Wicked Wednesday: Droit de Seigneur 12

Yvain had endured the walk back to t he Seigneur’s quarters with less humiliation and more calm than she’d expected. She was naked, her bottom and flanks well marked by him and his servants, and the cane she held in her mouth that told that her experience of discipline was far from over.

She realised that she even felt a certain pride: those things were signs. They meant he possessed her, and that in turn meant it pleased him to own her, and that she was chosen. 

And if he’d chosen to make her his then so, in a way, he had given a little of himself to her.

She smiled at that thought as she walked back through the door into the the Seigneur’s room. She walked to the middle of the room and, hoping it would please him, turned to face him without waiting for a command, and sank to her knees. “May I please you, my Seigneur?” 

He laughed. “You’re getting brave, little Yvain.” He stood looking down at her. She felt a moment’s fear, cold in her belly. He said, “Don’t be afraid. I want you obedient and respectful. I don’t want a mouse.  

[Sorry. I’ve run out of time. To be continued next week.]

Wicked Wednesday: Droit de Seigneur 11

Yvain watched Gisela’s face closely, her lips pressed against her Seigneur’s groin, holding all of his cock in her mouth. Her cheeks dimpled as she sucked, At last, after a minute with the Seigneur’s cock deep in her throat she moved back a little, exposing a couple of centimetres of the Seigneur’s pale shaft to Yvain’s fascinated gaze, and took a breath. 

The breath was a single gasp and then she moved forward to take the penis entirely into her mouth. She reached up to hold the backs of his thighs, just under his buttocks, and began to move her bead backwards and forwards, mimicking the motions of fucking. The Seigneur stood perfectly still, and he looked down not at Gisela, whose eyes were fixed on his, but at Yvain. Yvain was aware of his gaze, but kept her eyes, obediently, on Gisela, and the shaft of his cock as it appeared and disappeared. Gisela gurgled as his cock moved in her. It did not seem an unhappy sound. 

The Seigneur held the back of Gisela’s head, forcing her face hard against him. He said to Yvain, “You’re impressed that she can take so much, aren’t you?”

Yvain was flustered. “Ah, yes. Yes, I am, my Seigneur. Though I do not know how I could – “

“The trick is to relax and learn not to gag, when the cock goes deep. Your own physical reactions are unimportant.”

Yvain nodded. It would be hard to learn, but she wanted to. The Seigneur said, “You will be taught to control your reactions.” He looked down at Gisela, meeting her gaze. “You were once no good at this at all, you remember?”

Gisela, her mouth still full, nodded almost imperceptibly. She mouthed, “”‘Ess, Seigneur.”

“How did you learn?”

Gisela had to open her mouth very wide to speak. “Karl stwapped me. When I gagged.”

The Seigneur smiled and did not answer her. His hand held her head tight and for the first time he began to move, fucked the kneeling woman’s mouth and throat. Yvain loved the visible movement of his cock inside Gisela’s mouth, bulging sometimes at her cheek. She was sure she could do most of what Gisela did, the steady, fervent suction, the keeping her teeth clear of the cock, and her tongue busy.

Still, she doubted if she could take it so deep and hold it without choking, as Gisela had learned. She was also sure that her Seigneur would have no hesitation in training her, with some implement to make her gasp and cry, and obey. She supposed that there would always be a point when a sore bottom, and the desire to avoid extra strokes, outweighed all other considerations. She knew she would learn to do what was required. 

At last the Seigneur grunted, and then froze, his body locked, suddenly immobile. He said, “No, not this time, girl,” to Gisela, and pushed her back. His hard cock shone in the air, gleaming with Gisela’s fluids but not his. Yvain stared: it was the first time she’d seen it clear and in readiness. It seemed bigger than the spaces in her body she expected he would put it. At the same time, she was not afraid: it would hurt her, she was sure, but not in an unpleasant way.

Gisela had sat back, still on her knees, her hands now dropped to the floor, still holding eye contact. “As my Seigneur pleases.” 

The Seigneur said, “Good girl, Gisela. Though it’s Karl you’ll need to please now. Go.” Gisela dropped to her hands and knees, and crossed to room to where Karl was sitting on the bed. She crouched at his feet.

The Seigneur snapped his fingers. “Yvain.”

She straightened up and came close. Her Seigneur was looking at a rack of implements on Karl’s wall. At last he selected a cane.

He turned and pressed it to her lips. “I don’t think I’ll need to hear from you for a while, girl. Open.”

