Mouth to mouth 7: Squeezing a small girl’s ass

We walked together in clear, chill moonlight, Qing leading the way, through various people’s backyards. Qing sometimes suffered me to have an arm round her waist but mostly she walked beside me. Separately.

Her apparent stand-offishness puzzled me. She’d said she was about to fuck me. She could change her mind, but I couldn’t see any reason why she would. Yet. I hadn’t had time do something stupid and repulsive enough to change her mind.

kiss kissAs far as I could tell, we were still heading for her bed. But the emotional ambience just wasn’t very sexy. 

So I stopped and pointed out the moonlight shining through the trees, like an idiot. Then I kissed her, less stupidly. She smiled and kissed back, with something that felt like passion, pushing her breasts against the bottom of my rib cage.

Then she broke away from me. But afterwards we walked closer together.

It seemed that when I wasn’t actively pushing her sexually she’d start to lose interest, but that she liked it when I did push her barriers. So I slid my hand down the back of her pyjamas, and let my fingers explore under her knickers.

qing grabassEventually I had my hand on the skin of her left buttock, which was as apple-like, with that concavity at the side, as I’d guessed. Qing was firm in my hand, and once she’d started walking I could enjoy the movement of her muscles.

Qing said, “okay, you do fancy me. And I bet you did follow my ass out the door.”

“I did. I said so. But I’d have followed you if you’d walked out backwards. Or, I don’t know, on skates. Sideways.”

“Fair enough. My place is … Unhh!”

The ‘Unhh’ was because I’d slid my fingertips between her buttocks. And stroked her cunt. My fingers had found soft, petalled folds, and stroked and slid along them. Qing was gloriously wet.

Mouth to Mouth 6: Walk with me

Qing was poised in the front door, ready to leave. She didn’t seem to be in the same mood as when she’d offered to fuck anyone who was at the party. I wanted her back in that mood. I couldn’t tell if I was losing ground or doing reasonably well. Anyway, I’d got a smile for honest lust. “Yeah. Your bum is way cute.” She didn’t like ‘cute’. “I mean it’s hot. And, well, like two apples.”

“Apples? Tha’s your guess? You sure?”

qing jammies“Well, apples with dimples at the side. No, more than dimples. Concavities. I’d have to get rid of those pyjamas to be sure, of course.”

She frowned, considering that, then nodded judiciously. “All right.”

So I took a step closer, like a man getting within stroking range of a spooked cat. Carefully. “And I followed your bum out of the room, didn’t I?”

But that annoyed her. “Well, you didn’ seem very keen before.”

“Qing. Course I was keen. More than keen. But I thought you were hanging out with your boyfriend. I didn’t want to get in your way. That’s completely the only reason I haven’t spent this evening talking with you. Um, and trying to fuck you.”

“Ok. Then why didn’ you get up, in the lounge? If you were so keen?”

That was too sharp a question, and the truth (cowardice, insecurity, etc) just wouldn’t do. “I had some guy sitting on my feet. And someone’s legs in my lap. I had to push them out of the way before I could get to you. You got to do that sort of thing carefully.”

“Mmmm.” But she was pretending not to smile, now. “Well, maybe you waited too long. The momen’s gone.”  

I laughed. “Nah, we’ve just wasted some time, is all. But it was a waste. So we should go to bed, right now. Really quickly. Your bed, wherever the hell that is.”

“Okay. You can walk me home. And fuck me.”

Mouth to mouth 5: I like your tits

Qing was in the corridor, about to open the front door. She heard me coming and looked over at me. She didn’t react. I had no idea if she was pleased or disappointed that it was me. I said, “I’m Jaime. We were talking in that … revolving barrel thing in the park.”

“Yeah, why’d you leave all of a sudden?” The tone wasn’t friendly.

I took another step closer. “That guy, who grabbed you. Back in the park. I thought he was your boyfriend. So I left you to it.”

“Ah, you idiot.” Women sometimes say that with affection. This wasn’t. And she wasn’t going to explain what had really been happening, either.

Oh, _those_ tits.

Oh, _those_ tits.

I said, “Well, I got it wrong, but I had the sense to be sad about the idea of you having a boyfriend.”

She frowned sceptically. “Were you?”

Another step. She opened the front door, letting in a whoosh of cold air. “I was absolutely sad. Cause I really liked you.” Her face fell. She didn’t like, trust or respect that sort of statement. Not from men.

I corrected myself. “Liked your tits. Loved your tits, when we were face to face. Nice and biteable. And just now, when you were walking away…”

I got my first smile. “You liked my bum, la?”

