Falling off horses and bdsm 2

Farmers don’t knock old buildings down. If a farmer builds a new family home on top of the hill, then the old house near the road is used for travelling workers like shearing gangs and fruit pickers. It’ll stay there until the floor caves in and the roof sags, and the younger son starts cannibalising it for wood and corrugated iron.

shedSo on my uncle’s farm there was a newish shearing shed, and a little further off there was the skeleton structure of the old shed, which was so ancient there were no electrical fittings for the clippers. There were manual, non-powered clippers on the bench, with other antique equipment that was probably worth a fortune, even then.

And there was about half an upper floor, where there was a press like a giant vice, with handles for two men, that compressed the wool into bales. They stored the bales up on that platform until they were taken away for auction.

Greg and Samantha were off riding somewhere. I didn’t want to think about that. The climb to the upper floor looked dangerous. Good. I’d been disappointed in lust, and I didn’t care if I was dead. And so forth.

Anyway, up on that rickety platform there was half a bale of wool still left in the press, some fleeces, a pile of woolsacks and some hay bales, stored and forgotten. So I went over to the hay bales, and found that they concealed a sort of nest. For shirkers and lovers.

And, as it turned out, wankers, because when I climbed down into this hiding place I discovered, under a sack, a small but select pile of ancient magazines, some Playboys, a few issues from the original British run of Penthouse, and some issues of something called Mayfair, which I’d never seen or heard of before.

The Penthouses were so old that the models didn’t show their pink bits, and often had a carefully placed hand or prop to cover their nipples. They made up for that with a Penthouse Forum section that seemed more explicit than in the later, more gynaecological issues. (I have no idea what Penthouse is like now. I haven’t seen one, or a Playboy, in the last twenty-odd years.)

nude spank2So people claiming to be office girls wrote to Penthouse to share their experience with being spanked in the office, which they agreed to because the pay was good. Eventually, after some terrible mistake, they’d have to strip quite naked before going over the boss’s knee, and as the spanking wore on they’d have an intense, screaming orgasm. After which, as it did in Penthouse Forum letters, “one thing led to another”.

I read the best of those letters so often I memorised them. Then I moved on to the Mayfairs. It was more cheaply produced, and so the girls in the pictorials looked like girls next door who might take their clothes off because they fancied you, rather than looking like models. They were still pretty, and there was something endearing about their tiny imperfections.

The Mayfairs were twenty or thirty years old when I discovered them. The newer ones had only pictures, and headings like “Thirty tits-out, daks-down bathing babes – AND THEY’RE STARKERS!” So something had gone badly wrong with Mayfair. The older issues were more up-market, with fiction, and articles on serious topics, competing with Playboy.

There was a story in one of the older issues, called “The Inner Room”, or “The Saddle”, or something. It contained two sentences I still remember. The heroine and narrator, a devastatingly heartless and aristocratic submissive woman, puts on her gloves, and reflects ruefully about her unsatisfactory husband:

“But Henry never understood about gloves. He’ll give a swift beating followed by sex, but nothing kinky.

Falling off horses, and bdsm 1

I stayed on my uncle and aunt’s farm one Christmas vacation, when I was eleven. I learned a lot about falling off horses, and I learned two things about sex.

What I learned about falling off horses was that although you seem to be very far from the ground up there on horseback, hitting the ground doesn’t actually hurt that much. In fact it struck me as quite a bit less uncomfortable than staying aboard a trotting or galloping horse, at least until I learned to move with the horse and got used to the saddle.

The first thing I discovered about sex involved my horse-riding, spray-on jodhpur-wearing cousin Samantha, who was sullen, moon-faced in a pretty way, and thirteen. She was an older woman. Eleven year old boys mostly don’t go after thirteen year old girls, and I knew that it was unlikely that she’d see me as a serious sexual contender.

But lust drove me to try, and ignorance drove me to try by hanging around gazing at her, trying to find ways of being “helpful”, and being too tongue-tied to say anything amusing. So I dropped, in her esteem, from irrelevant to irritating to revolting. I told myself, once I understood that, that the age gap, in that direction, made the whole thing impossible.

