Bedroom Eyes 10

Stephanie rocked back and forth on her knees, straddling Maires’s face while Maires, lying on her back, licked her cunt. I’d left them to this intimacy and retrieved my belt from the floor. 

I knew Stephanie was happy, but also that she was mostly straight: sexually, she liked male smells and energy, and sex with girls was easier if I was there too. (Maires wouldn’t have cared.) .

So I put my hand on Stephanie’s right cheek and turned her to face me, on her left. She smiled, pleased to remember I was there, and kissed me. 

I held the kiss till she grimaced: Maires had just done something very right. Then I whispered, “I’m going to warm your arse till you come, Stephanie.”

She nodded. She’d had a certain amount of hand spanking that evening, especially when we were in the playground together. She’d enjoyed that, and crawling naked to my room with her arse glowing pink and no doubt warm, past the remaining party-goers: that had been hot too, and had put her in a nicely submissive frame of mind. It helped that she liked showing off, and that made that moment psychologically easier. So just then a warmed arse sounded good.

I said, “With my belt. It’s time you moved up in the world.”

Stephanie still smiled, but Mairtes was licking her hard, long and slow just then. I don’t think I had her full attention. So I brought the belt up to her face where she could see it. “Kiss the belt, beautiful Stephanie. And if you do that means we can both do whatever we like with you, all the way through till morning.”

She raised her eyebrows. She’d heard that part. But speaking was hard just then. I held the belt a couple of centimetres from her mouth. She had to move to kiss it. She glanced at me quickly, and whatever she saw in my face – probably admiration of several kinds – decided her. She bent her neck and slowly, almost ceremonially, kissed my belt.

I said, “Good girl.” Because a Dom is always happy to say that. But I added, “Look, you should know: I think I’m falling a bit in love, Stephanie. Massive lust, obviously, but love, too.”

She grinned. None of us had talked about what that might mean, and none of us, least of all Stephanie, were in a state to talk just then, but that sounded OK with her. So I doubled the belt and the next time her hips swung back in response to Maires’s tongue, I smacked her.

That first smack caught her low across her arse. It wasn’t at all hard, and left no mark except a faint blush with no outline. But Stephanie’s eye widened and she pursed her lips to say, “Uh!”

I kissed her again, and she kissed back. We shared breath and tongues, and sometimes our teeth touched lightly. I whipped down the belt to meet her ass every time she swung her hips back. She had two mouths and an implement of discipline to deal with. Sensory overload didn’t seem to trouble her.

I increased the force of her belt spanking, so the room rang with the impacts. The force of impact increased slowly but steadily, until she’d have to notice that she was now being whipped tolerably hard.

Stephanie said, “Oh wo wo wo.” Being whipped quite hard seemed to be good too.

Her body tensed, muscles showing, and she ground her cunt mercilessly on Maires’s mouth. The time for worrying about whether Maires could breathe had passed.

I swung the belt again, and said, “Until you come, Stephanie.” I moved from her side to be in front of her so she could see me and hang on. Her hands gripped my sides, under my arms, with all her strength. She looked agonised, not by the belt. I swung my belt again, vertically down her ass, landing hard to curl down one side then the other, no longer in time with her movements. 

Her nails pressed into me, and raked down my sides. I thought I’d probably just lost skin. (I had, and some blood, but I didn’t know that till later.) Stephanie threw her head back and said, “Mer – mer – mer – mer -” then she shut her eyes and just yowled. She felt forward, and I caught her. 

I held a girl who wasn’t doing a lot to support herself, and kissed her neck and shoulder. At last she said, “Fuck. Jesus fuck. Fuck. Whoa.”

It wasn’t full of content, but it was the first thing she’d said in nearly half an hour. Maires, between Stephanie’s thighs, moved her head sideways so she could say, “You can say that again.” 

I answered, because doms are simple creatures, “Good girl. Good girls, beyond belief. Both of you.”

Bedroom Eyes 9

Maires lay on her back looking up at Stephanie, who straddled her waist. “Stephanie, my sweetlove, move up a bit so Maires can get at your cunt. With her face. Get your ass nice and comfortable.”

Stephanie considered that. It was a good order, as orders go.  She said, for the first time, “Yes, sir.”

She was trying it out, to see how it felt to say it. But hearing from her it was powerful magic.

Sincere or not, I felt that “sir” right through my body. I took her hand and put it on my cock.

