evening.

But as I’ve mentioned before, a caning was always followed by consolation. At the time I was seriously over-estimating the cane’s effectiveness as a deterrent. 

But we got her another appointment in ten days. This time I drove her, and waited.  


Wicked Wednesday: In the Realm of the Sensei 11

Asuka straightened up, and arched her back arms out above her shoulders and turned. She kissed him. “Seamus! You were my first! Up my chokucho. And it was wonderful! I wish you’d been first in my pussy and my mouth too. But I’m glad I saved something for you.” Then she giggled. “You got my arse!”

Seamus smiled. He liked her being happy, but when she was so happy that she was silly he suspected that in fact he loved her. “It’s a very nice arse. I’ll have it many times, from now on.”

“So you should!” Eventually she made Seamus sit cross-legged at the low, Japanese-style dinner table, while she warmed and served him sake, holding the little porcelain bottle between her breasts.

He generally preferred beer, but Asuka liked making a fuss, and she made a protracted act of service when she brought him warm sake. He was sure she enjoyed it, partly as a tradition and partly as theatre. After she’d served him she wanted to cuddle, but he smacked her bottom hard enough to re-awaken the pain of her caning

He pinched her nipple, half as a warning and half as teasing. “Dinner, Asuka. Now.”

She bowed and said, “Hai.” It felt odd. It seemed a very traditional, old-fashioned way to behave, but they both knew they were playing at it. For sexual reasons. As she turned away to obey, he smacked her bottom, one hard slap. She clutched her arse and giggled. Seamus shook his head.

Then he got up from the table and had a shower, changing into a robe and thick socks, becoming a salaryman at home. He was monarch, until he returned to work, of all he surveyed. Mostly he watched Asuka surreptitiously while she performed in the kitchen.

She made teriyaki, and watched over him while he ate. She had apparently decided that she didn’t deserve dinner. After he’d stopped eating she’d half-crawled, half-slithered towards him under the table.

She pushed him onto his back, gently, and pulled his robe away from his cock. She lowered her mouth onto it, and sucked him lazily, in no particular hurry. Seamus allowed her to please herself for a long time until he felt urgency again. He put his hand in her hair and grabbed. Then he pulled her down onto him, all the way until she choked and coughed and tried to come up.

He cuffed her face, gently, not to hurt her but to shock her, and she committed herself to serve him, working hard until he came in her mouth.

She swallowed his come, and continued sucking him, slowly and less urgently until he was soft again. 

Masturbation Monday: The Ojastara Tales: The Dream 2

The night was black, and yet the woman Hylas called “Teacher” was visible, a darker, intenser black. At this moment she lay naked on his bed, leaning back against his wall. Her right hand was at her side, lightly holding her length of bamboo. 

Hylas was hoding her thighs, and licking the lush, plumelike mound of his Teacher’s cunt. His buttocks buzzed warmly, as she used the cane, lightly, to indicate to him that he was licking too fast, or too slow.

Four vertical stripes of actual pain reminded him not to show any sign of distraction, or less than full effort. 

At last she moaned, and pressed a hand on the back of his head, pushing him deeper. His nose was in her, and wet. “Good boy. Now keep exactly this speed. Don’t speed up. And if you slacken you know how I’ll punish you.” 

Hylas said nothing. His lips and tongue were buried, busy, and even if he could speak there was nothing he could think of to say that didn’t seem ill-advised. So he followed his teacher’s instructions, his cock hard and pressed against his bed. 

He was an aristocrat, and not accustomed to doing as women say, let alone fearing one of them, but he had to admit that he was more aroused than he had ever been in his life before. He knew this lesson was being given him, for Phyrne’s benefit. When he passed these lessons on to her, he would perhaps be in charge again. 

Then the cane landed on his buttocks again, four more hard strokes, left then right. “Incentive,” his Teacher said.

Then she held his shoulders hard and began to move her hips underneath him, riding his mouth, using him for her pleasure. AIt was like being on a boat being buffeted by a storm. At last the woman wailed, loud as any storm, and then then sighed with deep satisfaction.

Her hand, now gripping his wet hair, now felt affectionate. She said, “Good boy, good boy. I knew you could learn.”

Eventually he looked up at her, and tried a compliment, as he knew a man should give a woman. “You taste as beautiful as you look.” 

He saw her teeth then. “A good first try, boy. And thank you. I believe you are right.” The hand that had been holding his hair patted his face, fondly. “Now, little man. Are you ready for another lesson?”

