In the Realm of the Sensei 3

When they were more or less conscious and able to speak again Seamus smacked Asuka again, on her right hip, and said, “Good Asuka. Asuka is a good girl, my good girl.” She made a happy sound, though at any other time she’d have laughed at him for saying something like that.

They rocked together, vastly pleased with each other, until he started to soften inside her and he had to withdraw, holding the ring of the condom so it didn’t slip off inside her.

She straightened up, and arched her back, her arms out above her shoulders.

She turned. She kissed him. “Seamus! You were my first! Up my chokucho. And it was wonderful! I wish you’d been first in my pussy and my mouth too. But I’m glad I saved something for you.” Then she giggled. “You got my arse!”

Eventually they moved the low table back into its place, and she made Seamus sit at it cross-legged, while she warmed and served him sake, holding the little porcelain bottle between her breasts. He generally preferred beer, but Asuka liked making a fuss, and she made a protracted act of service when she brought him warm sake. He was sure she enjoyed it, partly as a tradition and partly as theatre. After she’d served him she wanted to cuddle, but he smacked her bottom hard enough to re-awaken the pain of her caning, and told her to make dinner.

He had a shower, changed into a robe and thick socks, becoming a salaryman at home, monarch, until he returned to work, of all he surveyed. Mostly he watched Asuka surreptitiously while she performed in the kitchen. She wasn’t used to cooking. He usually did that.

After he’d stopped eating she’d crawled to him under the table. She pushed him onto his back, gently, and pulled his robe away from his cock. She lowered her mouth onto it, and sucked him lazily, in no particular hurry. She’d told him she loved his cock in her mouth, and he’d eventually believed her. Seamus allowed her to please herself, for a long time under he felt urgency again.

He put his head in her hair and grabbed a handful. Then he pulled her down onto him, all the way until she choked and coughed and tried to come up.

He slapped her face, then, and she committed herself to serve him, working hard until he gasped, held her head close, and thrust into her mouth. She swallowed his come, and continued sucking him, slowly and less urgently until he was soft again. 

Much later that night, when they were in bed, tired and sleepy, Asuka kissed him and said she’d been sure that he would know how to be firm with her, and that he would have to be that way – “vey firm!” – from now on. He’d reassured her that he would.

He got up and collected the cane, and hung it on a hook above the bed. He’d have to buy another cane, he realized, so he’d have one for home use, and one for school. He expected that he’d only use the school cane on Asuka, too. Though anything was possible.

Then he returned to bed. She reached up and touched the end of the cane that now hung above her head. “For ‘uck,” she said. They cuddled until they rolled onto their sides, Asuka’s rump close to Seamus’s cock, and they slept.


The Ojastara Tales: The Landgrave 4

Ojastara took the strip of leather she kept round her left wrist and climbed the bed to straddle the Landgrave. Leaning down she kissed him, her thighs closing on his cock to distract him, and wrapped the thin leather strip round his thumbs, then his wrists. He grimaced when he realized that his hands really were trapped, but the touch of Ojastara’s inner thigh made him focus on other concerns.

He looked up at her, something both urgent and haunted in his eyes. “Please…”

Ojastara struck his left nipple, hard, with the tassle of the crop, and he forgot whatever it was that he was about to beg. She struck his right nipple twice, unfairly hard, and then sat herself on his thighs, looking down at him. He writhed, cock rigid in the air, but he could not shake her.

She smiled down at him, his expression drawn with need, and spread her thighs to press her cunt against his right thigh, soft wet fruit against hard muscle. A sweet tension built and grew within her, steadily gaining in power as she pressed herself hard against his thigh. She rode him slowly up, then down, pleasuring herself while he begged for relief. At last she said, as if angry, “You are becoming importunate!” She struck him twice, using the shaft of the crop against his chest. Then, when he was aware of the pain, and that he was marked with two raised red welts, she struck him twice more, without hurry.

“Be good,” she said. “Be silent.” Her mouth quirked. “Behave.”

He stared up at her, barely believing what was happening to him, or within him. “Ah… Yes.” Then he said, “Mistress.”

