Philip laughed. He wasn’t mocking her, as she was mocking him. He was just happy. He pulled her a little higher in the bed, so her face was in kissing range of Chetana’s cunt. He shuffled with her, so he still had his thighs under, positioning her bottom up and posed. Chetana put her hand on the back of Jayavardhini’s head, then took her ears. “Come on, little one.”
Jayavardhini wriggled her arms out of Philip’s grip and brought them forward to slide under Chetana’s ass. She lowered her head and touched her tongue to Chetana’s cunt, just touching her lips. Then she took her tongue away, so that Chetana opened her mouth and let her head fall back, and then pressed forward, tongue touching her lover again.
Jayavardhini smiled when Chetana gasped, and Philip’s hand landed on her bottom, again. This was a good game: she was pleasing Chetana, her lover, and Philip, who she expected to call her lover soon. And in her apparent submission she was the centre of attention in that bed, and she held more than her share of the power.
Chetana sighed, pleasured, and Jayavardhini rewarded her, licking along the outside of her cunt, from bottom to top. Then she pressed her tongue a little harder, opening her lover and tasting her. She could taste Philip too, it seemed. She supposed she’d have to get used to thinking of Chetana as one of her lovers. Plural.
Philip had his hand on her ass, squeezing firmly where he’d smacked. He smacked her twice, left side then right, his hand hard. And good. She lost her rhythm with Chetana, but gained in passion. He set up his own rhythm now, spanking her slow and long, the impacts but not getting harder, nor faster. She was being taken on a ride.
Chetana, under her mouth, was wet and soft, a surrender of a different kind. She kissed Chetana’s cunt, wanting her to feel her love as well as her desire to please her, then licked her sweet, opened flesh, moving a little faster.
She felt Philip’s hand on her ass, hurting her in the knowledge that that she would turn any pain he gave her into sex. Chetana gasped again, under her tongue. Philip smacked Jayavardhini’s ass a little harder, and then again. She surrendered her body and part of her soul to him, letting him do what he wanted, trusting that she would love it whatever it might be.
Chetana leaned back, caressing Jayavardhini’s face with her thighs, as she worked. Philip increased the speed, though not the severity of her spanking. He must be watching the two of them; she could feel his erection pushing into her hip.
She knew that if she were not so aroused, his spanking would be hurting by now. He was spanking her smartly, the way he might if he ever intended to punish her, and she let him. But the blows brought her no pain. Only a long, continuous wave of lust.
Her fingers tightened on Chetana’s muscular buttocks, digging into her flesh, intending to hurt her. Chetana gasped in response, then stayed vocal, cooing her pleasure. She was going to come soon.
Jayavardhini focussed her tonguing on her lover’s clitoris, pulling her right hand from under Chetana’s ass to insert two fingers into her cunt. They entered easily; Chetana was so soft, so wet. Jayavardhini pushed those fingers upwards, and pressed and lapped her harder with her tongue.
Philip was landing his hand on her ass hard and fast now, and the rhythm was right for Jayavardhini to stay with it as she face-fucked Chetana. She increased the pressure on Chetana’s clitoris, and felt her tense suddenly. Chetana’s back arched, so Jayavardhini had to follow as her bottom lifted from the bed. Chetana screamed, her pleasure sounding like the darkest grief, as if she were being tortured.
Jayavardhini kissed her cunt and said, “Ooh, my love.”
But Philip’s hand landed again on her ass, much harder than before, and she yelped. The sound of his slap echoed in the cabin, and he growled, “Don’t you dare stop.” Jayavardhini returned to her task, tonguing Chetana, and slipped two fingers into her ass. Chetana screamed again, then her head fell back and her body slipped forward, relaxed. Jayavardhini kissed her navel, then the ribs between her breasts.
Chetana opened her eyes at last and stretched, then wrapped her legs round Jayavardhini and held her hair in her hands. “Thank you. Thank you, both of you. I love you. Both of you.”