That saved my pride until Greg, a boy from the nearest city, also turned up to stay. He was eleven too, but a couple of months younger than me. These things matter when you’re eleven. Anyway, he started going riding with Samantha, and I smirked to myself about how much his failure was going to embarrass him, because I’d be there to see it.

It was at this moment that my heart made a little "nk" sound.

It was at this moment that my heart made a little “nk” sound.

So I came in from swimming a couple of days later, and there was Greg, sitting on the old couch on the veranda, with Samantha curled up on his lap. They were kissing. I noted with the precision of jealousy that he didn’t have his hand under her shirt.

But I knew better than to hang any remnant of my pride or hopes on that. It was only a matter of time.

My heart and pride snapping was the quietest and least important sound in the world. I’d got too close to back out without being seen so I came up, pretended not to notice their position, and enthused about my swim. I was as cheerful as anyone might seem to be, under the circumstances. There was, after all, nowhere else for me to go.

But Greg was a terrible person. He was in trouble at school for bullying, and he used to beat up his younger brother. He crept around the neighbourhood after dark and peered in the windows of women living alone. He stole things and blamed others. I found it hard to believe that he was good to Samantha. I, on the other hand, was a reasonably good person. I was gentle with people smaller than me, though I stood my ground with bullies. I had a lot to learn about riding, but at least I’d been brave about falling off horses, and got on again. I liked helping people. So clearly, being good, gentle and brave, I deserved Samantha more than Greg.

So I learned that the desire and affection of girls is not something you get as a prize, by “deserving” it. I had more to learn than that, but it was a start.

The second thing I learned about sex will have to wait till the next post.

Governing the Gang Girl 2: Stair Landing to Heaven 13

This is episode 13 of a series that evolved and expanded to become that very erotic and engrossing ebook, Governing the Gang Girl 2: Stair Landing to Heaven.

In this episode, Charmie is helplessly waiting to be punished. But Jack spends some time, before beginning, emphasising to her just how helpless, and how obedient, she is being. Awareness of your own submission, Charmie learns, can lead to deeper submission. 


Unfortunately, I’ve had to remove the actual text, because this excellent and very sexy book is being submitted for sale through Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Apple Books, 24symbols, Angus and Robinson, tolino, Rakuten Kobo and Vivlio. Very soon there’ll be a page where you can choose your favoured book supplier. As soon as it’s up I’ll put the link here!

Governing the Gang Girl 2: Stair Landing to Heaven: what’s it about?

Troubled young Charmayanne Else is a former member of a neo-Nazi gang, who had come to her senses at least and left. She agrees to be interviewed by journalist  Jack Molay. They soon realize that despite their differences they’re attracted to each other. Soon after that they discover that Jack is a Dom and Charmayanne is submissive. And she has much to atone for.

They head for her bedroom, but stop on the stairs. Charmayanne begins her atonement, and their sexual games become steadily more intense. Until there is a sudden and surprising interruption…

A review:

“This is beautifully written erotica, incredibly hot, about people who feel like real, three-dimensional people. Some of the BDSM events are harsh, but the atmosphere is always loving. JJ Mortimer turns human details and erotic details into pure steamy sexiness. Reading it is like being there, on a wonderful sensual ride!” – Isadora Druse, reviewer.

Get your copy!

Charmayanne seems to be enjoying her transition into submission. But can she let herself surrender as deeply as she desires? To find out, get yourself a copy of Governing the Gang Girl 2: Stair Landing to Heaven!

A link will (soon) be here!

Governing the Gang Girl 2: Stair Landing to Heaven 12

This is episode 12 of a series that evolved and expanded to become that very erotic and engrossing ebook, Governing the Gang Girl 2: Stair Landing to Heaven.

In this episode, Charmie is about to be flogged, but she’s more concerned with condoms: does Jack have any? Jack says he does, though he’s not entirely sure. But they have the rest of that afternoon sorted out. 


Unfortunately, I’ve had to remove the actual text, because this excellent and very sexy book is being submitted for sale through Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Apple Books, 24symbols, Angus and Robinson, tolino, Rakuten Kobo and Vivlio. Very soon there’ll be a page where you can choose your favoured book supplier. As soon as it’s up I’ll put the link here!

