Bedroom Eyes 1


1`. This continues the Night Vision saga, with a new title since our cast is inside, now.

2. This actually fits the prompt, because it’s something that happened about nine years ago. I’ve changed names to protect the wonderful, and changed a few other details. But this was a peak experience, from within the last ten years.

Bedroom Eyes1

I opened the back door and stood back as if I were a polite man, so that Stephanie could lead the way, prowling on her hands and knees. It wasn’t politeness, of course. I just wanted to watch her ass.

I said, because there are times a dom can’t help himself, and for me just saying it comes with an incredibly powerful wave of affection and lust, “Good girl, Stephanie.”

She looked at me, I guess wondering whether I was in any position to decide whether she was good or not. A naked Stephanie is very obviously a girl, and she couldn’t have had any doubt that I could judge that part of it. Only her “goodness” was in question.

Then she looked back down at the carpet, so there she’d decided not to challenge my judgment, or my right to be so ridiculously patronising. She’d decided that she’d play along and do as I said. So she was a good girl. I reached down and stroked her face, then put my fingers where she could kiss them. She did. I said, “Good girl,” again. 

Where we were, just inside the back door, there was no one around. I reached my hand back from her mouth and smacked her arse, hard. I said, “Mush!”

Stephanie skittered a little, like a pony might, then began to crawl towards the main corridor. We could hear people there. Her arrival in that corridor was going to be noticed. She knew she was a hot girl even with her clothes on, and so she knew that my male guests in particular were going to notice her.

I said, “You know the way to my room. Go.” And I smacked her again. This time she accepted it with no skittering or protest, and began to crawl, half prowling and half shuffling, to the door of my room. I had a thought. “Keep your head down, girl.” I smacked her again. I was too happy not to. 

There were about a dozen people in the corridor, one couple kissing, and two groups of five. They looked at Stephanie first, and then at me. They’d seen me do weird stuff before. Most of them didn’t know about me and bdsm, so I guess they just took it as theatre.

I said, “Second door on the left, Maureen.” (I called her Maureen because it wasn’t her name. Most people are terrible witnesses, and most of the guys, and the women for that matter, were looking at the naked, crawling girl’s body, not her face. So using the name “Maureen” might give Stephanie a kind of privacy. There’d probably be gossip about this, but it would involve a Maureen.)

I noticed that her face was now red as I’ve ever seen anyone’s. This was exhibitionism on a grand scale, and mildly humiliating. It seemed that she liked those two things very much. 

But she shuffled quickly forward to my doorway, and made the left turn inside. There were four idiots (I say this affectionately) standing in my room wasting good party time by standing around and talking about Gramsci. They saw me, with a naked girl at my feet, and took the hint. There was a couple on my bed talking. I’d hoped they’d get together, and they clearly had. Unfortunately, they’d have to consummate somewhere else.

I said, “I’m sorry to chuck you out. But I need the room. Sorry, John, sorry, Lena.” But they broke up, Lena laughing at me because she knew about me and bdsm. They left, arm in arm. I shut the door behind them, and pushed Stephanie’s scarlet face down to the carpet.

“Keep your ass high, Stephanie. Knees apart. Spread your arms out so your upper body is on the carpet.”

Stephanie made a little moaning noise, that wasn’t a protest, and obeyed. She looked spectacularly, nakedly and rudely offered. Sexually offered.

She said, “Am I still good?” so I smacked her again. She waited, watching me from the floor while I undressed. She was smiling. 

I took a condom from my wallet. I put it on. Then I knelt behind her and put my hands on her hips. “Carpet burns, darling. You’re about to get serious carpet burns.” 

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