She squeezed. “Oh! It’s not quite dead!”

“You have some control on what it does. Say, ‘sir’ again.”

Stephanie looked at me, eyes unnaturally wide, then dropped her gaze submissively. She breathed, “Oh, yes, sir.”

I knew she was taking the piss, but that didn’t seem to matter. She tightened her grip on my cock, which answered her. “Oh my god, it’s not dead at all. Just like ET! Sir. Hmm. Sir!”

I kissed her. “You can play all the games you like. But the truth is, you already half mean it, Stephanie.”

She looked away for a second. “You might be right. Sir.” 

I tried hard not to look smug. Really I did. “Now, I gave you an order. It’s an order that gets your cunt licked. So…”

“Yes! Sir!”

She scrambled forward, still straddling Maires, and moved up a little so her cunt approached the waiting Maires’s face, then lowered her body slowly until a little gasp told me she’d made contact with Maires’s tongue. I imagined Maires smiling, buried as she was in beautiful woman, tongue working hard to pleasure her new sister.

Stephanie trembled slightly as Maires licked up at her cunt. This was completely new for her, and it was clearly wonderful.

Her ass was sweetly poised, in one of the classic spank-me positions. It trembled a little, too. 

That ass seemed intensely inviting to me, even if Stephanie had probably forgotten, for the moment, that I existed.

But there was her gorgeous arse, jiggling up and down in response to Maire’s tongue. There were no more wordgames, now: I was simply hard.

Yes, I decided, this was a very good time to introduce something else new. New for Stephanie, at least. I rolled off the bed onto the floor, and took the belt from my jeans.


Bedroom Eyes 8

I lay on Stephanie’s back, cock slowly softening inside her. Even though I’d reach under her to hold her breasts, cupping, squeezing and pinching her nipples, not too hard. Even though fucking Stephanie was something I’d wanted to do, feeling that want in my cock, in my gut and, oddly, in the back of my neck, for eight years. 

I kissed her shoulder and then her neck, and she waggled her arse under me. That was welcome too, but I was spent. My cock wouldn’t be doing much for at least half an hour. I said, “Scuse me a sec. Sorry.” And I wthdrew from her while I was still hard enough to be sure the condom would stay with my cock.

I dropped the condom out of sight under the bed and rolled onto my side, so Stephanie and I lay facing each other, our heads each resting on one of Maires’s thighs. Maires reached down and stroked our hair, and we kissed. Stephanie put her hand on my soft, wet cock. “You’re all fucked out. I’ve drained you.” 

There was an odd mix of pride and disappointment in her expression. For no good reason except that I was enthusiastic about her arse, I smacked it, first lightly, then hard, a proper spank.

“Oh, I’ll probably be back in a bit. And in the meantime… tongues on men are like strap-ons on women. They never get exhausted.” 

“Jesus, Jaime,” Maires said. “That’s absolutely fucking Wildean.” 

So this time I smacked the outer side of Maire’s thigh, twice. That, for some reason, helped me work out what we should do next. “Come down the bed, Maires. Right down, so your feet can touch the floor. No, on your back.” 

Stephanie rolled onto her back, to give Maires room, and watch her. I said, “Good girl. Now stop there.”

“Yes, Sir.” Maires usually didn’t acknowledge orders she was already obeying. But she wanted to show off her status to Stephanie. And to suggest that it could be fun. She liked games, the fun kind, and she played them well.

I kissed her, and took a pillow. “I’m going to put this under your shoulders. Up a bit for a moment, girl.”

“Yes, Sir.” Maires smiled at Stephanie. Then she looked back at me and frowned: what in fuck was I up to?

I got the pillow into place. “Now drop your head back. You’re an accessory.”

She looked at me, still frowning, before obeying. “After the fact?”

“You, love, you’re a cunt-licking accessory.”

“Ah. Stephanie is lovely. You don’t mind me saying that, do you?”

Stephanie kissed her, which is answer enough. Maires said, to me, “A very, um, willing cunt-licker, sir.”

I said, “Willing. Not that it matters.”

I took Stephanie’s hand. She’d been watching us, fascinated. She’d blushed, just lightly, when I called Maires a cunt-licking accessory: that was rude. No one talks to a woman like that, she’d have said two hours ago, and yet it was hot.

We were animals now, fiery like Blake’s tiger, in the night. And the cunt in question, the one that needed to be licked, was hers. 