Governing the Gang Girl 2: Stair Landing to Heaven: what’s it about?

Troubled young Charmayanne Else is a former member of a neo-Nazi gang, who had come to her senses at least and left. She agrees to be interviewed by journalist  Jack Molay. They soon realize that despite their differences they’re attracted to each other. Soon after that they discover that Jack is a Dom and Charmayanne is submissive. And she has much to atone for.

They head for her bedroom, but stop on the stairs. Charmayanne begins her atonement, and their sexual games become steadily more intense. Until there is a sudden and surprising interruption…

A review:

“This is beautifully written erotica, incredibly hot, about people who feel like real, three-dimensional people. Some of the BDSM events are harsh, but the atmosphere is always loving. JJ Mortimer turns human details and erotic details into pure steamy sexiness. Reading it is like being there, on a wonderful sensual ride!” – Isadora Druse, reviewer.

Get your copy!

Charmayanne seems to be enjoying her transition into submission. But can she let herself surrender as deeply as she desires? To find out, get yourself a copy of Governing the Gang Girl 2: Stair Landing to Heaven!

A link will (soon) be here!

Governing the Gang Girl 2: Stair Landing to Heaven 11

This is episode 11 of a series that evolved and expanded to become that very erotic and engrossing ebook, Governing the Gang Girl 2: Stair Landing to Heaven.

In this episode, Jack tells Charmie the position she’s going to assume, for her first flogging with the razor strop. It involves having her pet on the landing and her head on the first step up, with her hands behind her neck.

It’s a humbling position that emphasises her obedience. And it’s impossible for Charmie to get up from, or move, much. . She bushes, and waits.


Unfortunately, I’ve had to remove the actual text, because this excellent and very sexy book is being submitted for sale through Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Apple Books, 24symbols, Angus and Robinson, tolino, Rakuten Kobo and Vivlio. Very soon there’ll be a page where you can choose your favoured book supplier. As soon as it’s up I’ll put the link here!

Governing the Gang Girl 2: Stair Landing to Heaven: what’s it about?

Troubled young Charmayanne Else is a former member of a neo-Nazi gang, who had come to her senses at least and left. She agrees to be interviewed by journalist  Jack Molay. They soon realize that despite their differences they’re attracted to each other. Soon after that they discover that Jack is a Dom and Charmayanne is submissive. And she has much to atone for.

They head for her bedroom, but stop on the stairs. Charmayanne begins her atonement, and their sexual games become steadily more intense. Until there is a sudden and surprising interruption…

A review:

“This is beautifully written erotica, incredibly hot, about people who feel like real, three-dimensional people. Some of the BDSM events are harsh, but the atmosphere is always loving. JJ Mortimer turns human details and erotic details into pure steamy sexiness. Reading it is like being there, on a wonderful sensual ride!” – Isadora Druse, reviewer.

Get your copy!

Charmayanne seems to be enjoying her transition into submission. But can she let herself surrender as deeply as she desires? To find out, get yourself a copy of Governing the Gang Girl 2: Stair Landing to Heaven!

A link will (soon) be here!

Governing the Gang Girl 2: Stair Landing to Heaven 10

This is episode 10 of a series that evolved and expanded to become that very erotic and engrossing ebook, Governing the Gang Girl 2: Stair Landing to Heaven.

In this episode, Charmayanne reflects that it’s an odd world in which Jack can decide that she needs to be punished, and she will allow him to do so.

And she will find it exciting. But that’s the world she now lives in.


Unfortunately, I’ve had to remove the actual text, because this excellent and very sexy book is being submitted for sale through Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Apple Books, 24symbols, Angus and Robinson, tolino, Rakuten Kobo and Vivlio. Very soon there’ll be a page where you can choose your favoured book supplier. As soon as it’s up I’ll put the link here!

Governing the Gang Girl 2: Stair Landing to Heaven: what’s it about?

Troubled young Charmayanne Else is a former member of a neo-Nazi gang, who had come to her senses at least and left. She agrees to be interviewed by journalist  Jack Molay. They soon realize that despite their differences they’re attracted to each other. Soon after that they discover that Jack is a Dom and Charmayanne is submissive. And she has much to atone for.