Mouth to mouth 4: Cute ass in pyjamas

Qing stood by the door, not wanting to come all the way into the lounge. She looked around. I hoped she was looking for me, so I made a “great to see you” face and waved, a wavelet really, with movement only from the wrist.

At the time I thought she was ignoring me. More likely, though, she couldn’t see me through the fug of marijuana smoke that swirled between us, underlit by the green and red glow of two coloured lamps. They were the room’s only light.

She frowned and said, “Well, it’s been a good par-ry. Thank you for a grea evening. But I’m going home to bed.”

I wondered if I should get up and say goodbye to her, try to get her number, try to walk her home, try to get into her bed with her, and that sort of thing. But I’d only had the start of a conversation with her, because we were interrupted before we’d got far with it. I didn’t feel that I had enough of a basis for doing that. So I sat where I was.

Qing looked back at the door she’d come through, and then at the room again.

“But. If anyone wants to come to bed with me… Well, I think I’d like to be fucked. Or fuck someone. Anyone here. Anyone?”

I don’t know what you’d expect to happen, if a pretty woman makes that offer to an entire room, or to anyone who happened to be in it. From a sample of one – I’ve never seen something like that happen again – the answer is that nothing at all happens. People didn’t look at each other, or smile, or make “you go” gestures to a friend, or put their hands up.

No-one moved. Including me.

So Qing shrugged. “Oh well, then.” She opened the door. “Good night.”

jammiesAnd she left. Various people said good night in return, but most were still a bit non-plussed by her offer. They could have thought it was gauche, but instead they knew it had been brave enough to be cool. But their reaction hadn’t been cool, and that had also worried them. They were cool too, weren’t they? And yet they’d reacted like a grimace of maiden aunts.

I was still thinking. I didn’t care about being cool. No-one there knew me, and nothing they said or thought could be as important as Qing and her bed.

It was her skinny but cute pajamaed bum that decided me. That bum was about to wiggle out of the room, on its way to a lonely bed. Well, that would be just a waste. A stupid waste.

So I got up, finally, and walked over people’s legs and belongings, until I’d reached the door. The corridor was dark. “Qing?”

Mouth to mouth 3

Back at the party I met a blind French philosopher. Let’s call him Louis, because his name is nothing like Louis. He’s famous enough to be in a magazine (which was why I recognised him), but they didn’t put him on the cover. Still, it was odd to run into him in a provincial university town.

We talked about an argument he was having with an American philosopher about free will. They disagreed over the way in which free will isn’t real. It had got quite heated.

But he was getting bored with his one fan, and he asked if there were any ‘ot girls in the room. So I went up to a girl with long red hair, and breasts the shape of beehives in a tanktop. I asked her name, and then led her over.

“Louis, Rachel, I think you two should meet. You’re both interested in cooking, and baseball. And surfing, and 90s rock. Look, I’ll just leave you to it.”

I left, as promised. My introduction had been unhelpful, but I was confident that Louis would be able to parlay his (I expected) complete ignorance of baseball into something charming and impressive. Rachel was probably pretty clever, too.

After that I talked with another woman, but she was keen on making her lack of interest in me absolutely clear, so I said, “oh, excuse me a moment”, as if I’d just seen someone, and took myself elsewhere.

What a waste

What a waste

“Elsewhere” was the kitchen, where a girl in a tight olive dress wanted me to help open her champagne bottle. That was a promising start, but then she started talking about the Bauhaus school’s influence on women’s fashion, which she was studying. Stupidly, I failed to disguise my contempt for all things Bauhaus.

I thought we were having a conversation, in which disagreement helps keep it lively. But she hated being disagreed with, and the people who did that terrible thing. We parted, mutually unimpressed. But I could be as unimpressed as I liked: I’d still blown it as a sex-and-fun opportunity. Sex and fun is way more important than Bauhaus. 

I decided I should shut up and dance. But first, I sat on the arm of the couch, watching the party. 

The over-the-shirt grope. Louis had moved on.

The over-the-shirt grope. But Louis had moved on.

In the corner Louis had his hand inside Rachel’s tanktop. She was fending him off but laughing. The laughter seemed to be real. Anyway, it was Louis who had his back to the wall.

His approach seemed to be to say something clever and then grab the woman and paw her like a drunken gorilla, or maybe the young Gerard Depardieu. But it seemed to be working. Being blind means you get to do a lot of touching. And a French accent lets you get away with all sorts of things. 

Anyway, introducing them was likely to be my one sexual achievement for the night. I sat for a bit longer, mildly displeased with myself. 

