Becoming happy again

They say a Master without a submissive is a slightly ludicrous figure. Ah well, I managed to carry it off with great wisdom and dignity. Didn’t I?

Anyway, I may be on the way to becoming less ridiculous. I won’t say much else. I may be completely wrong about what’s happening. Anyway, people don’t get written about in this blog except with their permission or if the story is more five years old. So for now there may not be a lot of details.

But the tone may get happier, if I’m lucky. (Unless I crash and burn, of course. Then it’ll really get emo, in here.)

The morose blog

Sorry. I’ve just taken Lican to the airport. 

I’ve come back to an empty house. It’s beautiful here. And my bed is a mess and smells of Lican. So I should be feeling cheerful. 

But separating from Lican reminds me of the loss of my love. That hit me hard. I thought it was going to hurt, but it hurts worse than that. 

So I’m wandering round dressed in black like bloody Hamlet. I wouldn’t be writing this about myself, since drivelling on about being unhappy isn’t something I like to do. But I’m too scattered to write anything else at the moment. 

Better to have loved and lost

People say it’s better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all. I guess it’s true. 

And I know that it’s an honour that Lican should think I’m the person who should teach her new dom how to manage and guide her.

But there’s loss, too. It means Lican will never again fly a thousand miles to see the local sights, I suppose, but mainly to get her ass smacked and fucked. I know that Lican and I were never a real possibility. We live far too far apart. My Spanish and her English were never good enough to let us truly relax together, except when we were doing sex.

Still and all and all, I can be philosophical about it, but it’s loss. I seem to have lost a lot, just a bit too much, lately. That’s probably about enough self-pity, for today. And the thing from yesterday, about the excellence of sex and love: that’s still true. 

Light work

shortsI have a guest from Argentina. Her name is Lican, and I’ve mentioned her before. We had an adventure together, a couple of years ago now. I was hoping her friend Angelica would be coming too, but not this time.

I never did tell her story very effectively, but a lot of it can’t be told at all. So I’ll tell it later, but I’ll have to fictionalise it a lot more than I did with what I wrote while it was actually happening.

Anyway, this means I’ll be spending the next two days with her, so blogging will be light.  

Mowing the lawn

I’ve done some hard things, in the last two days, and I’m taking today off. I’m going to make a ladder for the tree house. Out of tree branches; I’m going for the Swiss Family Robinson effect.

sexier frogAlso there are happy frogs in my swimming pool. While I like happy frogs, they have to go. Their ideas abvout an ideal watery environment don’t remotely coincide with mine.

Also, if I don’t net them out (there are three of them), they’ll get killed by the filter, and I’d hate that.  So I’m going to be chasing frogs for a bit.

And then I’m going to mow the lawn.