They head for her bedroom, but stop on the stairs. Charmayanne begins her atonement, and their sexual games become steadily more intense. Until there is a sudden and surprising interruption…

A review:

“This is beautifully written erotica, incredibly hot, about people who feel like real, three-dimensional people. Some of the BDSM events are harsh, but the atmosphere is always loving. JJ Mortimer turns human details and erotic details into pure steamy sexiness. Reading it is like being there, on a wonderful sensual ride!” – Isadora Druse, reviewer.

Get your copy!

Charmayanne seems to be enjoying her transition into submission. But can she let herself surrender as deeply as she desires? To find out, get yourself a copy of Governing the Gang Girl 2: Stair Landing to Heaven!

A link will (soon) be here!

Governing the Gang Girl 2: Stair Landing to Heaven 9

This is episode 9 of a series that evolved and expanded to become that very erotic and engrossing ebook, Governing the Gang Girl 2: Stair Landing to Heaven.

In this episode, Charmie has been carrying her clothes in a bundle in front of her. Jack takes the bundle away. Charmie can’t help herself. That bundle had become a kind of defence, a security blanket, and she resists. She is horrified at herself; she knows she’ll be punished for that. Jack thinks so too. He smiles happily. Not reassuringly.


Unfortunately, I’ve had to remove the actual text, because this excellent and very sexy book is being submitted for sale through Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Apple Books, 24symbols, Angus and Robinson, tolino, Rakuten Kobo and Vivlio. Very soon there’ll be a page where you can choose your favoured book supplier. As soon as it’s up I’ll put the link here!

Governing the Gang Girl 2: Stair Landing to Heaven: what’s it about?

Troubled young Charmayanne Else is a former member of a neo-Nazi gang, who had come to her senses at least and left. She agrees to be interviewed by journalist  Jack Molay. They soon realize that despite their differences they’re attracted to each other. Soon after that they discover that Jack is a Dom and Charmayanne is submissive. And she has much to atone for.

They head for her bedroom, but stop on the stairs. Charmayanne begins her atonement, and their sexual games become steadily more intense. Until there is a sudden and surprising interruption…

A review:

“This is beautifully written erotica, incredibly hot, about people who feel like real, three-dimensional people. Some of the BDSM events are harsh, but the atmosphere is always loving. JJ Mortimer turns human details and erotic details into pure steamy sexiness. Reading it is like being there, on a wonderful sensual ride!” – Isadora Druse, reviewer.

Get your copy!

Charmayanne seems to be enjoying her transition into submission. But can she let herself surrender as deeply as she desires? To find out, get yourself a copy of Governing the Gang Girl 2: Stair Landing to Heaven!

A link will (soon) be here!

Governing the Gang Girl 2: Stair Landing to Heaven 8

This is episode 8 of a series that evolved and expanded to become that very erotic and engrossing ebook, Governing the Gang Girl 2: Stair Landing to Heaven.

In this episode, Charmayanne decides that submission, and the touch of the razor strop in Jack’s hand, seem to suit her well.

And she tells Jack that people who she’s about to fuck usually call her Charmie. So Charmie it is.


Unfortunately, I’ve had to remove the actual text, because this excellent and very sexy book is being submitted for sale through Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Apple Books, 24symbols, Angus and Robinson, tolino, Rakuten Kobo and Vivlio. Very soon there’ll be a page where you can choose your favoured book supplier. As soon as it’s up I’ll put the link here!

Governing the Gang Girl 2: Stair Landing to Heaven: what’s it about?

Troubled young Charmayanne Else is a former member of a neo-Nazi gang, who had come to her senses at least and left. She agrees to be interviewed by journalist  Jack Molay. They soon realize that despite their differences they’re attracted to each other. Soon after that they discover that Jack is a Dom and Charmayanne is submissive. And she has much to atone for.

They head for her bedroom, but stop on the stairs. Charmayanne begins her atonement, and their sexual games become steadily more intense. Until there is a sudden and surprising interruption…

A review:

“This is beautifully written erotica, incredibly hot, about people who feel like real, three-dimensional people. Some of the BDSM events are harsh, but the atmosphere is always loving. JJ Mortimer turns human details and erotic details into pure steamy sexiness. Reading it is like being there, on a wonderful sensual ride!” – Isadora Druse, reviewer.