“Good boy.” Ojastara rode him, harder, faster, and then closed with him so that his cock was pressed between his belly and her ribcage. The pressure on her cunt, and her own exertions, were reaching her, and she felt that she was glowing. Eventually she let her tension go, and she groaned, and gushed against his leg, gurgling in pleasure.

She said, “Ahhh… Sweet.” Then she raised herself from his chest so that his cock prodded, untouched, into the air. 

He looked at her, desperate. “Mistress. Please…”

Sinful Sunday: Consolation Prize

It didn’t happen every time. But usually he gave her an orgasm, one way or another, before she got up from her punishment place and position. 

So much of the rhetoric about life between a willing slave and her chosen Master comes down to this: he has to make himself useful, and keep his possession glad that she has a Master.

Arethusa was, in a sense, easy to please, after punishment. She felt especially sexually needy and urgent after he’d caned her. Partly, he believed, she wanted to distract herself from the fire in her ass, but also… she was fiercely aroused. Hungry.

So was he.

Product Review: The Pulse Duo

Product review: The Pulse Duo, by Hot Octopuss. 

Price: A$189.00, plus shipping

This a remarkable toy in its design and use. Essentially it’s a kind of vibrator that’s useful for male and female solo sex, and is also designed for use by couples. 

This review is based on tests with male use, female use and couple use. 



The Pulse is a silicon toy, with that combines two vibrators, an outer one for female use, and an inner surface, with wings to surround the penis, for male use. 

It has six vibration settings:

1 Steady vibration

2 Slow pulses

3 Faster pulsing

4 Very fast pulsing

5 Three fast pulses and then one long pulse

6. Light “heartbeat” pulses


User reports

First trial: Male use

I’m new to masturbation toys for men, so this is a slightly naive report. But I have to say I’m impressed. The penis, whether hard, semi-erect or soft, goes into the valley formed by the toy’s inner surface and its wings.

I experimented with the six pulse/vibration speeds, and personally came to prefer setting 5, three fast pulses followed by one long pulse. You can choose another option, according to your preferences, which is part of the beauty of it.

The first time I used it I used lubricant (water-based, otherwise you will mar the surface). But I found on later trials that lubrication actually isn’t needed. It fits and slides along the shaft of the penis quite smoothly without lube.  

I can report that it’s very easy to use, it feels great and it works! An A from me!

Second trial: Female use

My brave volunteer says: 

“For women, the business edge of this toy is the bulgy bit, at the other side of the winged part meant for men. You can hold it easily, and press it against bits of your body that are a bit … concave. 

So I did, and it definitely feels good. One advantage women have with this toys the separate, supplied button that lets you select your pulse rate, for the surface you’re working with (or, if you like, that’s working on you), with a remote control button.

So you can vary your speed as you go, for example working up from the gentlest to its rumbliest settings. 

One thing I found is that it lasts half an hour, starting from fully charged, at the rumblier settings. It doesn’t slow down gently; it just suddenly stops. For me, I timed it twice and it stopped at 31 minutes. Be aware of that if you really like to take your time. 

But it really is a good, strong growly, rumbly toy. I don’t mean it’s noisy. It can’t be heard through a door (I tested). Rumbly and growly is what it feels like. 

I give it an A.”

Couple use

The male and female testers have played with the toy, and each has their favoured vibration speed and style. The next step is couple use. 

Essentially I put the Pulse on my cock, and pressed against my partner and co-tester so the outer edge pressed against her labia. 

We found that it works best if you don’t move about much. It’s easy for it to lose its place pressing against the vulva if you get energetic. So it’s a toy for intense concentration and lots of eye contact while only moving the hips slowly, and not from side to side.

For that it works very well, and that’s a good thing. Being stimulated strongly without moving, which is an unusual and good sensation.

I found that it has a psychological effect: you tend to focus on the other person. The stillness has its power. 

Neither of us came, using it together, but it is (I think) more of a foreplay kind of toy when used in a twosome.

After the half-hour cut-off point, you can set the toy aside, go on and do penetration or whatever you want, and go for it.  

We gave it an A-, docking it just half a notch for the difficulty keeping it in place during pre-intercourse. But that’s a minor quibble.