Bedroom Eyes 7

I‘d told Stephanie that I’d fuck her again when, and possibly if, she could make Maires moan. Since I wanted her very much, I was intending to interpret any sexual comfort noises that Maires might make as moans. But Maires had a strong mischievous streak, and I expected that she’d be silent for a while, making Stephanie work and keeping me from entering her.

I knew that Stephanie minded my cock not being in her, which was in itself a powerfully sexy consideration. She was on her knees, her ass up and her head down between Maires’s thighs, mouth and tongue on Maires’s cunt, her hands under Maires’s thighs. Maires wriggled under Stephanie, to give her better access. She let her hands rest lightly on Stephanie’s head, caressing rather than directing. 

I watched them, two beautiful women, both of whom I loved in different ways, in loving embrace. Stephanie was having a new experience. I wondered how she was feeling, but as far as I could tell she was pixified, enchanted, happy to find herself exploring Maires’s cunt and her own responses.

I was still dangerously close to coming. When I entered Stephanie, I hoped to last at least until Maires came. But just then simply entering the soft paradise of her cunt again, feeling her ass pressed against me, would bring me to release.

I tried to relax, and despite the sensual wonder of their mutually moving bodies, I thought for a moment about all the species of dog I could name, that began with the letter L: labrador, lowchen, wasn’t there a Lhasa something?

But Maires grunted, a pleasured sound, and then made a low groan through her nose. I said, “Labradoodle,” which fortunately they ignored, and positioned myself behind Stephanie, holding her hips.

We moved together, in time with the rhythm of Stephanie’s head between Maires’s thighs, slowly joining.

Then Stephanie gasped, like Maires had, as I pushed deeper into her, sometimes withdrawing a little then moving forward, skin sliding wetly along sensitive skin.   

I wanted to praise them both, for being beautiful, and good and loving, but just then I couldn’t do words. Maires made another pleasure noise, under Stephanie’s mouth, and I sped up, fucking Stephanie harder, faster. I knew that sound, though Stephanie hadn’t heard it before. Maires was close.

Maires lifted her knees then, thighs tightly clasping Stephanie’s head. Her hands that had rested on the back of Stephanie’s head clenched, seizing her by the hair, and pulling. Her body worked, pushing up at Stephanie’s face. Her eyes squeezed shut, and her mouth opened, a silent scream, and then her ass rose from the bed while she clawed at Stephanie’s back and growled.

Lioness, I thought. My love is like a lioness. And I leaned down to kiss the back of Stephanie’s neck, reached under her to hold her breasts, and came in her. Also growling.

Stephanie laughed, triumphant, having made us both come. But, I noted, she hadn’t come herself.

We two growling animals would have to pleasure her, next. Stephanie had fallen amongst the burning beasts.


Bedroom Eyes 6

Seconds later Maires yowled her own cry, and I felt her cunt seem to clutch at my cock. There was a series of fluttering contractions, and I gasped with the pleasure of it, which was almost too intense to bear. I said, “Ahhhh, uh,” while Maires screamed.

I reached under her and squeezed her breasts, with my thumbs and forefingers squeezing and hurting her nipples, and rode her ass hard, and fast, until she screamed again. 

There seemed to be finality in that second orgasm. Maires had no more left, for a while. So I slowed, growling like a bear, and then stopped.

Maires rested her head on Stephanie’s right thigh. Her hair was wet. 

“Two happy girls. I think this is the best thing there is.” That was inane. Neither Stephanie nor Maires answered. It was true, though.

I’d held off my own orgasm when Maires came because I’d already come in Stephanie’s mouth, when we were in the playground across the road, and that gave me the control to hold myself back. I wanted my next orgasm to be… later.

This has never seemed like a bad idea

I could come in Stephanie’s mouth again. Or in Maires’s. Or both. Maybe I just wanted to fuck Stephanie again. Or both of them. The next time I came, it would take a while to recover. And this was no time for down time. Still, I thought, maybe I could lie on my back, while Stephanie sat on my cock, riding happily, and Maires was on my face where I could tongue her.

On the other hand, maybe the next person to do Maires with their mouth should be Stephanie. Anyway, there was no such thing as a bad choice.

Still undecided, I smacked Maires’s arse again. “Keep very still.”

