Yua kept her position, tightly bent, feet wide, holding her ankles, while Asuka pressed two well-lubricated fingers against her asshole. Then Asuka pushed, more ruthlessly than Seamus would have, and Yua cried out a little. Asuka’s fingers worked inside her.
Asuka looked at Seamus. “She’s a silly girl. You caned her much harder than me, and she still makes a fuss.” It was true. Yua’s stripes across her buttocks and upper thighs were red, and black in spots, while Asuka’s were a lighter, pretty, pink. “Would you spank her, Sensei, if she makes more fuss? You’d spank me if I did.”
Seamus kept his face straight. “Certainly I will.” He stood to Yua’s side and smacked her left cheek, not very hard. A warning. “Yua, keep quiet, and stay in position. Asuka, you won’t mind if I use your cane on this girl as well?”
“Of course not, Master. Anyway, that cane is yours. I gave it to you to do with as you want. Same as me. And now you own this girl.” She withdrew her fingers and coated them again, liberally, with lube.
This time she thrust three fingers into Yua’s ass, again without gentleness.
Yua, her head near her feet, blew out a breath as she was entered, but was careful to make no sound.
Asuka said, “She’s trying to be a good girl, sensei. I think she’s ready for you now.”
“No, Asuka. I used more than that on you. Do it again.”
Asuka again coated her fingers, then pressed her forefinger and index fingers together, and poured a little more onto them. She turned and thrust three fingers into Yua, still not gently, and revolved her fingers inside her, spread the lube evenly, at the entrance and inside. Yua’s face, upside down and between her shins, was fixed in a determined expression. Clearly it had hurt her a little, but she was determined to make no sign in front of her friend. Seamus suspected she’d all protests, wails and tears, if only he were there.
Asuka withdrew her fingers slowly, this time, and Yua moved, to follow those fingers, as though she wanted their presence to continue. Asuka, her hand free, looked enquiringly at Seamus. “Sensei?”
“A bit more on me, Asuka. Especially at the head.” Asuka obeyed, and coated the head and shaft of his cock with more of the lube, and then stroked the head, sensual, smiling at him. He suspected that if he came in her hand, and disappointed her friend, at least until he recovered, she would find that endlessly amusing.
Seamus growled, “That’s enough, Asuka. Now go and stand in front of your friend.”
Asuka said, “Hai, sensei.” When she was in place, so that she and Seamus could kiss, with Yua’s body submissively bent between them, Seamus said, “Now take her cheeks, Asuka, and pull them wide apart.”
Yua’s tiny asshole was already perfectly available. He’d given Asuka the order mainly to humble her a little. While his girl spread Yua for him he stepped close behind, his cock slippery between her buttocks. Yua froze. She did not breath.
Seamus positioned his cock against her tight little entrance, and applied a little pressure. She didn’t open, so he pressed a little harder, and she opened to him suddenly, holding his glans inside. Yua gasped. Though he’d been gentler than Asuka, he’d hurt her a little.
He paused and put his hands on her narrow waist. “Just relax, Yua. It’s a new sensation, I know, but it doesn’t take long to get used to it.” He held still, though his body urgently wanted to take more territory. Yua trembled, and that was a sweet sensation, to his sensitive glans.
At last he heard Yua breathe, and take a breath, and he pressed forward again. She made a little cry as she found herself taken further, but it didn’t sound like pain. Seamus gave her a few more seconds to get used to this deeper intrusion, and then pressed forward again. Yua said, “Ah, sensei.” He wasn’t sure if that expressed pain or appreciation.
In any case he withdrew a little, for the first time, and then pressed forward, still deeper. He continued, each withdrawal ceding less territory, each forward stroke going deeper, until at last his thighs and groin pressed tight against Yua’s well-striped, still-warm, ass. He held that position for what seemed a long time, while Yua waited, not breathing, feeling herself fully invaded, filled. he leaned forward to kiss Asuka. That movement meant he was just a millimetre or two deeper.
Asuka grinned suddenly. “May I film you, sensei? While you fuck my friend?”
Seamus considered. “No showing it round your friends.”
“Of course not, sensei.”
He wondered about that. But he said, “Yes. All right.”
“Thank you, sensei!” She scampered off, and returned with a little video camera, sold in some Tokyo shops almost as toys.
Asuka filmed in silence for a while, as Yua began to meet his thrusts. She said, like a television reporter, “Is she tight, sensei? Does she feel as good as me?”
Seamus grinned. He said, “She’s tight, yes, and delicious. But If you ask me for praise again, at the expense of your friend, she’ll get to film me caning you.”
Asuka’s brows raised. She said quickly, “Sorry, sensei.”
Seamus smacked Yua’s tightly bent bottom. “I’m going to fuck you harder you now, Yua. Be a good girl for me, or you’ll both be getting the cane.”
Yua said nothing. She didn’t think she had the right to speak, and in that she was correct.
Seamus put his hands back on the narrowest part of her waist, held tight, and began to fuck the girl, slowly and deep.