Hylas had to hold himself still, at that mention of more lessons. He was close to coming, but he knew that if he spurted before she’d given permission, he’d be punished very painfully indeed. Worse, he knew that that punishment would probably make him hard again. He didn’t want the pain (or did he?), or the humiliation of her discovering that. 

So he controlled himself and said, “Yes, my Teacher. Of course.”




Sinful Sunday: It’s corner time!

Corner time is a good time. For reflection on misdeeds (and schoolwork not done), and consideration of what Master will do about it. There’s a tawse in her near future, and she knows it. But there’s always comforting afterwards, so that’s not so bad. 

It’s also not a bad time for Masters. Arethusa looks so sweetly obedient. And a Master can always walk past while she’s waiting, and check out her arse. Are Masters sleazebags? Well, sometimes, when we’re lucky, and we’ve been good, we get to be.

Wicked Wednesday: In the Realm of the Sensei 10

Seamus put a condom on, and put the head of his cock against that little dilated orifice, and then, holding her hips tightly, pushed forward.

Asuka hissed again, and said, “Oh!” Then her rectal muscle suddenly gave way and let him in. “Oh.” She breathed slowly, getting used to this intrusion, while Seamus trembled, holding himself just inside her, her muscle just admitting him. At last she said, “Aaah. Yes. But slowly. Please, sensei.”

Seamus smacked her with his right hand, so she could feel she was still being disciplined, and pushed further forward. He took her slowly, feeling that virgin muscle clasp him tight, letting her pause and get used to him each time he made progress. He’d wait until she was again breathing normally before he’d move to take more.

At last they closed with each other, until he was fully in her, belly pressed to her buttocks, cock fully lodged inside her. They stayed together, perfectly still, for a long time.

Eventually it was Asuka who moved, just a very little, and he held himself still while she began to fuck him, in millimeters, then centimeters, always slowly. At last he couldn’t stop himself and moved forward into her as she pressed back at him. She exhaled savagely in response and they fucked hard and fast, forgetting about care or pain.

Seamus could feel his orgasm building until, as orgasms will, it suddenly became urgent. He stopped still, and Asuka swore at him. But in a few seconds he had himself under enough control so he could move again without instantly coming, so long as he moved slowly. That turned out to be good, from Asuka’s point of view.

She began making little noises as he took her, squeaks and little gibbers that he knew as her pre-orgasm cries, her head shaking. So he continued, just a little faster, but pressing as deep into her as he could go, and tightening his grip on her hips so that, he hoped, it hurt her. just enough.

Her little sounds rose in pitch and stopped being little, and Asuka came, wailing and loud. Seamus thought he should really try for more, for her, but he had his own urgencies and his own orgasm was just seconds after hers. Time passed, or stopped, he wasn’t sure which.

When they were more or less conscious and able to speak again he smacked her again, on her right hip, and said, “Good Asuka. Asuka is a good girl, my good girl.” She made a happy sound, though at any other time she’d have laughed at him for saying something like that. They rocked together, vastly pleased with each other, until he started to soften inside her and he had to withdraw, holding the ring of the condom so it didn’t slip off inside her.

Masturbation Monday: The Ojastara Tales: The Dream

There were once, in ancient Thebes, two lovers. They met infrequently and cautiously, because both families were opposed to their love. Hylas’s family were citizens, and they farmed their land and served in the army, but never conducted business. Their land and their service brought them wealth and power. 

Phyrne’s family made lanterns, oils and candles, so that those who wanted to stay awake past the natural hours of darkness could do so. The family had become wealthy, and it too was powerful in its way, but to the citizens of Thebes it was a disgrace to be in trade, no matter how successfully. 

So Hylas’s parents heartily despised Phyrne’s parents, and in return her parents gave hatred, ridicule and contempt. Hylas and Phyrne met when they could, but they had little pleasure, and no sex. Instead they held each other, unhappy, spoke of their love and bemoaned their fate. 

Sometimes he allowed himself to hold one of Phyrne’s plump breasts in his hand, and afterwards, alone in his own bed, pleasured himself with that sensual memory.

Fortunately, there was, in Thebes at that time, a beautiful witch, dark of skin and beautiful, from some far and unknown land. Her name was Ojastara, and she was always followed by a cloud of foxes.