It’s an interesting toy that feels great, and allows you to be strongly stimulated while staying relatively still. Pressing together, eye to eye, while it moves both of you, is just a luxurious sensation.

Summing up

It’s a great couples toy. As a solo-use toy it’s probably better for men than for women, though it works for both. It takes just a little getting used to, but then it delivers.

Overall grade: A!

In the realm of the Sensei 2

Seamus continued until Asuka was well lubricated and anyway better relaxed, so he could slide two fingers, then three, easily inside her. He said, “This may hurt you a bit. Like the very first time you fucked, perhaps. That sort of pain doesn’t matter; it’ll get better. But if it really hurts, too much, you’re to tell me at once. Is that understood, Asuka?”

“Hai, sensei.” He was sensei again. He supposed it was sexier, to be buggered by your sensei. He assumed this was a virginity for Asuka, about to fall to the lightest, slightest siege possible. He put a condom on, and put the head of his cock against that little dilated orifice, and then, holding her hips tightly, pushed forward.

Asuka hissed again, and said, “Oh!” Then her rectal muscle suddenly gave way and let him in. “Oh.” She breathed slowly, getting used to this intrusion, while Seamus trembled, holding himself just inside her, her muscle just admitting him. At last she said, “Aaah. Yes. But slowly. Please, sensei.”

Seamus smacked her with his right hand, so she could feel she was still being disciplined, and pushed further forward. He took her slowly, feeling that virgin muscle clasp him tight, letting her pause and get used to him each time he made progress. He’d wait until she was again breathing normally before he’d move to take more.

At last they closed with each other, until he was fully in her, belly pressed to her buttocks, cock fully lodged inside her. They stayed together, perfectly still, for a long time.

Eventually it was Asuka who moved, just a very little, and he held himself still while she began to fuck him, in millimeters, then centimeters, always slowly. At last he couldn’t stop himself and moved forward into her as she pressed back at him. She exhaled savagely in response and they fucked hard and fast, forgetting about care or pain.

Seamus could feel his orgasm building until, as orgasms will, it suddenly became urgent. He stopped still, and Asuka swore at him. But in a few seconds he had himself under enough control so he could move again without instantly coming, so long as he moved slowly. That turned out to be good, from Asuka’s point of view.

She began making little noises as he took her, squeaks and little gibbers that he knew as her pre-orgasm cries, her head shaking. So he continued, just a little faster, but pressing as deep in her as he could go, and tightening his grip on her hips so that, he hoped, it hurt her.

Her little sounds rose in pitch and stopped being little, and Emiko came, wailing and loud. Seamus thought he should really try for more, for her, but he had his own urgencies and his own orgasm was just seconds after hers. Time passed, or stopped, he wasn’t sure which.

The Ojastara Tales: The Landgrave 3

Ojastara followed the Landgrave into what turned out to be a pleasant pavilion, with a small fountain, many-coloured drapes and tapestries, some erotic in nature while others showed hunting scenes. A mosaic on the floor showed a human woman atop a unicorn. The unicorn lay on its back and the woman rode its phallus, riding crop in her right hand, showing every sign of enjoyment.

There were couches, love seats that swung from a frame, and indeed, as the Landgrave had promised, a bed. The Landgrave gestured at the bed. “Get on the bed. I want you on all fours, hands and knees. Your ass up. The position you assume to receive discipline and give pleasure.”

Ojastara turned to look at him. “But I’m sure you command this every time. And the women who are your subjects obey you. But I am not your subject, or anyone’s.”

She saw him looking angry at that, and she continued, “And you are generously offering to do all the work, while I am merely passive. There are pleasures in being passive. I enjoyed them while you spanked me. But here we are: no one is watching. Why not experience that pleasure for yourself?”

She stepped towards him, stroked his testes again and then made a ring of her thumb and forefinger, and ran it up his cock.

In response to her touch it went from semi-hard to full attention. She said, “Good cock,” as you might speak to a child, or a dog, and stroked at it more while he gasped.

The Landgrave trembled, overcome with sensation, and she pushed him slowly back towards the bed. When his calf muscles backed against the bed she blew suddenly, while also pressing her hand against his bollocks, and he toppled, onto his back, his erect penis now the highest part of his body.

Ojastara took the riding crop from his hand.  