Yvain decided not to say, “Yes Seigneur”, and simply obeyed. The rattan length seemed very hard in her mouth. Her Seigneur smacked her bottom, and she felt it as affection, fondness, perhaps more.

She smiled at him, the cane pressing against the corners of her mouth. 

The Seigneur turned his attention to Karl, who was now receiving service from Gisela’s mouth, her hair flowing down her back, her hands at his waist.

“Karl, let the Mayor know he’s not getting his wife back till tomorrow. And send her to me at eight tonight.”

“Yes, Seigneur.” Karl’s voice was guttural. He had Gisela’s hair clutched in his hand, and he pulled that clump back so she had to hurt herself to move forward on him. Her gurgles suggested that she liked that very much.

The Seigneur smacked Yvain again. He was smiling, and she smiled back. “Another time I might walk you on a leash, hands and knees, back to my rooms. But that’s very slow, fun though it can be. For some reason I seem to be in a hurry, at the moment. You walk in front of me. Go!”

Yvain, greatly daring, wiggled as she opened the door out to the corridor.




Sinful Sunday: In disgrace

Arethusa in disgrace. Hands on head, nose in the corner. 

I didn’t make her do that often, and when she had to wait for discipline, she knew I thought her offence was serious and the punishment was going to be serious as well.

In this case she’d handed an essay in two days’ late, so it only got marked out of 80%. She’d both disobeyed a direct order AND harmed her own interests, and she knew that those were the two things I said I’d never accept. 

When I took this photo I said, “You know you deserve what’s coming, don’t you? You can speak.”

Arethusa said, “Yes, of course I know that, Master. I don’t know why I can’t get started on essays till it’s too late. Even though I know you’ll punish me.”

“I know, punishment doesn’t fix all of the problems. But I’m afraid it’s part of the answer.”

She nodded to herself. This was true.

“Afterwards,” I said, “We’ll talk about it.”*


  • Actually, afterwards there was care and after-punishment sex, and then after-sex sleep. So the talking part of “afterwards” began quite late. The solution involved Arethusa keeping me advised of each essay topic and hand-in date, with a compulsory slavegirl/Master talk about how she was going to approach her essay a week before hand-in day, and the essay to be sent to me the day before hand-in deadline, so I could proof it for typos, clarity etc. She never did completely avoid university crimes, after that, but at least the serious ones became rare.


Wicked Wednesday: Droit de Seigneur 10

Yvain rode on her Seigneur’s back as he carried her through the tower corridors and stairs. They were both naked. Her arms were round his shoulders, her legs wrapped around his waist so her cunt pressed hot and wet against the small of his back. 

Occasionally they passed servants, male or female, who stepped to the wall when they saw the Seigneur approaching. With her bottom and thighs red from the strap and the Seigneur’s riding crop, and her thighs as widely spread as they could be, she knew she presented an indecent spectacle, and she could feel their eyes following her when they passed. 

Ahead she could hear a rhythmic smack, a sound she recognised as leather meeting flesh. She guessed the leather was in the Seigneur’s servant Karl’s hand, and the skin it was heating was Gisela’s, the wife of the mayor. Yvain was surprised not to hear a sound from Gisela. She had been in full voice an hour earlier, when the Seigneur’s door opened for a moment. She wondered if this was a new whipping or the same one, still going. 

At last the Seigneur reached the room from which the sound came. He opened the door without knocking. A Seigneur does not knock. Karl’s room was simpler than his master’s, and it was simply furnished: a bed, a table and two chairs, and a whipping bench. But none of this furniture was in use. Gisela stood naked, her feet well apart, bending over with her hands on her ankles so her buttocks and thighs were presented for Karl’s attentions.

She was silent because there was a gag in her mouth, and a delicate silver chain hung from the clips that held and compressed her nipples.

Yvain had seen her many times at village functions, a grand and haughty woman. Now she saw Gisela humbled, her long hair flying each time the lash landed and her body jerked. Her body, naked, was fuller than Yvain’s, but firm. She was perhaps ten years older than Yvain, and still very beautiful.

No wonder, Yvain thought, Karl has such a massive erection under that robe. Karl delivered two more strokes, then stopped and bowed at the Seigneur. “I’m sorry, my Seigneur. But I promised her six dozen, and I wanted to finish the fourth set. She has two dozen to go. Would you like to witness them? Or have you brought that slut” – he looked at Yvain – “here to receive discipline?”

The seigneur, still carrying Yvain, said, “No, I’ll attend to her discipline from now. Has Gisela had her fill of cock tonight?”