Maires froze obediently, and I pulled out of her cunt, very slowly. And very carefully; it would take very little to make me come, just then. I rolled Maires over onto her side, and we kissed. Then, without needing to speak, we both moved up the bed, where Stephanie held out her arms, welcoming both of us.

We kissed, the three of us, the two women side by side like the base of a triangle. I was the apex, above them, my cock comfortably held between their hips. Stephanie kissed Maires, and looked at her. Some understanding passed between them, though I didn’t know what it was.

But Stephanie put her hand on my cock. She squeezed, and I gasped again: her cock-puppet. Then she opened her legs again. “You said you’d be in me, once I got onto the bed.”

“Oh. I did, didn’t I?” I slipped my cock between Stephanie’s thighs, the head just touching her cunt. It was a good promise, and I wanted to keep it. But I didn’t push forward. Not yet. Stephanie gazed up at me, puzzled. What was keeping me? 

I said, “Maires? When was the last time Stephanie licked you?”

Maires grinned, while Stephanie looked briefly apprehensive. The answer was ‘never’. I’d be willing to bet that Stephanie had never used any part of her body to pleasure another girl in her life. I kissed Stephanie, then. “Maires just made you come. Do you think you can return the favour?”

“I’ll try.” Then Stephanie looked across at Maires. “Maires, if I’m doing it wrong, please tell me. And tell me what to do. I’m not very – Well, I’m not even slightly experienced.”

Maires hugged her, one hand on her breast, her cunt pressed firmly against Stephanie’s hip. “The only thing you can do wrong, darling, is not enjoy yourself.”

Stephanie’s experience of my belt was still hypothetical. But all three of us knew that that experience would happen. Though we didn’t know when.

I said, because it seemed time to reclaim one particular kind of erotic tension, “Or not try hard enough. You’ll show enthusiasm, Stephanie.”

Stephanie grinned and squeezed my cock again. She weren’t afraid of no doms. So I put growl back into my voice. “My belt is on the floor, at the moment. And you haven’t felt it across your arse, yet. Both of those things can change, girl.”

Stephanie only stroked my cock. But Maires knew what was happening. She said, “Sir, I think she does need the belt. And I really want to watch while she gets it.”

Stephanie raised her eyebrows at that, but I could feel her mood changing back. I was in command again. I said, “Onto your back, Maires. And Stephanie, onto your knees. You know what to do.”

Same as before (but the women have swapped positions)

Maires rolled out from under me, and held out her arms for Stephanie. She wanted her. I thought Stephanie would like the new experience, and feel proud of herself when Maires came. But Stephanie didn’t move. She said, “What about you?”

“The first time we hear Maires moan, you’ll get my cock back. Where it belongs, beautiful woman.”

So Stephanie rolled onto her tummy, head between Maires’s thighs. Slowly, spectacularly and to a certain extent knowingly, her ass rose.



Bedroom Eyes 5

Maires and I licked and nibbled our way down Stephanie’s thighs, she writhing slowly and smelling beautifully, headily, aroused. Eventually, when Stephanie would expect at least one tongue to touch her glorious, shiny centre, I stopped and kissed Maires.

Mouth to horizontal mouth, while Stephanie’s vertical mouth leaked, and she tried to move down the bed so her cunt could press against our faces.

I smacked her leg, and said, “Stephanie, you keep still!” She’d got used to taking commands. She stopped, making piteous, disappointed sounds.

After a while, Maires stopped kissing me. She looked at me, eyebrows up, and I nodded. Maires turned her head, and pressed forward, delicately, her mouth softly touching Stephanie’s cunt. Stephanie said, “Hooo”. 

Then Maires licked, firmly upwards, touching and tongue-bathing Stephanie’s clitoris. Stephanie’s whole body clenched, and she was silent, legs apart, abandoned, waiting for whatever we might make happen to her. 

I slid, snakelike, up the bed while Maires was busy with Stephanie’s sweet centre. I kissed her, and she opened her eyes. We smiled at each other. I said, “I’ll be fucking Maires next.” 

Stephanie nodded solemnly. A host had his responsibilities, and she knew that it was Maires’s turn. She sighed, in response to something Maires was doing, then touched my face.

She pulled me down to kiss her again. She opened her mouth, so we explored each other like horny adolescents, lips and tongues and teeth. 

For a long time Stephanie was the centre of our tiny world, on my bed, having her cunt pleasured and kissing the man who’d just – finally, after too many years – fucked her. I added, “but when I’m fucking Maires, I promise you’ll still feel me.” 

