The Share Our Shit concept, at least in relation to sex bloggers, was suggested by the wonderful Girl on the Net.
It’s a way of responding to the insidious ways we are being squeezed by various internet services. For example, Twirtter is quietly blocking some people’s posts without telling them. Patreon has introduced new and stifling rules for sex bloggers.
One thing we can do, though, is Share Our Shit. We can help ex other by sharing our audience and our exposure.
Each week (or possibly fortnight) I’m going to steer my readers in the direction of five good things written by other sex bloggers, that week. (Or maybe fortnight.)
That way they get exposure, and you might decide to follow them, or buy their products or their books.
The third S is SOSS stands for Saturday: Share Our Shit Saturday. This, to be honest, is not Saturday.
I’m slow. Still I have a habit of getting there in the end. So: here are my five recommended Sex Blog pieces this week!
1 Cara Sutra sings the praises (and considers the relationship benefits) of Selfish Sex!
2 Marie Rebelle writes about reading sex blogs (or looking at the pictures), in circumstances that would certainly suit me…
3 Cousin Pons writes an oddly moving story about anonymous commercial sex
4 May More begins a hot new story
5 Scanderella writes about the sexual tension of visiting an ex-lover…
Great choices! Better late than…
Indie (who is currently not sleeping in Twitters bed, because she’s been sent to the naughty corner for flashing her teenage tits).
Many thanks for the mention I really had fun pretending to be a guy in my story – next part out tomorrow or sat