One night Hylas was in his family home. His parents and his sister were in their rooms, asleep, and so had he been. But he got up to get a cup of water. But as he was pouring water from the pitcher the servant girl in the kitchen suddenly froze. She stopped. Still. The house had stopped. Even the wind had suddenly stilled.

That was odd, and a feathertop of apprehension seemed to run down his spine. He shivered. Then he shrugged and turned to go back to his room.   

Then he cried out, very lightly, in fear, because a dark corner of the wall had wide, white eyes. Then he saw there was a woman, darker than the night, in the room with him. He stared. She smiled, and she was beautiful beyond anyone he had ever seen, except perhaps Phyrne. But his fear did not diminish. “What … are you?” 

“I’m your rescuer. My name is Ojastara, but you will call me Teacher.” 


She selected, from an indoor pot that held orchids, a length of bamboo and swished it in the air. “Yes. And I suggest that you pay attention to your lessons. Come here.” 

Hylas wasn’t sure why, but he obeyed. The woman took him by his penis, which grew, incredibly fast and hard, in her hand. She whipped the cane, hard enough to hurt and leave a mark, just a micron below the hang of his balls. Hylas found, to his consternation, his cock hardening even more.

She smiled at him, the smile not entirely reassuring, and said, “You need many lessons, Hylas. Before you’re worthy of Phyrne. Now.” She turned her back on him, her hand still firmly holding his cock, and began to walk.

Hylas guessed that she was taking him to his bedroom. But he had eyes only for her rolling bottom and the firm femininity of her thighs.

He had never had a woman. He and Phyrne had never had the opportunity, and perhaps he had not had the courage to make it possible. It seemed, he realised, that a woman was about to have him. But her hand on his cock seemed to drive all other thoughts and considerations out of his mind. He followed, close. 

Sinful Sunday: What you see, what you get

When you’re taking a photo, and especially when you have your mind on other matters you may also be engaged in, you’re like Van Gogh. In one sense, anyway: you don’t see the clutter. 

With this photo, I’d want very much to lose all that stuff on the bedside drawers, and that power point visible in the mirror, under the bed. 

But at the time I was entirely too focussed on the lovely Zoë. So here’s the pic without all the editing I’d like to do with it. I bet you don’t really notice the clutter either!

By the way that implement, the leather swat, was made in Oxford and given me by Zoë. She could see at once that it could have a higher purpose than swatting flies. (Though at Oxford even the flies are kinky, and wear tiny leather vests.) 


Wicked Wednesday: In the Realm of the Sensei 9

Seamus took the peanut oil from her gravely.

“Now, Asuka, I’m not finished with you. Turn round and bend over again. You’ve still got eight strokes of the cane coming to you. You’ll get them before I take you to bed. But there’s another little matter I need to deal with first.”

“”Yes, sir.” She wiggled as much as she dared, once she had her back to him.

She seemed confident, on reasonable grounds, that he admired her ass. Perhaps he admired it even more now it was marked, for the first time, by the cane. Then she bent over, reaching down to touch her toes.

“Good girl. Feet apart a little more, Asuka.” She shuffled obediently. But he smacked the inside of her right thigh and said, “Further.”

Asuka obeyed, seeming less puzzled. She’d have expected that he would want to have her, afterwards. But she made an interrogative noise when he lubricated his forefinger and pressed against her little asshole. Then there was realization, and she said something like, “Whoo.” In wonder.

Seamus pressed his forefinger into her, to the first knuckle, then less slowly to the second. He twisted his finger inside her tight, clinging orifice, and then withdrew, to put more lubricant on his finger. Asuka held herself very still. Her face, upside down between her knees, was wide-eyed, mouth open. He smiled at her, and smacked her left buttock, then her right, with his hand, and then lubricated two fingers.

He continued until Asuka was well lubricated and anyway better relaxed, so he could slide two fingers, then three, easily inside her. He said, “I’m going to fuck you there, Asuka. It may hurt you a bit. Like the very first time you fucked, perhaps. That sort of pain doesn’t matter; it’ll get better. But if it really hurts, hurts too much, you’re to tell me at once. Is that understood, Asuka?”

“Hai, sensei.” He was sensei again. He supposed it was sexier, to be buggered by your sensei. He assumed this was a virginity, about to fall to the lightest, slightest siege possible.