I know; that sounds egotistical. But we all live in a culture, and because of that culture Maires could lick Stephanie’s cunt because I was there. If I wasn’t present Stephanie wouldn’t allow that.

My male presence, and I guess things about her and me specifically, made it possible for Stephanie to accept my girl’s tongue on her cunt, that female to female pressure. But Stephanie was having a threesome with a man, for the time being her man, and not having lesbian sex. From her point of view.     

I whispered, “Maires likes it if you hold her hair while she’s doing you.” And kissed her again. And a few seconds Maires made a lust noise; she was having her hair pulled, and she was serving. 

I kissed Stephanie goodbye for the time being. Maires was on her knees, her head down deep between Stephanie’s thighs. Her position was close to the one I’d enforced on Stephanie on the carpet. I clambered back until my knees were between Maires’s. I held her hips, Maires’s head still bobbing and bopping energetically, one of Stephanie’s hands in her hair.

My cock pressed forward, between her buttocks. The head touched Maires’s cunt. She was distracted, with her own duties, but she said, “Yer, ye.” I pushed forward. She said, “Ah fuck!” as I entered her. She lost her rhythm, for a few seconds.

I saw Stephanie dig her nails into Maires’s shoulders. Blood was going to be spilled, and soon. I pushed forward, into Maires in one thrust, tightly held in the most perfect world there is, wet, warm, and needing more of me. I smacked Maires’s arse, which I possessed utterly and without reservation from either of us.

I said, “I’m fucking you. You’re doing Stephanie. So, follow me.”  

Maires made a sound that wasn’t a protest. It was acquiescence mixed with the knowledge that she shouldn’t take that sort of order. But she liked being given orders, and obeying, as Stephanie did. I wondered which of them would get to surrender to the other. And I pressed forward, and back, in Maires’s clasping wet cunt, riding her high and slowly. 

Bedroom Eyes 4

Stephanie and I had just fucked fairly vigorously on the carpet. I’d picked Stephanie up, carrying her in my arms, to my bed. But Maires, my girlfriend, had just had sex, or something of the kind, with a man with half his face painted red and a wooden toucan on his shoulder. Who, I’m afraid, doesn’t appear again in this story, although he did seem to be fascinating to women. Maires had come into our room and congratulated us, which in practice meant mainly Stephanie, on the beauty of our orgasm noises. 

Stephanie remembered that she’d agreed with me that Maires could join us when she, Maires, was ready. But now she was embarrassed. So Maires had asked her personally for her permission to join us. 

Stephanie looked up at me. I smiled at her, then had to clear my throat. “You don’t have to agree to anything you don’t want. I mentioned that it gets incredibly cuddly, if you have both me and Maires here. But all the options are good, whatever you decide.” 

Stephanie’s “ernnnn” was a growl. Maires looked disappointed, and was ready to leave, but I recognised it: it was the sound my mom made, when she was about to agree to something but wanted me to know it was a big concession on her part. So I lifted her a little and kissed her. 

Stephanie laughed, with the absurdity and promise of the moment, and Maires finally relaxed.

“All right,” Stephanie said. “You two fucking weirdos. Do your worst.”

I lowered Stephanie to the bed. She put her hands over her breasts and clamped her legs together. I figured she was joking. I said, “I promise it’ll be a good worst. Maires, I think you’re overdressed.” 

Stephanie slowly spread her legs, which had a hypnotic effect on me. Then she raised her knees, still spread, and pointed her toes at the ceiling. Maires said, “Holy fuck. Fuck, Stephanie. That’s fucking…”

Then she shut up, and pulled her shirt over her head, and dropped it on the floor, then dropped her jeans to join the shirt. 

I joined Stephanie, with my cock poking at her hip, and smacked her bottom. She dropped her legs to the bed and looked at me, trying to be indignant. I kissed her left, nearer knee, which was red and rough and painfully abraded by our carpet fuck. “These need treatment. Maires, go and get anti-septic cream.” 

Maires hesitated. She was supposed to do as she was told when we were together. But it was the first time I’d given her a direct order in front of someone else. On the other hand, I’d just smacked Stephanie’s bottom in front of her. So she decided there were the rules, and anyway they were likely to be fun. She said, “Sir, then.” And she left for the bathroom, naked as she was.