Karl smiled. “Once she’s had her first spanking and dropped her airs, she’s insatiable. For the cock and the lash, and she’s had plenty of both. The hope of a night like this: that’s the reason she’s been acting up lately.”

“Well, I may vary her diet a little. Ungag her, Karl.”

Karl smiled, and pressed his left hand, holding the strap, between Gisela’s buttocks to stroke her cunt. With his right hand he undid the buckle at the back of her head, and removed the gag.

Gisela looked at the Seigneur. She sank to her knees. “Seigneur? May I serve you?”

The Seigneur reached behind him and smacked Yvain’s bottom. “Down girl,” he said. “On your feet.”

Yvain, standing, looked down at Gisela. She wondered if that would be her one day. Used to discipline, practiced in serving a man and taking pleasure from that service. And from the discipline itself. Gisela met her eyes. One day, perhaps, Yvain thought, she had been in my position. Yvain hoped her Seigneur might keep her, and not pass her to a servant. She would have to learn and serve well to earn that fate.

The Seigneur said, “I want both of your noses close to my cock. Gisela, crawl forward and kneel in from of me. Yvain, you’re to be at our side, so you can watch what Gisela does. Watch closely and learn. Karl will punish you for any lapse in your attention.”

Gisela crawled forward on hands and knees, then knelt upright at the Seigneur’s feet. She said, “May I serve your pleasure, my Seigneur?” She kept her mouth open after asking her question.

The seigneur said to Yvain, “Get closer, girl. I want your face close to hers, so you can see exactly what she does.” He looked at Karl, who had taken a seat, watching. “She’s a skilled little fellatrix, isn’t she, Karl?”

Karl said, “Practice makes nearly perfect, Seigneur. And a little encouragement from the strap.” To Gisela he said, “You’re to suck a Seigneur’s cock now, Gisela. Think of it as a promotion.”

The Seigneur said, “I suppose it is. Good.” He placed his hand on the back of Gisela’s head. “You know what to do, Gisela.”

Yvain watched her Seigneur’s cock disappear, slowly, into Gisela’s mouth. Gisela pressed forward, taking him deeper, until her lips pressed against his groin.

Her checks dimpled as she started to suck, moving her head very slightly back and forth, but keeping all of him in her mouth.

Yvain wondered if she’d ever learn to take so much. She was surprised to feel no jealousy, watching another woman pleasure her Seigneur. She was here to learn.

Sinful Sunday: Saucy girl

Sometimes I make her arse hurt. With my hand, usually, because I love that touch, skin to skin, and that impact, her beautiful round arse, her little movement under my hand, and her yelp. I love those things so much.

But it’s only fair that I hurt her a bit. She’s cute. She’s playful. And so sexy it hurts.



Wicked Wednesday: Droit de Seigneur 9

Yvain had asked her Seigneur if he wanted her to pleasure him. With her mouth, as he had just made her come with his. She expected that she would be thrashed many times while she learned this skill. She not only never had a man’s cock in her mouth, in her life so far; she had never even thought of such a thing. 

She lay on her back, thighs fallen apart, her cunt wet, exposed, happy but not sated. She thought about her Seigneur on his back, his hard cock upright, and kneeling over him to take that cock in her mouth. That combination, subservience, the certainty of punishment to help her learn to please him, and the knowledge that even though she was a novice she would please him: those things excited her. Yearned for.

The Seigneur read something of that in her face. He smacked her cunt, firmly but not painfully with his hand. She moaned a little at that contact. Anything and everything felt wonderful.

The Seigneur said, “I think it’s time you had a spanking. Count and thank me for each smack.” Then he brought his hand down, again, on that most sensitive flesh. Yvain gasped, and, though it was the second smack, she called, “One, thank you, my Seigneur.”

He kissed her thigh. “I’m glad you learn fast, little slut.” He raised his hand so she could see he intended to spank her hard. The delicious impact came, and she called, “Two, thank you, my Seigneur.”

He smiled. She knew he was very pleased with her. She watched him take up the crop again, and parted her thighs wider, arching her cunt up for him. The smacks from the crop were not hard, but they came fast.

She had to struggle to keep up with the count, while thanking him. She meant those thanks, she knew. She might have said them even if he hadn’t ordered her to.

She wondered, as the leather and his hand struck her over and over, each time bringing a wave of sensation in which any pain had long since been swamped by pleasure, if this was part of what being fucked would feel like. At last she reached, “Sixty, thank you, my Seigneur,” and he leaned forward and kissed her cunt again.

He looked up at last into her face, his mouth and beard wet with her. “Whose cunt is that?” 