Get your copy!

Charmayanne seems to be enjoying her transition into submission. But can she let herself surrender as deeply as she desires? To find out, get yourself a copy of Governing the Gang Girl 2: Stair Landing to Heaven!

A link will (soon) be here!


Governing the Gang Girl 2: Stair Landing to Heaven 7

This is episode 7 of a series that evolved and expanded to become that very erotic and engrossing ebook, Governing the Gang Girl 2: Stair Landing to Heaven.

In this episode, Charmayanne forgets, once too often, to call Jack “sir”. So it is definitely the razor strop first, for her. Before sexual consolation. That first stroke is hard, and she’s shocked by its impact. Then, as heat becomes warmth, she realises it’s not entirely unpleasant…


Unfortunately, I’ve had to remove the actual text, because this excellent and very sexy book is being submitted for sale through Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Apple Books, 24symbols, Angus and Robinson, tolino, Rakuten Kobo and Vivlio. Very soon there’ll be a page where you can choose your favoured book supplier. As soon as it’s up I’ll put the link here!

Governing the Gang Girl 2: Stair Landing to Heaven: what’s it about?

Troubled young Charmayanne Else is a former member of a neo-Nazi gang, who had come to her senses at least and left. She agrees to be interviewed by journalist  Jack Molay. They soon realize that despite their differences they’re attracted to each other. Soon after that they discover that Jack is a Dom and Charmayanne is submissive. And she has much to atone for.

They head for her bedroom, but stop on the stairs. Charmayanne begins her atonement, and their sexual games become steadily more intense. Until there is a sudden and surprising interruption…

A review:

“This is beautifully written erotica, incredibly hot, about people who feel like real, three-dimensional people. Some of the BDSM events are harsh, but the atmosphere is always loving. JJ Mortimer turns human details and erotic details into pure steamy sexiness. Reading it is like being there, on a wonderful sensual ride!” – Isadora Druse, reviewer.


Get your copy!

Charmayanne seems to be enjoying her transition into submission. But can she let herself surrender as deeply as she desires? To find out, get yourself a copy of Governing the Gang Girl 2: Stair Landing to Heaven!

A link will (soon) be here!

Governing the Gang Girl 2: Stair Landing to Heaven 6

This is episode 6 of a series that evolved and expanded to become that very erotic and engrossing ebook, Governing the Gang Girl 2: Stair Landing to Heaven.

In this episode, Jack takes the razor strop Charmayanne has been holding in her mouth for him. It’s a moment of truth. Charmayanne knows she’s going to be flogged, on that landing. But Jack is curious: would she like to be flogged first and then fucked, or the other way round?


Unfortunately, I’ve had to remove the actual text, because this excellent and very sexy book is being submitted for sale through Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Apple Books, 24symbols, Angus and Robinson, tolino, Rakuten Kobo and Vivlio. Very soon there’ll be a page where you can choose your favoured book supplier. As soon as it’s up I’ll put the link here!

Governing the Gang Girl 2: Stair Landing to Heaven: what’s it about?

Troubled young Charmayanne Else is a former member of a neo-Nazi gang, who had come to her senses at least and left. She agrees to be interviewed by journalist  Jack Molay. They soon realize that despite their differences they’re attracted to each other. Soon after that they discover that Jack is a Dom and Charmayanne is submissive. And she has much to atone for.

They head for her bedroom, but stop on the stairs. Charmayanne begins her atonement, and their sexual games become steadily more intense. Until there is a sudden and surprising interruption…

A review:

“This is beautifully written erotica, incredibly hot, about people who feel like real, three-dimensional people. Some of the BDSM events are harsh, but the atmosphere is always loving. JJ Mortimer turns human details and erotic details into pure steamy sexiness. Reading it is like being there, on a wonderful sensual ride!” – Isadora Druse, reviewer.

Get your copy!

Charmayanne seems to be enjoying her transition into submission. But can she let herself surrender as deeply as she desires? To find out, get yourself a copy of Governing the Gang Girl 2: Stair Landing to Heaven!

A link will (soon) be here!