Stephanie grinned at me. “You’re a bad man. Someone should spank you.” 

I kissed her. “It just doesn’t work like that. Life is unfair. And do you think I’m going to spank you, even for suggesting that?” 

Stephanie rolled over, poked her arse up, and wiggled. “Go on, then.”

I felt the invitation, and the urge to act on it.

But instead I kissed her bottom, and then her thighs. Stephanie sighed, and spread her thighs wider. I said, “All in good time. Now roll over, girl. On your back, knees up.”

Maires arrived then with Savlon and gauze. She climbed on the bed too, on Stephanie’s right side, and kissed her knee. “Poor little limb. Injured in the cause of love.”

She took two pieces of gauze, squeezed out a dollop of Savlon onto each, and handed me one of the gauze pieces.

I dabbed at Stephanie’s left knee, while Maires cooed and did the same on her side. She leaned down and kissed Stephanie’s inner thigh. So I did the same.

“Obviously,” I said to Stephanie, “we intend to offer the total burns recovery care package.” It was an incredibly lame thing to say, but I hoped she wasn’t in a critical mood. Anyway, it did give her information.

Stephanie let her head sink back onto the pillow. She didn’t need to watch us any more. After we’d cleaned her knees, and soothed them as best we could, we gave our attention to Stephanie’s inner thighs, mouthing, tonguing and occasionally biting her flesh, working our way, very, very slowly closer to her cunt.

Stephanie made a sound that was half sigh and half grunt. She was enjoying our worst. Maires bit very lightly on the inner side of Stephanie’s thigh. Maires looked over at me. Her eyes were bright. “Meet you in the middle.”

Bedroom Eyes 3

Stephanie and I were on our knees, on the carpet. She had her face and breasts pressed on the carpet. I was on my knees, losing skin, fucking her. We’d known each other for about eight years, so there was a lot of sexual curiosity, longing and lust in this, so we didn’t care about knees, or any skin except where we two merged, my cock in her cunt, slick wet skin sliding together, hard and fast.

That took up most of our awareness. it was worth savouring, though we’d passed the point at which we could take things slowly. Stephanie mewed, her head turning from side to side, as we fucked. My stomach and hips pounded her upturned, sweetly presented ass.

It was a submissive position, not that Stephanie was submissive in any full time sense. She and I had fallen into a dom/sub pattern because sexual dominance comes naturally to me, and she was in the mood to go along with me. I smacked her arse again, with that thought, and she yelped, pleasured, and sighed. But she was not quiet after that spank: she was approaching her orgasm, and that pleasured yelp repeated, and then became a long, continuous wail. 

She said, “Harder! Harder!” I smacked her again, hard, across the sides of her buttocks, and then again, though I knew that wasn’t what she meant. I also rode her harder, pushing her ass down to the floor with the weight and pressure of my body against her.

Eventually she collapsed forward, her body at full stretch on the carpet, my cock still in her, pushing and pumping as hard as I could. She made one, brief, very high-pitched noise and then was silent: her whole body shuddered. 

My girl had come. I could have come in her, at that moment, but I decided I needed to hold myself in reserve. I slowly rode her, while she gasped for air, post-orgasmic and blissed, and tried to push her ass up again. I put my hand in her hair, and turned her face so she could see me. I leaned down and kissed her neck, and cheek. 

Stephanie smiled. “That took us a while, didn’t it?” 

“Yeah. Should have happened eight years ago. We were just always busy with someone else. Or at least one of us always was.” I moved my cock in her, as it was too good and sweet not to, and I loved the feel of her soft but very muscular ass under me. 

Stephanie’s belting would be hot, and, for the moment, completely hypothetical…

Stephanie nodded. This was true. It was good we’d found the time. And that Maires, my current girlfriend, had allowed it to happen. But she said, “Would you really have taken your belt to my arse? If I’d pushed back, and taken your cock into me?”

“Oh god, yes. Hard, girl.” That wasn’t really true. I’d made the threat because it had seemed sexy in the moment, and then been relieved not to have to carry it out.

But once you’ve started down that path, you follow through, if tested in what you judge is a consenting way. Like Stephanie’s. She laughed briefly. “Heh. Thought so. You’ve got a… reputation, you know. Pervert.”

“I can’t deny it. But you don’t get to feel the belt, sweetiepie, unless you don’t do as you’re told.”