“It is yours, my Seigneur. But even if I had ever owned it, I would give it to you.” 

“Of course you would. If it had ever not been mine.”

Yvain, greatly daring, reached down to caress the hair at the back of his head. “If I had ever not been yours.” The image of her husband, Matteo, who had never touched her, flashed into her mind. She was surprised to find that she felt no guilt, no sense of betrayal. Though this could not last, and she would be returned to him.

“You’ve never pleased a man with that mouth of yours.”

“No, my Seigneur.” 

“Would you like to learn how?”

“With all my heart, my Seigneur.” 

“Good. Not that what you want matters. Now, I’ve taken my robe off. I’ll wear you instead.” He rolled out of bed and stood beside it. “You, girl, get up!” 

Yvain, wondering, obeyed. He looked sideways at her. “Put your hands on my shoulders. Now jump up, and wrap your legs round my waist.”

Yvain was surprised. Her father had given her piggybacks. She hadn’t expected that here. But she jumped as commanded, riding her Seigneur, thighs holding him tight, her cunt pressed at the small of his back, breasts against his shoulders, her arms lovingly round his neck.

“Such a good coat,” he said. “You need lessons in sucking cock, Yvain. We’re going to pay a visit.”

He walked her to the door and opened it. 


Sinful Sunday: I am the God of Hellfire and I bring you …


I’ll take you to burn

I’ll take you to learn

I’ll see you burn … burn … burn … burn!

You fought hard and you saved and earned

Now all of it is going to burn…

Fire! I’ll take you to burn!

Fire! I’ll take you to learn!

Fire! I’ll take you to bed!

Fire! I’ll take you! Fire!

(Falls over, hair on fire, screaming)

Actually I just got carried away at a barbecue, with … never mind. That part’s ‘need to know’, OK?



Wicked Wednesday: Droit de Seigneur 8

Yvain lay on her back on the Seigneur’s bed. Her legs splayed as far as she could open them, to make it clear to the Seigneur that his attention to her cunt was welcome. More than welcome: it was the sweetest sensation she had ever experienced, even when she’d used her own fingers to bring herself off.

She murmured, “Oh, my Seigneur. Wonderment. Wonderful. Wonder. One, One.”

She felt him bite her, very gently, even tenderly. She knew that if she could see his face she would see him smile. Then he resumed tonguing her, lapping and licking, quite rapidly. He seemed tireless.

She pressed her thighs to his ears, to show him fondness. He had beaten her, and he had had her beaten, and now, somehow, she was half in love.

In love with what he was doing, and possibly even with him. She pressed her thighs tighter, and felt the welts on her inner thighs, from his riding crop.

She could feel the pain in those stripes renew, and that felt good too. She felt pressure on her little bud. It must be his thumb, she thought. I hope he doesn’t … And ten it was done. She felt herself penetrated for the very first time. It was uncomfortable in that first second, but it was already becoming more than comfortable: comforting. She felt herself tense, her stomach muscles clench, and she knew she was likely to come very soon. 

A little later something entered her, just below his busily lapping tongue. His knuckle was in her and – 

Yvain screamed. 

She writhed when the wave of pleasure overtook her. She pressed her thighs on his cheeks, hard, savouring her painful stripes. The pain he had given her. Then, suddenly afraid of hurting him – not of being punished, but of hurting him, her … lover? – she let her thighs fall open and apart.

“Oh, my Seigneur.” She reached a hand down and stroked his hair, the back of his head.

At last he looked up, wolfishly triumphant, and their eyes met. He said, surprised, “Do you always come so quickly?”

“No, my Seigneur.”

“Do you think it was your whippings, first?”

“They aroused me, certainly. But, with your permission, my Seigneur – ”

He nodded. “Of course. You may speak your mind. I will tell you when you begin to bore me.”

Yvain smiled. She was sure that was true, but it was also a joke. “I think I came so quickly because it was you.”

His smile widened. “Then if the opinion of a peasant slut mattered, I would, of course, be flattered.”

Yvain decided the smile cancelled the sting in those words. “My Seigneur?”

“Yes, peasant slut?”

Yvain took a deep breath. She knew she might well be whipped for this. “I would like to address you as something fonder than ‘my Seigneur’. Like, ‘my jo’, or ‘my lordly lamb’? ‘My darling’? May I, please, my Seigneur?”

“No.” But he was still amused. “I think you need to do something else with your mouth, little Yvain.” 

She knew that had to be coming. She was surprised how much she now wanted to do something she had only recently dreaded. “You mean, pleasure you? My Seigneur?”
