With the razor strop, in the library. Beautiful girl, who had done no wrong. But she and I are happy. For once I’m going to let this image (mostly) speak for itself.
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With the razor strop, in the library. Beautiful girl, who had done no wrong. But she and I are happy. For once I’m going to let this image (mostly) speak for itself.
Click this link –> for more Sinful Sunday pics!
What a lovely glowing bottom! I can almost feel the heat from here!
It was very hot. In every sense.
I can’t take credit for the lovely bottom, except for the terrible state it’s in.
But I like the photo.
Thank you!
I love how lush the colors are in this photo. Very pretty apple red bottom!
Thank you! As always, 99% of the credit goes to the lovely model.
That old razor strop (some of whose previous adventures are told in the Raylene saga – “humiliation of an ex-nazi submissive”) gets most of the remaining 1%. It does leave lovely glowing marks.
Lovely marks!
Rebel xox
And gorgeous ass, n’est pas?
As for the photographer, well, I did my best. But there was a sense in which this couldn’t help but turn out to be a beautiful pic.
And thank you!
Wow!! Xxx
Absolutely wow! I’m only sorry this pic doesn’t show more of the library, but I was distracted. Xxx to you!
Oh such lovely red blushes!!!
And those panty marks! Spanked with . . . or without???
Xxx – K
Oh, spanked without. Though I do like the knicker lines on her skin.
But the next time we’re together they won’t be there. I don’t think I’m going to let the model wear knickers. Not within, oh, eight hours of a photo shoot. Then I’ll make sure there’s a photo session every eight hours. Cunning!
But those blushes are so beautiful!
Thank you!
Ohhh so lovely. I do like a red blushing bottom on me and on others
Thank you! I loved making the reddening happen, not only for photographic reasons. Even though the model had been an angelic girl who’d done no wrong at all.
Or maybe I loved it especially because she’d been so good. There’s no justice, sometimes. But there is beauty!
Hot, simple as that.
“In the library with the razor strop.” Has anyone made a kinky version of Clue yet?
The temperature and some of the colors of Vesuvius.
And you’re right, that bit about the implement and the library was a reference to Clue, aka Cluedo, depending where in the world you are.
Obviously the beautiful young woman bent over the armchair is Miss Scarlett.
She used to be Miss Pale and Interesting.
Until she encountered Colonel Mustard. With his riding boots, assorted bits of leather, and his camera.
And I confess, I am that military cad, and I did it. But no jury would convict.
Oh I do love a glowing bottom, so inviting!
Sexy and somehow both cheerful and darkly intense. Thank you!
What a beautifully pink bottom!!
Beautifully pink, and beautiful and pink. Thank you!