“What if I said, no?”

“Yeah well, that goes without saying. Er, I mean, if you say no, there’s no go. Anyway, I’d like very much to warm your arse up with my belt, before I fuck you. Some time. If you feel like it.”

I said that because my cock, still inside her, was likely to shrink if we talked too much about careful things. But saying the equivalent of, “I want to whip you”; and thinking about her perfect ass presented for that, as well as for the fucking that always follows any application of the belt: that got me hardening again. She noticed, and waggled her hips.

“Yeah. I can tell you’d like it.”

“I think you’ll like it too. But you do get a veto. Obviously.”

“Well, we’ll see.” 

“Sweet Stephanie-girl, I don’t really want to pull out of you. Ever, really. But I would like to carry you to bed. And put something on your knees.” Mine were starting to protest, red, scratched and possibly close to blistering. Hers had taken an even harder assault than mine. 

“Uh huh. That’s reasonable. So long as you’re back in me, once we’re in bed.” 

So, slowly, and with a certain amount of panting, because it really can be a hard thing to do, I withdrew. I rolled Stephanie onto her back, and reached under her shoulders and knees. She’s a strong girl, but not heavy. So I had an armful of warm, laughing, naked Stephanie, when the door opened. 

It was Maires. She had her jeans on, but the bra she’d been wearing under her tshirt was gone. She looked radiant, glowing: I guess the guy with the wooden toucan on his shoulder had done well by her.

She said, “Hello, beautiful lovers. I heard the end of that; it sounded lovely.”

Stephanie said nothing. She looked at me, not Maires. She’d agreed to have Maires join us, but in the moment what mattered was that it was so far outside her experience.

So Maires spoke to her: “Stephanie, beautiful darling, would you mind if I join you two?” 


Bedroom Eyes 2

Stephanie waited, naked, on my floor, her face, her outspread arms and her breasts touching the carpet, and her ass up and poised.

It’s just about the sexiest position a woman can assume. Nothing says, “I need to be fucked,” like lordosis. 

I bent down and touched her hair. I said, in my softest, gentlest voice, “Good girl.” Stephanie grunted. It was the thiurd time I’d told her, but now She was deeply in the state of mind in which “Good girl” is a comfort.

Then I pulled her hair, medium hard, to remind her who we were being to each other in that room, and while she sighed, taking that in, the knowledge that she was a girl who got her hair pulled, I lowered myself to the floor behind her, my knees between hers, my cock pressing urgently against her sweet and very wet cunt.

I didn’t move, though. Stephanie’s hips made little micro-movements of need, wanting me inside her. But she knew I didn’t want her to rock her ass back and take me.

It wasn’t that she knew I’d punish her if she did, though I certainly would. It was that she liked this game and she wanted to be good. And maybe be called ‘good girl’ again.

So we stayed like that, Stephanie waiting, presented for fucking, being tormented.

I was tormented too, of course, but it’s different when you know when it’s going to and. Or begin. 

I said, “Keep still. That’s a good girl.” It was so difficult not to take her immediately and hard. One hard push forward. But I let another minute pass, caressing the sides of her breasts, and moving my hands back to hold her, firmly, by her hips. Then at last I moved forward, letting the head of my cock touch slick, wet, needy cunt, and pressed a little further forward so her lips parted for half of the head of my cock. It was like being kissed in welcome. Stephanie made a sound that was close to a sob, then sucked in her breath. She knew she still didn’t have permission to move. 

I mentioned at the start of this story that I’d known Stephanie for years. I knew her family, too. Stephanie was a spoiled girl. She’d never really needed permission for anything while she was growing up. Waiting for permission now, being obedient, was a new experience for her. Clearly, she was finding it hot, in this context.

I said, “Stephanie.” 

“Yes. Jaime?” 

“You can rock back now, and take more of me. Just the head of my cock. If you go further… Well, my belt’s on the floor here. Understand?” 

There were a lot of things she could have said about that. But she took the belt threat without questioning it. She said, “Urrrrrnh.”

I hoped I wouldn’t have to use the belt. Not tonight; it wouldn’t fit the mood. But her acquiescence to the idea in principle made my cock just a little harder. I think she felt that.

She moved back, very carefully, impaling her soft centre on me. My glans covered in her, held tightly, I squeezed my fingers, hard, on her hips. We’d wanted each other for years. It was something to savour.