Sinful Sunday: Castle Architecture















The castle is medieval; the computer is current; the woman is timeless. Three ages collide, and make something new and beautiful.

When curved granite and curved flesh are in the same image, of course it’s the human, and especially the erotic, that holds our attention. And thank fuck for that, say I.

The lovely Zoë s the model. 


In the Realm of the Sensei 1

(A thing from a Work in Progress. I should say that many of my stories start as autobiography, before having details changed to protect the depraved. But in this story, Seamus isn’t me. He’s a guy I used to know.) 

Then, naked except for her socks, Asuka walked carefully to the door to collect her sandals, and put them on, while he admired the movements of her cane-striped bottom. She shuffled to the kitchen and took a shovel and broom from the cupboard under the sink. 

Seamus sat and watched his well striped girl, pretending to read Sei Shonagon while she picked up the pieces of plate.At last she’d swept all the shards and dust onto the shovel and then the kitchen bin. When the kitchen was tidy again, if lacking in crockery, she stood and looked at him, questioning.

“That looks … acceptable. Oh, and bring me the peanut oil.”

Asuka looked puzzled, but she’d accepted that if she was being punished and if her man wanted to cover her in peanut oil, then that was what would be.

She lifted the little bottle from the cupboard, and came back to Seamus, holding the oil in both hands in front of her.

He took it from her gravely. “Now, Asuka, I’m not finished with you. Turn round and bend over again.”

“”Yes, sir.” She wiggled as much as she dared, once she had her back to him, since she was confident that he admired her ass. Then she bent over, and touched her toes as she’d been while he’d caned her.

“Good girl. Feet apart a little more, Asuka.” She shuffled obediently. But he smacked the inside of her right thigh and said, “Further.”

She obeyed, less puzzled. But she made an interrogative noise when he lubricated his forefinger and pressed against her little asshole. Then there was realization, and she said something like, “Whoo.” In wonder.

Seamus pressed his forefinger into her, to the first knuckle, then less slowly to the second. He twisted his finger inside her tight, clinging orifice, and then withdrew, to put more lubricant on his finger.

Asuka held herself very still. Her face, upside down between her knees, was wide-eyed, mouth open. He smiled at her, and smacked her left buttock, then her right, with his hand, and then lubricated two fingers.

The Ojastara Tales: The landgrave 2

Ojastara let the landgrave spank her, and rewarded him for it by sucking his cock. It was far from unpleasant. She liked the warmth, and the slight, good hurt, and the way it made the men who spanked her so much more animal, even slightly brutal . There was satisfaction in that. It5 was like having a hard surface to bounce off.

He reached his hand to the back of her head, tightened his grip on her hair, and thrust her forward to meet him as his cock thrust urgently, desperately in her mouth. At that moment they were both focussed on his pleasure, and her pleasure came from her awareness of and sympathy with his urgent need and its satisfaction.

She let him thrust his cock hard and deep into her mouth, sometimes having to will herself to relax when the glans of his penis touched the back of her throat,

She had some control over her gag reflex, but it was not complete control. She put her hand on the base of his cock, eventually, to stop him from going too deep, and used her other hand to stroke his blalls, now tight as if they were clenched.

But after a while he grunted, and slowed. Ojastara guessed he had reached his limit, of how far he could go without coming. And she was pleased that he didn’t want to come in her mouth.

She smiled, his cock still in her mouth, pulsing hard as his heartbeat. He put his hand on her brow, now, and pushed her back a little. He made a high-pitched sound, testifying to the will-power it took for him to put her further back so his cock escaped her mouth and pressed against her cheek.

Ojastara looked up at him and smiled, though she held his balls in her hand. It was insurance for his good behaviour. The Landgrave smiled down at her.

“You’re a dangerous woman and we both know it. But a treasure; we both know that as well. There’s a bed in the next room. If that appeals?”

Ojastara considered. The eve of venues made her less safe, and she had no evidence that he was a good man. But she trusted her instincts – and her skills and pack of attendant foxes. She released his tender, attractively vulnerable oval shells. If he misbehaved she could always use her knee, anyway. 

She said, “Sure, Landgrave, and I trust you. Lead the way.”