Masturbation Monday: The Ojastara Tales: Jack in the Green 2

Bridget leaned back against her plantlike lover, his penis, if that’s what it was, firmly held in her anus. She felt a deep love and affection for him. She knew that was partly because she was influenced by the psychotropic chemicals he exuded from his body, what he called his “pollen”. At the same time he’d been a skilled and considerate lover, and that told her good things about his nature.

Though she had to admit her asshole was a little sore from his vigorous thrusts as they closed on their respective orgasms, she was disappointed when at last, and slowly, he with drew from her.

At last, though, she was no longer taken. He reached for her shoulder and helped her turn so she could look at him. He was an extraordinary being. His skin was dark green bark, his hair was leaves, and although the lines of his body and face were manlike, he was made of living, animate wood. His beard was tightly knotted, flexible twigs.

 She touched his face. He was oddly soft, for a man of wood. He smiled at her. “I do not often court mortal women quite so abruptly. But I wanted you, on sight.”

She grinned at him. “My arse is still sore, you abrupt bastard.”

He looked concerned. “I’d hoped to bring you pleasure. Not pain.”

“You did. Pleasure, I mean. I was teasing you. My arse is sore in a good way. Oh!” She remembered something. “You spanked me! You can’t spank me and pretend you didn’t want to hurt me!”

“I felt you wanting it.” He looked up then, and saw Ojastara looking at the pair of them, smiling benignly. “Cousin, I have never had such a gift. May I keep her?”

Ojastara said, “That’s entirely up to the gift, now. I only introduced you. She is not mine.”

Only a short time ago Bridget would have been hurt, if Ojastara had said she didn’t belong to her. Instead she looked at the Green Man. “Jack, if you’ll have me – often! – I’ll stay with you. I’ll willingly be yours. If you’ll -“

“I cannot be yours, little mortal. I’m an elemental; it isn’t possible. But your life will seem all too brief to me. I promise to keep you and love you as long as you live.”

“Then” Bridget pushed her owner back, onto his back. He was immensely strong, she knew, and he was humouring her, as she might ‘lose’ a wrestling match with a child. The protuberance that had been in her arse was clean, now, and gleaming. She lowered her lips to it. “I wonder how sensitive this is?”

Jack said nothing, but the protuberance oozed sap, and then a sticky substance that tasted faintly of something woody, but nourishing. As she licked and sucked at her strange new lover, his hands fell to the ground, and the fingers seemed to dig deep into the earth. The protuberance grew, and it streamed as she sucked, the fluid viscous and faintly sweet.

He placed a bony, woody knee between her thighs, and she rode it, pleasuring herself as she pleasured him. At last she seemed to be back in that shining, fuzzy cloud, high above the world.

Jack came in her mouth at last, releasing something nutty and faintly sweet. She swallowed, and wondered if she would ever need any other kind of sustenance again.

But his great inflexible hand pressed down on her buttocks, so that she pressed closer, tighter to his knee and thigh, soft bark against sensitive womanly skin. And she made the first high-pitched peep, of the sound that seemed to be her new orgasm noise. There were many more before the need and greed of her cunt at last allowed her to relax and rest. 

When she could look around again she saw that Ojastara and her foxes had gone. But she did not feel abandoned, in this new life. Jack said to her, “You’re my Queen now. Queen of April. Or possibly the May. Usually a goddess takes this role. So you must be a goddess too.” 

“And Queen,” she said, wondering. “Then she looked at him. “‘For the shepherd lads on every side’ll come from far away; And I’m to be Queen o’ the May, mother; I’m to be Queen o’ the May.'” 

Jack stood, and extended his strange hand. Bridget took it and rose. He said, “You’ve become a goddess. Whatever the season was, you’ve just brought the Spring. That was strong, and good. I’ll have to try very hard to make you immortal. With – pardon, I don’t usually work by human manners – with your consent, of course.” 

Bridget remembered that hers was a goddess’s name. An old one. Perhaps that was more than coincidence. She said, “You may make me immortal, fine sir, if you please.”

Sinful Sunday: Goodness! Such badness!

Sometimes Arethusa misbehaved. She didn’t enjoy the micro-second of contact between the cane and her skin, but then the next second it was warming and thuddy. Ties in place, she felt wonderfully submitted. In every sense of the word it was hot

Eventually it dawned on her poor, gullible Master that the cane didn’t have any deterrent effect, whatsoever. Oddly, because he was a kind and indulgent sort of Master, “strict” canings still happened anyway.