Then I raised my right hand and smacked her, just for the joy of it. I pushed further in, then back, half an inch back and one inch forward, each time.

Stephanie’s face was turned back to look at me, and her mouth was open. She’d dribbled on the carpet. We moved forward, then back.

Neither of us had any thoughts, any things to say.

I moved forward a little further, then back, and then forward again. Stephanie started to move now that most of my cock was in her, rocking on her knees, fucking me, pleasuring herself. 

At last my pubic bone and stomach pressed against her ass. We were fully joined. I said, “Stephanie, you are good. And sweet. And beautiful. And…” 

She moved and I shut up. Suddenly, we were fucking as fast and hard as we could. My knees rubbed on the carpet, painfully, and I didn’t care. She was going to lose skin too. 


Bedroom Eyes 1


1`. This continues the Night Vision saga, with a new title since our cast is inside, now.

2. This actually fits the prompt, because it’s something that happened about nine years ago. I’ve changed names to protect the wonderful, and changed a few other details. But this was a peak experience, from within the last ten years.

Bedroom Eyes1

I opened the back door and stood back as if I were a polite man, so that Stephanie could lead the way, prowling on her hands and knees. It wasn’t politeness, of course. I just wanted to watch her ass.

I said, because there are times a dom can’t help himself, and for me just saying it comes with an incredibly powerful wave of affection and lust, “Good girl, Stephanie.”

She looked at me, I guess wondering whether I was in any position to decide whether she was good or not. A naked Stephanie is very obviously a girl, and she couldn’t have had any doubt that I could judge that part of it. Only her “goodness” was in question.

Then she looked back down at the carpet, so there she’d decided not to challenge my judgment, or my right to be so ridiculously patronising. She’d decided that she’d play along and do as I said. So she was a good girl. I reached down and stroked her face, then put my fingers where she could kiss them. She did. I said, “Good girl,” again. 

Where we were, just inside the back door, there was no one around. I reached my hand back from her mouth and smacked her arse, hard. I said, “Mush!”

Stephanie skittered a little, like a pony might, then began to crawl towards the main corridor. We could hear people there. Her arrival in that corridor was going to be noticed. She knew she was a hot girl even with her clothes on, and so she knew that my male guests in particular were going to notice her.

I said, “You know the way to my room. Go.” And I smacked her again. This time she accepted it with no skittering or protest, and began to crawl, half prowling and half shuffling, to the door of my room. I had a thought. “Keep your head down, girl.” I smacked her again. I was too happy not to. 

There were about a dozen people in the corridor, one couple kissing, and two groups of five. They looked at Stephanie first, and then at me. They’d seen me do weird stuff before. Most of them didn’t know about me and bdsm, so I guess they just took it as theatre.

I said, “Second door on the left, Maureen.” (I called her Maureen because it wasn’t her name. Most people are terrible witnesses, and most of the guys, and the women for that matter, were looking at the naked, crawling girl’s body, not her face. So using the name “Maureen” might give Stephanie a kind of privacy. There’d probably be gossip about this, but it would involve a Maureen.)

I noticed that her face was now red as I’ve ever seen anyone’s. This was exhibitionism on a grand scale, and mildly humiliating. It seemed that she liked those two things very much. 

But she shuffled quickly forward to my doorway, and made the left turn inside. There were four idiots (I say this affectionately) standing in my room wasting good party time by standing around and talking about Gramsci. They saw me, with a naked girl at my feet, and took the hint. There was a couple on my bed talking. I’d hoped they’d get together, and they clearly had. Unfortunately, they’d have to consummate somewhere else.

I said, “I’m sorry to chuck you out. But I need the room. Sorry, John, sorry, Lena.” But they broke up, Lena laughing at me because she knew about me and bdsm. They left, arm in arm. I shut the door behind them, and pushed Stephanie’s scarlet face down to the carpet.

“Keep your ass high, Stephanie. Knees apart. Spread your arms out so your upper body is on the carpet.”

Stephanie made a little moaning noise, that wasn’t a protest, and obeyed. She looked spectacularly, nakedly and rudely offered. Sexually offered.

She said, “Am I still good?” so I smacked her again. She waited, watching me from the floor while I undressed. She was smiling. 

I took a condom from my wallet. I put it on. Then I knelt behind her and put my hands on her hips. “Carpet burns, darling. You’re about to get serious carpet burns.”