And then the door that led to the corridor and the bedrooms opened and Qing, the girl in pyjamas, walked in.

Mouth to mouth 2

But – because I was starting to wonder why I had a friend who showed no sign of liking me much – I played only Schoenberg’s Gurreleider and some Schnittke quartets on the drive. I’d occasionally glance at Mikey, and he seemed a little more unhappy every time. Ah, passive-aggressive me. Still, it kept me amused. And I like Schoenberg and Schnittke.  

Anyway, the party was fun. There was a skinny girl there, wearing those pajamas that girls from mainland China sometimes wear, until they take a look at what the local Chinese girls are wearing. I didn’t notice her at first, but a group of us had gone out for an expedition to the playground in the park across the road. Most of them, inevitably, were stoned. 

I wasn’t, so when we came to a sort of revolving cylinder thing for kids to run in, making the cylinder turn while they ran in place, I put my feet apart and braced my hands against the top (well, it was the top at that stage in its spin), and I managed to stay in place, revolving while the cylinder revolved. It was showing off, but I was curious to see if I could do it.

When I’d done one and a half revolutions, and I was upside down, supporting myself with my arms, a girl said, “Wow! Who is that?”

cleavagesIt was the Chinese girl, on her knees, crawling into the cylinder. From my place, upside down with my head close to floor level, I noted the front of her blouse falling up to expose her breasts, which – though still smallish – seemed to be bigger than a skinny girl should have.

So I tumbled down, and rolled until I was on my hands and knees facing her, my eyes level with her face rather than her nipples. I said, “Hi, I’m Jaime.”

She said, “Qing. My name’s Qing.”

“Ching? Oh, Qing. Nice to meet you.”

“Are you at uni here? I haven’t seen you before.”

“Nah.” I told her the town I lived in. “I just came for the party.”

“Ahh? Who do you know, here?”

“Well, not a soul, actually. I drove up with some guy who wanted a lift.”

“Oh? Then how -?”

But that was all she said. Some guy crash-tackled her from behind and dragged her out of the cylinder with his arms round her waist. So I figured that she had a boyfriend and that was him, and I went back to the house where the party was on.

Mouth to Mouth 1


I hope you don’t mind, but I’m taking a short break from the Raylene saga. I’ve got another story I’ve been meaning to tell for a while. Seems that it’s time.

Mouth to mouth

I once went to a party in a small town, held by a group of students from the local university, where I was made an odd sexual offer.

This town was in the high plains, so it was icy and snowy in winter, and clear and chill in the summer. It was a beautiful place, with forests, a river, and nearby mountains, but it was cold at the best of times.

The combination of small town and cold means that the students there don’t have a lot of entertainment options, and they spend a lot of time in bed to keep warm. So if one student suggests to another that they sleep together, that student has to be fairly repellent before they’ll be turned down.

The result is that by third year pretty much every student at that university has had sex with everyone in their faculty, at least the people that are even vaguely fuckable, and they’re starting to work on the more distant faculties.

So psych students sleep with agricultural students, anthropology students sleep with business studies students, and plant sciences students start sleeping with Ancient History and Language students. It’s Sodom, Gomorrah, and cats fucking dogs.

car up hillI came to the party – a trip of about 140 miles – because a friend had invited me. He, Mikey, wanted to spend the week-end fucking his  girlfriend before he dumped her. She was waiting for him to come and collect her, and she didn’t know about the new girl Mikey had found in my town.

I knew Mikey was a bit of a jerk, but I didn’t know any of that. Yet. Mikey had invited me because I had a car, so that if I went to this party I’d probably give him a lift there and back. That was his way of demanding a favor without having to acknowledge it, or me.

Still, I felt like a road trip, so I packed a spare shirt, a change of underpants and socks, and a toothbrush. And, after a pause while I thought about the odds, condoms.

Her dentist Bill with his great big drill gives her such a thrill

Woman in Dental Chair --- Image by © Harry Vorsteher/Corbis

Woman in Dental Chair — Image by © Harry Vorsteher/Corbis

I was supplying champagne to a submissive girl, Felicia, the other day, One glass at a time. Anyway, she was telling me that she’d been to the dentist a couple of weeks ago, getting root canal work.

She was brave for – she felt  – the longest time, but eventually the dentist hit some obstruction and started to use real force. Deep inside her jawbone, it felt like.

So she suddenly said (with a mouthful of shrieking metal) what she usually said when pain got too much and stopped being fun. “Secret squirrel!”

The dentist stopped and looked at her, head tilted. “Oh, you’re one of those girls. Secret squirrel go a bit easier, or secret squirrel stop?”

