Golden girl #4

This is a very hot bdsm love story, starring two couples and an unattached woman seeking love and intense sex.

Do they find each other and happiness? You’ll have to read the book to find out.

Because it’s become the opening chapter of a novel that’s about to be published, I’ve had to take it down from here.

I’ll put up a link to where you can buy it once it’s on sale.

Golden girl #3

This is a very hot bdsm love story, starring two couples and an unattached woman seeking love and intense sex.

Do they find each other and happiness? You’ll have to read the book to find out.

Because it’s become the opening chapter of a novel that’s about to be published, I’ve had to take it down from here.

I’ll put up a link to where you can buy it once it’s on sale.


“Sorry, ma’am.” Going down properly meant that she spread her legs wide and straight, on tip-toes with her heels out and toes turned in, and lowered herself so that her belly, little breasts and cheek rested on the table top. She reached her arms out over her head, but didn’t hold the far 

Golden girl #2

This is a very hot bdsm love story, starring two couples and an unattached woman seeking love and intense sex.

Do they find each other and happiness? You’ll have to read the book to find out.

Because it’s become the opening chapter of a novel that’s about to be published, I’ve had to take it down from here.

I’ll put up a link to where you can buy it once it’s on sale.

The tawse tale #1

This is part of the excellent, steamy, funny and insightful novel “The Tale of the Tawse”

Because that novel’s about to be published, the early drafts have to come off the net. Publishers don’t like competition from free providers.

Once it’s published, the address for buying this will be uploaded here.