Wicked Wednesday: Juniper’s Adventures 50

This is episode 12 of Jennifer’s Pleats and Pleas 4: Holding Hands Across the Desk.

In this episode, Jennifer bends, naked, over
Will’s desk. Maddie sits at Will’s chair to hold Jennifer from getting up, which would bring her extra punishment. The two women lock eyes, and Jennifer begins to guess that Maddie is Will’s lover and even slavegirl. ,

This is a-grade erotica in a traditional style and setting, but told by an author with an eye for the telling erotic detail. And character details. These are three-dimensional people. I loved it!” – V Sevigne, reviewer.


But I’ve had to cut the text, though. This is to be published and my publishers don’t want free competition from my site. I’ll shortly insert a link to where you can buy this fine and erotic book at your favourite e-book seller. 


6 thoughts on “Wicked Wednesday: Juniper’s Adventures 50

  1. Pingback: Sharing Our Shit Saturday #SOSS – Lascivious Lucy

  2. Pingback: Wicked Wednesday: Get up, stand up! | Jerusalem Mortimer: Between the Lines

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