“Secret squirrel back off a bit.”

“Okay. Um… Open wide.”

dentistrySo they got back to root canal, and the dentist took more care and eventually it was done. 

When she was paying the bill (which was at least as painful as the root canal), she asked, “So do you get safe worded a lot?”

“Oh yes. Dentists, osteos, surgeons, people who cause their patients, uh, discomfort. I’d guess sports massage people do too.”

“I guess they would. Well, thank you for being … merciful.”

And the dentist blushed. 

Governing the Gang Girl 3: Sisterhood is Powerful 13

This is episode 13 of a series that evolved and expanded to become that very erotic and engrossing ebook, Governing the Gang Girl 3: Sisterhood is Powerful.

In this episode, Charmie, though tied, is showing Jack her formidable fellatio skills. Jack pulls a sheet over her, but is otherwise incapable of doing anything. Then Zerlina enters, and offers the lovers a cup of tea. Jack tells her to go away, but Charmie, still with her mouth full of his cock, communicates that that’s wrong: a cup of tea would be lovely, thanks.

Unfortunately, I’ve had to remove the actual text, because this excellent and very sexy book is being submitted for sale through Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Apple Books, 24symbols, Angus and Robinson, tolino, Rakuten Kobo and Vivlio.

Very soon there’ll be a page where you can choose your favoured book supplier, or that takes you seamlessly to that page, if you already have a favoured bookseller.. As soon as it’s up I’ll put the link here!

Governing the Gang Girl 3: Sisterhood is Powerful: what’s it about?

Troubled young Charmie Else is a former member of a far-right gang, who came to her senses at least and left. During an interview by Jack Molay, the two of them soon realize that despite their differences they’re attracted to each other. Soon after that they discover that Jack is a Dom and Charmie is submissive. And she has much to atone for.

Charmie begins her atonement, but her sister Zerlina, and friend Lynette, who wants to be more than a friend, arrive. The sexual games become very much more intense, and more complicated… 

A review:

“This is beautifully written erotica, incredibly hot, about people who feel like real, three-dimensional people. Some of the BDSM events are harsh, but the atmosphere is always loving. JJ Mortimer turns human details and erotic details into pure steamy sexiness. Reading it is like being there, on a wonderful sensual ride!” – Isadora Druse, reviewer.

Get your copy!

I’ve had to remove the actual text, because this excellent and very sexy book has been published and is being submitted for sale at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Apple Books, 24symbols, Angus and Robinson, tolino, Rakuten Kobo and Vivlio.

I’ll give you a link to a page that will take you to your favoured on-line bookseller, or allow you to choose one, very soon. 

Governing the Gang Girl 3: Sisterhood is Powerful 12

This is episode 12 of a series that evolved and expanded to become that very erotic and engrossing ebook, Governing the Gang Girl 3: Sisterhood is Powerful.

In this episode, Charmie offers to suck Jack’s cock, and he is so full of Dom energy, and of himself, that he makes her beg to be allowed. She’s aware that that’s silly, but begs anyway. Jack proceeds to tie her, just to make it more difficult.

Unfortunately, I’ve had to remove the actual text, because this excellent and very sexy book is being submitted for sale through Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Apple Books, 24symbols, Angus and Robinson, tolino, Rakuten Kobo and Vivlio. Very soon there’ll be a page where you can choose your favoured book supplier. As soon as it’s up I’ll put the link here!

Governing the Gang Girl 3: Sisterhood is Powerful: what’s it about?

Troubled young Charmie Else is a former member of a far-right gang, who came to her senses at least and left. During an interview by Jack Molay, the two of them soon realize that despite their differences they’re attracted to each other. Soon after that they discover that Jack is a Dom and Charmie is submissive. And she has much to atone for.

Charmie begins her atonement, but her sister Zerlina, and friend Lynette, who wants to be more than a friend, arrive. The sexual games become very much more intense, and more complicated… 

A review:

“This is beautifully written erotica, incredibly hot, about people who feel like real, three-dimensional people. Some of the BDSM events are harsh, but the atmosphere is always loving. JJ Mortimer turns human details and erotic details into pure steamy sexiness. Reading it is like being there, on a wonderful sensual ride!” – Isadora Druse, reviewer.

Get your copy!

I’ve had to remove the actual text, because this excellent and very sexy book has been published and is being submitted for sale at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Apple Books, 24symbols, Angus and Robinson, tolino, Rakuten Kobo and Vivlio.

I’ll give you a link to a page that will take you to your favoured on-line bookseller, or allow you to choose one, very soon.