Better to have loved and lost

People say it’s better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all. I guess it’s true. 

And I know that it’s an honour that Lican should think I’m the person who should teach her new dom how to manage and guide her.

But there’s loss, too. It means Lican will never again fly a thousand miles to see the local sights, I suppose, but mainly to get her ass smacked and fucked. I know that Lican and I were never a real possibility. We live far too far apart. My Spanish and her English were never good enough to let us truly relax together, except when we were doing sex.

Still and all and all, I can be philosophical about it, but it’s loss. I seem to have lost a lot, just a bit too much, lately. That’s probably about enough self-pity, for today. And the thing from yesterday, about the excellence of sex and love: that’s still true. 


Happy Christmas, people. 

I’m taking a break from organising dinner for something like 14. It’s started to rain, so my original plan of having ewverybody on the front lawn isn’t going to work. The forecast – heavy rain – suggests that my back-up plan of putting the tables on the veraqndah isn’t going to work weither. So it’ll have to be inside. Which will take a bit of ingenuity. 

star wars pornAnyway, these aren’t real problems.

Good fortune and love to all readers, and I hope that you get good things that you want and good surprises that you never even thought of wanting, you wantons.

And that the Force, the police and the religiously enthusiastic all stay away from your front door. 

Work is over, if you want it

Sorry for blog inaction. I’ve just finished work for 2013. Paid work, anyway, unless some late contract comes in. (I do social and economic research and write things for money. This keyboard for hire! Very reasonable rates!)

Up until today I’ve been advising a corporation on how it can keep its essential services going in the event of a natural disaster, terrorist attack, etc. They’ll never read this blog, so I’ll just admit here and now that I’m no expert on any of that stuff. On the other hand, I said I wasn’t and they didn’t care. Well, they’ve got a few weeks to read the first draft. 

"If we go by the book, as Lt Saavik suggests, minutes will seem like hours."

“If we go by the book, as Lt Saavik suggests, minutes will seem like hours.”

I’m going to build something in the garden, and sit under trees, and do some other stuff that I won’t talk about for a while under the Five-Year Rule. Though the Five-Year Rule is like the Prime Directive. It’s applied intermittently when it feels right, and it’s never allowed to get in the way of a good story.

Anyway, I need to think about how to tell the story of the meeting between the bosses of the probation service and the cops. A lot happened there and if I just tell it topic by topic it’ll read like minutes, and minutes will seem like hours. So I’ll have to shape and select a bit. I should be ready tomorrow. 

Pub in Woolloomooloo

I’m in a pub in Woolloomooloo, in Sydney. In Australia. It’s probably a nineteenth century building, that’s been a working class pub, mainly for blokes, for most of the last hundred years. Now there’s a theatre attached and they’re doing King Lear tonight. So it’s a luvvies’ pub as well. I’ve worked on building sites and factories, but I’m more of a luvvie myself these days. Anyway, I came to see Lear.

pupsThere are puppies pissing on the carpet. That’s not going to harm the carpet much. I guess that from a puppy point of view the place already smells like a midden,  and so you should add you own specific aromas to the rich and complex brew the humans have built up over the generations. 

There are pretty girls, gaga-ing at the puppies. The pups are sitting up and begging.

They don’t want anything in particular but they like the attention, so they’re hind-legging with their front paws together.

I’ve been travelling and working. This is the first time I’ve been on-line, in my own time and on my own computer, in nearly a week. The Probation Officer story has got up to the confrontation I had to have eventually with the local cops, about Ana, and their dealings with her father. I tell that part of the story probably tomorrow or the next day. I’ll be on my way back home by then. 

In the air, flying home with a whip and a chair

There’ll be too many leaves in the pool, which’ll be the color of strong tea. The lawn will need mowing. Trees will need felling. I’ll need to build a bigger woodshed. I’ll have to do paid work. Quite a lot of it. 

Submissive women will need to be handled with a whip and chair. I haven’t written about my travels while I’ve been having them but I’ve seen tigers at a range where they could have eaten me, a bit, if they were annoyed by the truck I was on. Or the way I looked at them.

When I was young I saw a circus with animals in it. A man with a red jacket, jodphurs and whip (probably a role model, now I think about it), put his head in their mouths, then made then roll over to have their tummies tickled. Well, I can do that. Now. 

So I’m sneaking my new whip and chair past Customs.

Victorian lion and tiger tamer in a body stocking and skirt: felines, he’s got felines


In the air tonight

Me. I’m flying, then driving into the jungle. 

Elephants, tigers, monkeys. 

Super animals in my crack ...

Animal crackers. One of the best-known versions of “Animal crackers in my soup” was sung by Mae Questal, who was the voice of Betty Boop. 

The ruder version that I always think of, “Super animals in my crack”, is from Thomas Pynchon: Gravity’s Rainbow.

And in the film Animal Crackers the song doesn’t feature at all. But there’s a scene where Groucho the great explorer comes home and makes a speech about his travels. This speech features this line: “We took some pictures of the native girls, but they’re not developed … But we’re going back in a couple of months.” 

You couldn’t do that joke now. No-one knows that film used to develop. 

This post is kind of up in the air. 

So am I.