I’m going to get back to my schoolgirl spanking story, the Jennifer and Maddie saga, soon.

This is a plan, or map, of the island to the south of the Australian mainland. For some reason you only have to say “map of Tasmania” to make Australians laugh.
I also intend to publish it in a series of e-books. Probably in slices of about 40 pages at a time, since that seems to be around standard for erotic e-books.
Which means I have to find a couple of women ready to be cover models. Pleated skirts and side-boob. No twats. Will be paid. Interested? Contact me!
I have to finish my non-bdsm novel, which I’d hoped to have done by the end of August, but I got held up by paid work coming in. That takes precedence.
I have to tidy up a novel I’ve had provisionally accepted by a publisher. Because of fuck-ups in version control it needs one last go-through to lose the typos, repetition and inconsistencies. I want to save their copy-editor some work.
I’ve also got to tidy up another non-erotic novel, which has a few problems that can be fairly easily repaired.
It really should be on the market, so I’ll take the time to make it at its best and most saleable self. That should take about five day’s work.
Then I get back to the novel I was supposed to have finished by the end of August.
And I need to do some paid work soon. The bank account is starting to look a little sad.
And that will keep me busy enough for a while.